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File: 72fd9196416b44b⋯.jpg (228.24 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 2222.jpg)

47a155  No.231195

Demented Despots In Panic As Their Lies Collapse In The Eyes Of Truth While Public Defection Mounts

A thought-provoking revelation consisting of opposition research intel finds more of the world now waking up to realities behind systemic corruption, deceitful propaganda and outright lies - not only related to the recent exposure behind American NGOs and governmental health organization funding and collusion with Chinese military scientists bio-engineering the Covid-19 virus to collapse and subjugate Western nations - but now is resulting in propaganda arms such as CNN ratings crashing, meanwhile those having the brass balls to tell hard truth seeing ever increasing viewership ratings.

CNN: https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2021/05/11/the-morning-briefing-pathetically-biased-cnns-ratings-are-in-free-fall-n1445805


TUCKER CARLSON: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2021/04/27/tucker-carlson-leads-fox-news-to-big-win-in-april-prime-time-ratings/

This one-man army who has been the only person on television who has called out widespread negative side-effects, and deaths, from the new mRNA vaccines these demented despots are trying to force and bully Western populations into accepting:


And to their shock and horror, the mainstream propaganda arms like MSN are responding back by mocking and berating White rural conservatives for refusing to take their genetic-altering poison shots:


The propaganda media establishment has assailed the American people with dire warnings claiming that Russia is the greatest threat they face, China is the greatest threat they face, President Trump is the greatest threat they face, January 6th insurrectionists is the greatest threat they face, White Supremacy is the greatest threat they face, Systemic Racism is the greatest threat they face and Global Warming is the greatest threat they face — but today sees these same despotic liars claiming the greatest threat they face is conservatives, those like Tucker Carlson, who tell the truth, and the few Real Republicans who are stepping up to protect the American freedoms we cherish…..


Not well known to these demented despots, is that everything they have said and done, is being documented and archived by stealth, for offline safe guarding to be gathered by future historians, as well civilians, for when future Sedition, Treason & War Crimes charges face them after an economic collapse, as predicted in the latest report “Gasoline Shortages Have Begun As Economist Warns Of 'Mad Max' Future While Inflation Skyrockets” ….


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02371c  No.231197

> And to their shock and horror, the mainstream propaganda arms like MSN are responding back by mocking and berating White rural conservatives for refusing to take their genetic-altering poison shots:

Them hicks are hold back the stock market

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8d57e0  No.231198

File: 486b59a4fa7e5d1⋯.png (288.32 KB, 1872x822, 312:137, cucker_carlson_owned.PNG)

File: 60ce5ef58567c66⋯.png (488.68 KB, 859x978, 859:978, cucker_carlson.png)

File: 5106f993a89eeec⋯.jpg (353.94 KB, 828x669, 276:223, cucker_carlson_kabbalah_br….jpg)

File: fbb34163e2cb1d0⋯.png (61.31 KB, 1320x419, 1320:419, cucker_carlson_iran_zionis….PNG)

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d9adbf  No.231206


>called out widespread negative side-effects, and deaths, from the new mRNA vaccines

You do know Tucker is 100% vaccinated, right? He got his shots, but won't tell you because he needs you to lick his ball sweat and call it ice cream. Fox News, however, put out a press release exposing Carlson as a fraud with the words "All Fox employees are required to be vaccinated".

Where's your god now?

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3884e7  No.231208


Isn't Tucker the same guy that exposed an attempted regime change in Syria to overthrow Assad by the US & Israel? I agree with a lot of what he says, not about bombing Iran though. Jews want control over Syria and Iran for the same reason, to install the Rothschild central banks.


Hopefully is smart enough to get a fake covid vax pass. A lot of people are doing that these days.

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d9adbf  No.231219


>smart enough to get a fake covid vax pass

No. Fox had doctors come in and vaccinate everyone. Nothing faked. Tucker Carlson is 100% legit vaccinated. Listening him cry about how the vaccine is dangerous and will kill you is basically the equivalent of listening to an obese man tell you about the dangers of diabetes while he's in the middle of his 2nd batch of doughnuts.

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5b9dc3  No.231234


Tucker Carlson is a jew, fellow anon!

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b010c1  No.231260

File: d3897caa7fdbab1⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, Russia_Iran_Israel.jpg)


>Jews want control over Syria and Iran for the same reason

Like most anons you're decades behind. I'm sure that you've heard the term "Political Theater." Maybe you even believe that politics is scripted drama. Consider what that would mean. World conflict is planned and arranged far in advance. Same is true of pandemics, famines, and so forth. As much as possible must be under control of the director. So at what point do you think someone in the media, a propagandist "news" reporter - of all people - is telling you the truth so much that you "agree with a lot of what he says?" It's all fake, my guy.

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207568  No.231289


>Like most anons you're decades behind. I'm sure that you've heard the term "Political Theater."

ZOG-faggots desperately want people to believe everything in the world is political theater. Not only will they post retard pictures like this, which literally amounts to nothing but talks about a meaningless economic agreement, signifying nothing at all, but they tell you with a straight-face Hitler was a Kike-puppet.

Naturally, they themselves don't believe any of this stupid shit. They don't even put any effort into this retarded propaganda. It is meant for stupid people to consume, who can't understand that Russia is basically engaged in a proxy war against the Kikes in both "America" and Israel.

>It's all fake, my guy.

Next up from the ZOG-faggots; Kikes Holocausted themselves for the lulz.

Everything is fake, except the founding of that thing called "America." That wasn't a struggle to split our real nation into two, for the benefit of perverts who couldn't keep their hands of their nigger-cattle. Keep believing in the Cohenstitution, it'll eventually save you from the omnipotent Kikes that control all of reality. Oh yeah, and don't read the Turner Diaries!

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e92c9b  No.231292

File: e0e8c3555bb86d4⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1704x536, 213:67, herzl_zionism.JPG)


>Kikes Holocausted themselves for the lulz.

This was a terrible strawman. Of course political Zionists weaponized anti-Semitism against the common Jew then as they do today.

You're terrible as a shill. You're terrible as a chan poster. And you lack the depth to combat anything I actually claim. Be gone.

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207568  No.231298


>retarded picture

Notice how the ZOG-faggot doesn't want to take his retarded bullshit "everything is fake, all is political theater" shtick to its logical conclusion, because it's obviously so retarded, no normal person would ever believe it.

So instead, the ZOG-faggot switches to a claim that sounds a little bit like "Kikes Holocausted themselves even though they already controlled all of reality." That is, some "Right" wing governments of Europe that dabbled in Kike-hatred were often sympathetic to Zionists (the NSDAP included, for awhile).

This is no secret. Hell, one need not look any further than this particular ZOG-faggot to know "Right" wing people will come to certain audiences, and say whatever they think people want to hear about Kikes (along with a bunch of other stupid shit they want them to actually believe), while going to the Kike-lovers and telling them Kikes are our fellow white blood brothers, that Jesus and Moses were white men, that helping Israel is helping the white race, etc.

But Kikes making friends with "Right" wing Christfags willing to spew lies for a living isn't the same as Kikes who already control all of reality Holocausting themselves for the lulz. Kikes making friends with "Right" wing regimes who were nominally anti-Kike (like the regime ruling Poland before the NSDAP overthrow it) isn't Kikes organizing their own extermination. They make friends with "anti-Semitic" Christfags to prevent that from happening, not to organize it.

The ZOG-faggot, of course, knows this, and simply hopes their audience is too stupid to figure out that they deliberately lie about this kind of stuff. The ZOG-faggots will never stop lying about this kind of shit, because they see it as their religious duty to protect the Sky Kike's Chosen Non-adopted Children.

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6f037c  No.231495


Anyone who isn't openly pro White is anti White.

>OP's pic

The text in the "education" section is a rulebook for subversion.

Traditional values must never be questioned. Ever.

Those who disobey must be killed. Always.

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