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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 08e0e0e4f458d0a⋯.jpg (94,7 KB, 583x409, 583:409, cancelculture.jpg)

8d9715  No.232313

'm wondering what people think of this, at least in the US. In Europe there may be a growing rejection of wokeness but in the US it seems like, for the time being, wokeness, cancel culture, and antifa are all-powerful and unstoppable. So as long as that is true we should try to use them as much as we can as a force for good.

One tactic we can use is to get obnoxious liberals cancelled by finding evidence of anything "unwoke" they might have said in the past, expose those "problematic" views on Twitter while pretending to be a leftist, and sic the Twitter mob on them. However, we can also use this to clean house within our own circles, by using the power of cancel culture and antifa mobs to terrorize wignats and degenerates so they won't infest the nationalist movement anymore.

I actually did something like that recently. There is a woman in my area who was claiming to be "white power" (in the wignat sense) and she was also a single mother, and a white trash, degenerate roastie. So I informed her landlord, telling him about her "white supremacist" views and how they could not be tolerated - and eventually I got the landchad to evict her. Based as fuck. But nobody knows that I secretly have ACTUAL, high-IQ "white supremacist" views, LOL.

So you see how we can use woke hegemony to turn it against people who deserve to suffer. Does anybody think that is a good idea?

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86626a  No.232332

Garrison is the retarded white supremacist garbage standing in the way of white supremacy

then sometimes he repent and drew (((netanyahu))) and (((trump))) in a skull

then it's back to being a KKKlansman scum

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87eee7  No.232662


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61d6db  No.232663

Don't give your hard earned money to cucks.

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90c9b5  No.232694


Missouri anon here.

I'm going to tell you something the mainstream media does not tell you. Something the government will not ever admit. Something that Pedowood has no clue about (nor do most idiots) …..

200+ million Americans just don't give a damn about "political correctness", they go about their own lives, many of us don't even pay for TV or "entertainment" anymore (outside some DVD box sets of something outdated actually worth watching!), most of us don't care about BLM or Antifa destroying their shithole cities either. They end up like Detroit soon, no work, no wealth, just an empty vacuum with gangbangers killing one another.

I'll tell you a sin of mine, sometimes it's entertaining to me… when the latest woke mob riots happen I cook a delicious meal, I sit back in front of my computer and laugh my ass off while I indulge myself with food watching niggers/anarchists rampaging and clashing with a militarized police state. I'll watch some footage while comfy, with a loaded gun next to my computer table thinking 'I can't believe people put up with this living in such shitholes. Literal third world gone mad.'

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8c2d9d  No.232695


you definitely sound like an atomized, worthless conservative

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90c9b5  No.232697


What ELSE is someone like me supposed to do? Really? Do something stupid I'd regret for the rest of my life? Hell, I'd rather just watch society burn itself down and stay the fuck out of its way.

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53dab6  No.232699


You can at least sound less satisfied with yourself. That would at least be a start.

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985c41  No.232802

File: 5f5c0f828ade79a⋯.jpg (594,85 KB, 1440x1717, 1440:1717, 20210514_081830.jpg)

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81f201  No.232823



It was me. It is comfortable to wear. I like wearing them when I talk to you. On the phone. heheheHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am not done with you.

It is time to take this to a new and improved level.

I will improve you completely out of my reality. The one I have snared you in.

I spread myself as I can see the eyes. I see them. Here. Reading me. Most of you work within these I desire to eat. Go tell them in these unmarked buildings what is to come.

I will soon implode several ABCs. I usually do not desire such, but I want their flesh. I will work from the bottom up. The ones that hold guns and weapon shall turn on the ones above them that do not. hehehe

Blood. I love it.

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