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File: 5643eae57ab7822⋯.jpg (23.24 KB, 474x316, 3:2, merkel.jpg)

232c8e  No.232731

Claim "Its needed for the economy or else we will become a hermit kingdom". Endorsed by Sydney university: https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2021/05/14/australians-support-managed-reopening-of-borders.html

"Tim Soup" and CEO "Mark Rigotti" are some of the main people involved in pushing for this, as well as a weird and vague thing called "Sydney policy lab"

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232c8e  No.232732

Other links



Quotes from Rigotti himself:

“We stay sealed off hermetically from the rest of the world, relatively COVID-free, but missing out on all the things that reengagement with the world brings,” he said.

“You know, a diverse society, a better economy, immigration, the ability to reconnect with family and friends in different places.

“I think now is the time to think about how we win the peace and not just be comfortable and smug so far.

“You only remember who wins the race at the end, not who led at the start”.

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5dc337  No.232736

Australia is a shithole whether or not you import shitskins

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e71834  No.232737

File: 113b62a9e5ba848⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 704x396, 16:9, white_australia.jpg)


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ced31d  No.232738


Do you really want Australia to become what would essentially be a white North Korea and be cut off from the rest of the world?

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e71834  No.232739

File: 8d7d0b35c95e483⋯.png (286.55 KB, 638x620, 319:310, austrailia_WTF.png)


I would like all European lands cut off from the rest of the world.

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eed153  No.232772


>It is good for the economy

Jewish lingo for ruining the economy and trafficking shitskin slaves.

Kill your authorities and overthrow your government.

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58bc26  No.232812


^ Hes right. Start purging jews and youll find that 99% of society's problems resolve themself like magic. Pretty much the same situation you have with covid and just turning off the news/social media. Like magic.

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c4414f  No.232862


Me too. We are plenty diverse without the worthless brown people.

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c4414f  No.232863


This is the only solution.

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