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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 154655333d0abe7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1100x618, 550:309, 8465146_orig.png)

3df401  No.229522

In December of 2020, The Jerusalem Post wrote an article raving about Dana Helm, a Jewish woman who had become head of Disney television studios. The Jerusalem Post clearly hailed this as a triumph for women, given that they wrote that Dana managed to triumph in a male-dominated industry.

This past month, Ms. Helm admitted that Disney is now passing on well-written scripts because they do not fulfill diversity quotas, specifically, they do not want leads in their stories that are white.


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65def7  No.229548


We don't consume jewish media.

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150831  No.229563


>“That’s not going to get on the air anymore because that’s not what our audience wants. That’s not a reflection of our audience, and I feel good about the direction we’re moving.”

We know what you want goy, we say what's best for you.


The denizens of this war torn hellscape certainly do not, alas Disney is still very popular with white families. Even if their kids watch one or two shows, the family will still pay $10/month to subscribe to the Disney network. This is a similar situation to cable, where families who subscribed to a basic package would end up receiving garbage like BET bundled with their subscription. With vast subscription revenues to cover the losses that would be incurred by underperforming content, the kikes have a lot of free rein to broadcast agenda-driven propaganda without any accountability to their shareholders.

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3348ab  No.229565

File: 492594e86e2138a⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1620233551877.mp4)


Obviously…look at this bug bitch pushing her CCP shit on national television. The only redeeming factor of the place I found this video was the White response wanting to push her face in with their fist.

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4aaa58  No.229568


Anyone who pays for TV service these days likely has something seriously wrong with their brain by now. Waste of money, waste of time, ridden with propaganda, degeneracy and lies. I don't even think I'd want to watch a cooking show these days.

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2aebb2  No.229577

A Jew calling out the system. Lulz

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266fa4  No.229592


Nobody gives a fuck. This isn't interesting

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266fa4  No.229593


What you like or dislike means nothing to anybody. Keep your opinions to yourself

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3348ab  No.229594


But only after they pillage it.

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2655c4  No.229595


but whites are like, 16% of the world's population, there should be no problem representing them to some amount?

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a2af08  No.229596

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6e7427  No.229601

There is no non-jew film and tv. There never was.

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a2af08  No.229604


>The national socialists never created movies

>The Japanese never create TV shows / movies / anime.

>The Iranians never produce their own movies.

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390b07  No.229633

File: 4f49fca74fb95b8⋯.png (301.7 KB, 257x366, 257:366, ClipboardImage.png)


It is pretty funny to imagine that jews are responsible for African movies

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5e711f  No.229639


Killing jews and the majority of women solves tha

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49b83c  No.230628


Disney is garbage regardless of whether if the protagonist is white or a person of color


Hi Dena Helm, how's your day at JIDF going?

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