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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 77cec87dfdb0ade⋯.png (629.31 KB, 739x782, 739:782, BLM_liberation_city_rich_s….png)

File: b0cc58f35fbada5⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 617x606, 617:606, BLM_already_begging.jpg)

File: 124892c33bfd919⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 619x568, 619:568, twitter_BLM_LARP_civilizat….jpg)

File: d41c796b1fe5ca1⋯.jpg (19.11 KB, 630x416, 315:208, leader_of_twitter_BLM_larp….jpg)

File: e2e75c62249d6c5⋯.jpg (126.26 KB, 1425x648, 475:216, twitter_BLM_LARP_civilizat….jpg)

290454  No.230018

Black Hammer City - 200 Acres 10k feet elevation 'confiscated from BLM'


>Now GIBS us moneys…

"Donate, donate, donate, donate…"

Oh My Gazi!: Puppets in brownface! Kopmala has now ‘declared’ that amerikka isn’t racist.

When the left takes a new step into 'crazy'


'Rich soil'…ummmhmmm

They have raised 64k which will probably be stolen to buy a house in a White neighborhood soon by the joker who is leading them.

It is all fun and games until they need to eat each other to survive.

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290454  No.230022

File: 87e46be2bc8a1d7⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 626x370, 313:185, twitter_BLM_LARP_civilizat….jpg)

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691b5c  No.230030

File: b5673d0564c41a5⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 632x479, 632:479, cactuscat.jpg)

1)Get real. Nobody's going to starve there. If they get hungry, they can go into town and pick up some Wendy's or something. It's not 1846 and their location is not all that remote. If they do get snowed in and somehow start running low on food, the government or the NGOs will move heaven and earth to save them. It'll be a retarded outrage-of-the-week for the talking heads on the idiot box to argue about for one news cycle.

2) Nobody gives a damn that they're squatting on government land. If "white supreeeemists" did that, it would be a different story, but the government will be perfectly happy to let these people do what they like on land that nobody really cares about or uses for anything anyway.

3) Honestly, good for them for trying to build something for themselves. Yes, they're incompetent retards, and yes they're begging for cash, but even a retarded homestead is going to require lots of real work and they will develop lots of real skills. They want to live separately from Whites? Good, I want to live separately from them. If only the rest of the "Black and Brown colonized peoples" would do the same…

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290454  No.230110

File: 67c96e905ee232c⋯.jpg (254.85 KB, 750x500, 3:2, haitian_ghetto_black_girl_….jpg)

File: d9e47b951365375⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 450x300, 3:2, clean_india_ghetto.jpg)

File: 8cfa5a0955ef427⋯.jpg (200.41 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, brazilian_slum_ghetto_kids….jpg)

File: e6010f17fb484ec⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 467x315, 467:315, slum_mumbia_2_ghetto.jpg)


>niggers should be allowed to make violent criminal lawless cesspits on public land anon.

Ok, lets see where lawlessness takes them. I guess that is just one more way for European people to figure out that the nigger and other brown people are totally worthless.

>niggers should be allowed to scam their own people

Yep, I actually agree with this one…


I don't believe that I am required to tolerate rampant criminality at the 'jews' behest in my nation.

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691b5c  No.230262


>I don't believe that I am required to tolerate rampant criminality at the 'jews' behest in my nation.

Well, that's great, but you are required to tolerate it. They've got the police, the courts, and the press on their side. Oppose them openly, and they will grind you into powder.

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4e2352  No.230263


They just saw BLM and went for it.

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290454  No.230265


>Oppose them openly, and they will grind you into powder.

Yes, I might be the first dead, if God wills it. I am not afraid of that.

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5b6959  No.230273

>rich soil

>literally the worst possible soil

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5b6959  No.230278

I wonder how long those niggers will be able to not rape the sole woman whose with them. A month, tops. Likely already happened.

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290454  No.230284

File: aaac5e47c4e1ff8⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 379x278, 379:278, Katrina_NewOrleansSuperdom….jpg)

File: ab88e7d527a152a⋯.jpg (180.55 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, superdome_crime.jpg)

File: 0c44ae3b7c216b1⋯.jpg (185.73 KB, 572x1456, 11:28, infant_rape_article_south_….jpg)

File: 1edf981c50e4587⋯.png (425.43 KB, 566x426, 283:213, wherever_I_am_I_must_also_….PNG)

File: a01f779bd703638⋯.jpg (179.62 KB, 648x716, 162:179, somalian_asylum_rape_disab….jpg)


A month? They couldn't even manage not to start raping people for 1 day in the Superdome.

She has almost 100% guaranteed been 'culturally enriched' at this point.

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