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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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8c6a68  No.230467

Colombia is currently being attacked by the globohomo.

Thousands of undesirables are marching on the streets, destroying our business, burning public property, killing and robing the scarce hard working people that barely manage to keep this country from collapsing.

The reason? There is none, the first justification was a reform over taxes with little support in the congress, as expected has been called off but they are nowhere near stopping. Now they have new justifications and bullshit, and their final objective is to put the socialist candidate into power.

We aren't going to lay around while these subhumans turn our nation into Venezuela, i humbly ask for the support of the /pol/tards so we can make a list of every single one of the savages inciting violence, to show them whats what we do around here about the communist scum.

>why should i care about a third world shithole?

If you don't mind the immigrant waves of colombians fleeing from socialism to your countries, thats okay, this is none of your business. This posts is specially aimed at Colombians and other latinos lurking around here who aren't willing to let the globohomo increase its influence in the continent. Every help is welcome. Our situation is desperate.

(UXcZKCx) discord shit to kill communist

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daa599  No.230496


Kill the jews in your country.

Kill all bankers in your country.

Kill their families, friends, allies, supporters and anyone who even dares to speak good things about any of them.

THEN you go kill the leftards.

That is the only solution. Fail to do it, and your country will turn into a leftard shithole.

Don't be a low-T coward like the Americans, who only "muh prepare" for a war that they will never fight.

Go on a killing spree. Or organize armed militias to hunt down and kill all jews and all leftards in your country.

Violence IS always the solution to all problems.

You kill those causing the problems, and the problems and their ideas die with them.

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17f660  No.230505



who can't fight

who has NEVER been in a fist fight

who isn't sexually attracted to females

who comes HERE to "act like a tough guy"

and "impress the othertwolosers in here*

because he LIKES MEN

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17f660  No.230506


tsk tsk tsk

any 14 year old could BEAT YOUR ASS

because you can't fight…………………………. .


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17f660  No.230507



nobody cares

your people are subprimates

the sooner you all die, the more oxygen there will be for the actual HUMANS

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17f660  No.230508


there's a reason why your repugnant people were born in the TOILET OF THE UNIVERSE

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17f660  No.230509

Columbia needs us ?…….

The rest of the world has no purpose for Colombia

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17f660  No.230511



yet another mind-numbingly lonely empty Saturday Night

It's not delivery………….

It's DiGiorno

And it's not a heterosexual


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3418af  No.230532


Why won't people with low iq and brown skin fuck off?

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58d8bc  No.230912


>turn our nation into Venezuela

"Colombia" isn't a nation at all. The line separating "Colombia" and "Venezuela" is an imaginary line, separating a single Spanish-speak nation of mestizos.

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58d8bc  No.230914




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0e40cc  No.230915


First you ask for help in building a list of Communists. Then you end your post suggesting that we kill Communists. I'm led to believe you are a Communist trying to entrap a good-natured anon into saying something incriminating and then reporting him.

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a7d54c  No.230924



sounds an awful lot like deplorables.


what makes you think you will got away with attacking incels and others online on 8kun?

everytime a christian or zioshit does this i view it badly

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7eb7f1  No.230926


Its literally this.


And get off discord you fucking tranny. I almost believed you.

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