1)Get real. Nobody's going to starve there. If they get hungry, they can go into town and pick up some Wendy's or something. It's not 1846 and their location is not all that remote. If they do get snowed in and somehow start running low on food, the government or the NGOs will move heaven and earth to save them. It'll be a retarded outrage-of-the-week for the talking heads on the idiot box to argue about for one news cycle.
2) Nobody gives a damn that they're squatting on government land. If "white supreeeemists" did that, it would be a different story, but the government will be perfectly happy to let these people do what they like on land that nobody really cares about or uses for anything anyway.
3) Honestly, good for them for trying to build something for themselves. Yes, they're incompetent retards, and yes they're begging for cash, but even a retarded homestead is going to require lots of real work and they will develop lots of real skills. They want to live separately from Whites? Good, I want to live separately from them. If only the rest of the "Black and Brown colonized peoples" would do the same…