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8f2efa  No.232668

this is how

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8f2efa  No.232671

it didn't take much to fool old One-Nut Adolf

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8f2efa  No.232672

There would've been a lot of research into the correlation between pathetic failure and being born with only one testicle…..

but it's such a creepy weird rare birth defect, that there aren't any test subjects…..

Just One-Nut Adolf……

the man with the tiny dick


he's the only example, so obviously there is a 100% correlation between having one testicle and being a pathetic life failure.

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8f2efa  No.232674

but I'm curious ifbeing born with one but & half a penishas any correlation with being a gullible, easy manipulated dipshit.

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8f2efa  No.232675

but I'm curious ifbeing born with ONE NUT* & Half a Penishas any correlation with being a gullible, easy manipulated dipshit.

the type of idiot who'd fall for the "inflatable tank" trick……

like One-Nut Adolf

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8f2efa  No.232679

I'm sure as his manic depression began to manifest in his late teens, Hitler must have grown angrier and angrier and angrier about his tiny little half a penis…. Being born with only one testicle… And then there's the "being short" thing….

Those factors must have played a role in his temper tantrums and emotional instability

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8f2efa  No.232680

But I'm curious if having half a penis and one testicle played a role in him being so stupid that he fell for the old inflatable tank routine

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