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5c829a  No.229432

SO, if voting ID is racist because black people or people of color cannot figure out how to get IDs .. what are they going to do when they can't get a vax passport? Is the passport now racist? I'm getting confused now.

You have to have ID to get the Vax!

Next.. The Vax passport can be forged! So what if you a person of color who isn't smart enough to get a vax or an ID because it's all racist?

This has become circular reasoning.

SO .. next, they'll want us to get a chip for the fake vax but black people and other colors can't get them because they can't get an ID because they're not smart enough according to democrats..

It's all nonsense now. BIO ID cards are RACIST!

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33adc0  No.229455


I'm not familiar with other national policies but I am keeping tabs of what is going on in America. I doubt much will come with vaccine passports as there has been growing resistance against them, much of the populist pushback like gun control has. Already three States have prohibited vaccine passports from being enforced. There is growing movements trying to do the same in other States. Many states don't even have any mask mandate either. Pretty much anywhere rural never had any mandates or enforced lockdowns at all. Maybe a few commie States like California, Illinois and Oregon are exceptions, not sure. Even the airports are starting to second guess making vaccine passports mandatory because they know their profits will be crushed. So will any company that enforces it, you wait and see! I myself have no intention of supporting any company that enforces a vax passport. If big chains do enforce this, there will be a big boom for local small businesses who refuse to enforce them! I have no doubt local resistance will mount a devastating strike to major corporate vax enforcers. Furthermore, this will also create political blowback, which would in turn boost grassroots candidates and end up with more populists being elected, on the local and state levels. I have no intention of taking the vaccine and am ready to boycott any entity mandating it.

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b7003e  No.229465



Will you guys actually do something when they finally come to the suburbs?

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af291b  No.229489

this board features POLITICS, which are boring

NEWS, that you misinterpret or choose the wrong slanted source

and DEBATING, which is even more boring than your political beliefs

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bc0013  No.229550


> I am keeping tabs of what is going on in America.

Not very well, apparently.

>I doubt much will come with vaccine passports as there has been growing resistance against them

They already exist. There's no stopping them. They're part of the culture already.

>much of the populist pushback like gun control has.

There is no pushback on gun control. All gun bans are still enforced, on the books, and no one bothers to personally defy them, even to just have the gun sitting on a shelf somewhere.

>Already three States have prohibited vaccine passports from being enforced.

And yet they're still being enforced.

>Even the airports are starting to second guess making vaccine passports mandatory because they know their profits will be crushed.

Do they? Why would they know that? They got hundreds of billions in free taxpayer obligations just a year ago. And before that when 2008 happened. They're just going to get free currency every single time anything happens. They don't have to care about profits. They can do anything they want.

>So will any company that enforces it, you wait and see!


>I myself have no intention of supporting any company that enforces a vax passport.

Enjoy starving to death.

>If big chains do enforce this, there will be a big boom for local small businesses

Small business is illegal now. If you open a small business, you are immediately shut down by the government. You are paying ABSOLUTELY NO ATTENTION to what is going on in America.

>I have no doubt local resistance will mount a devastating strike to major corporate vax enforcers.

You have no reason to believe this and no evidence it would ever happen, given that it has never happened in the last fucking century and a half of American history.

>Furthermore, this will also create political blowback


>which would in turn boost grassroots candidates


>and end up with more populists being elected, on the local and state levels.

And doing absolutely nothing whatsoever, because no one who isn't approved by jews gets elected.

>I have no intention of taking the vaccine and am ready to boycott any entity mandating it.

Again, enjoy starving to death. You will be denied access to all services at all levels.

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d67f61  No.229570


>Not very well, apparently.

I keep track of many online news sites, both mainstream and alternatives. So yes, I know what is going on.

>They already exist. There's no stopping them. They're part of the culture already.

Bullshit. I have never once been to a store that has mandated a vaccine passport! I have never once been to a restaurant that has mandated a vaccine passport! I have never known anyone with a vaccine passport! I have never seen any vaccine passports, only the ones posted online, and have never had one, and have never seen a person use one and I live just fine today. Three states have already said "NO!" and passed laws against enforcing them, and I don't even live in one of those states!

>All gun bans are still enforced, on the books

I have 11 guns, and soon to get another one! I also have 50 round drums and plenty of 30 round mags for my rifles. So do millions of other Americans. Boo!

>Enjoy starving to death.

I won't. I have already taken action to prepare and become self-sufficient. I have chickens for eggs and meat. Plenty of bulk long-term storage from canned to freeze dried to frozen foods. Bulk rice, beans, grits, split peas, spices, dehydrated stocks for soup, etc too. I only have to shop once a month, and stock up more bulk each time.


True, we are going to vote those despots out just like Texas recently did. And even if that won't work, the government and politicians can STILL go fuck themselves!

PS: the only reason you'll need a "vaccine passport" to survive is because you are an idiot and a coward!

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3550d1  No.229571


I'm sure many will, I live in a more rural though. It's nothing like the cities, what-so-ever! Everyone out here is cool headed, well armed and independent minded by nature. And the mainstream news source was correct by the way, stating: "they don't trust politicians, they don't trust media, they don't trust government, they don't trust public medicine […] maybe they'll trust their doctors." Couldn't have said that better but I don't trust most doctors either. All I need is vitamins B, C, D and E and a few health supplements, I rarely ever get sick!! I'll trust the doctors when they can fix a flesh wound for me (a local one!).

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298dbe  No.229590

Due to fear porn and defeatism, I did some homework on vaccine passports in America. Currently there are 14 states that have rejected the idea, 10 of them passing laws or EOs against enforcement so far:


The major states adopting these passports (to no surprise!) are mostly Democrat-run states:


Hawaii and New York have started to enforce these officially. Illinois is still voluntary. California is still trying to make it mandatory by law.


"State vaccine passports have been a huge talking point as travel starts to reopen and rebound from the pandemic. But not all states agree on using them, which means you may travel to one state using a vaccine passport and then another where the use of them has been banned.

It’s not clear yet what some of these state passports may look like, or, for some, when they’ll be released. But what’s clear is that the federal government is leaving this issue entirely up to the states."

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eab273  No.229609


>I keep track of many online news sites, both mainstream and alternatives. So yes, I know what is going on.

Literally confirmed for knowing fuck all.

> Bullshit







FUCK. OFF. FOREIGNER.You know literally NOTHING.

>I have 11 guns, and soon to get another one!

You will never use them. Ever. They are worthless.

>I won’t.

You won’t see 2030, yeah.

>II have chickens for eggs and meat.

What happens to them when you can’t buy feed because your bank account was seized because you didn’t get the vaccine?

>Plenty of bulk long-term storage from canned to freeze dried to frozen foods.

Or when your power is shut off for lack of payment because you can’t pay, for the same reason?

>I only have to shop once a month

You won’t be allowed in the store.

>True, we are going to vote those despots out

Commit suicide. Get the fuck off this website. I have no fucking idea how you even got here. You don’t belong and never will. Get out. Not a goddamn joke. You’re not American. You’re not even HUMAN. Humans aren’t this stupid.

>just like Texas recently did.

Texas made it illegal to boycott Israel. Fuck yourself, retard.

>And even if that won't work, the government and politicians can STILL go fuck themselves!

I bet they’re quaking in their boots. You won’t shoot them for their treason, you can’t vote them out because they control all voting machines, you refuse to disobey them… Oh boy, they’re definitely scared of you.

>the only reason you'll need a "vaccine passport" to survive is because you are an idiot and a coward!

Q is not real. You write like a fucking boomer.

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0c6af7  No.230117


Schools are the biggest battle grounds right now, but many parents can still get exemptions. So far 10 States have also prohibited vaccine passport enforcement, whether that matters to you or not it's still a fact. There is a war against us for sure, but I refuse to give up: I WILL NOT take a vaccine! If I'm prohibited from certain stores, so be it, BOYCOTTED. I'll support 100% local if need be. There are plenty of farmers markets, yard sales, flea markets and smaller family-run businesses, including diners, that won't enforce this. In fact, currently, I have not seen one businesses enforce these to date! If I did, I would simply boycott them and they would lose profit from consumers like myself.

As for colleges? Fuck them, what a massive racket! Most degrees are utterly USELESS today in the USSA. Let them kill off those students, they don't learn anything useful today anyway.

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235355  No.230123


>Commit suicide. Get the fuck off this website.


>Q is not real.

No shit, never said it was.

>What happens to them when you can’t buy feed because your bank account was seized because you didn’t get the vaccine?

If it really ever gets that bad, there will be local bartering and secession, out of the pain they have caused will be a rise of new local barter and trade across America WITHOUT those banks. Not saying it won't happen, if it does, there would be a lot of angry people who won't stand for the bullshit ponzi scheme anymore and the economy as you know it, GONE.

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c1ad20  No.230126


I am still a fan of the Templars chit system.

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15096a  No.231823



Has anyone had success with making a fake rona card? I would rather die than take le poison shot, so Im wondering what kind of paper/dimensions I'd need to make my own (in garrys mod)


There are three ways to avoid this, the way I see it. Maybe four, but you must take political action which is [what] a lot of anons always suggest not doing.

#1 Yes you could find a fake covid vaccine passport card and print it. Don't know where to find it, you'll have to dig one up off the web if you can find one.

#2 You could tell them your Jewish, or some other religion maybe, and tell them they are discriminating against you, kvetch "anti-semite!" loudly - very loudly - call them "gestapo!, anti-jew!, Nazi!" and ohhhh boy, ohhhhh boy you will have some SJWs and cucked employees backing off and quick: "so so sorry, please don't sue us, we are not against the Jewish people, please come right in!" Seriously, if this is one effective way I say DO IT, beat them at their own game!!!

#3 Boycott any business that mandates vaccine cards and threaten to sue them (even if you don't, scare them a little bit!) Or join other class-action lawsuits. I am going to do this! I am already supporting my local rural community and smaller business, and if THIS vaccine card becomes reality, I am prepared to support ONLY local and no company that requires that damned ID! And I will support them with tips! I'm also preparing to become fully self-sufficient by 2022, raising livestock, hunting, gardening, fishing, you name it I'll be doing it regularly!!!

#4 Take political action! Write your feelings to the local sheriff and ask if they intend to help enforce this unconstitutional policy. Contact any politicians you have and tell them you'll be voting against anyone who supports this and so will your family. Threaten to move out of state to avoid it, commies fear a loss of tax revenue! Just do it, make your will be heard!

#5 Bribe a nurse to dump the vaccine in a drain and give you a vaccine pass, many nurses are desperate for money these days and many will actually sympathize with your concerns.

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15096a  No.231824

American Youth Face Long Forewarned "Future Shock" As The Nation Splits Apart In Horror

An intriguing warning issued from rural Missouri, blasted to paste.se at 15.6kbps contains a deleted copypasta from an image board, to which little reason would have resulted in this deletion other than a brazen attempt to censor tips to avoid a "vaccine passport" which is war being waged by a few despotic-run States against American citizens, and to which is also being rejected by many other States, now creating hostility between an already politically divided & highly disgruntled nation.


As to which States have now officially declared this vaccine war against their citizens, most Democrat-run States such as Hawaii and New York, have now joined two more States, the States of Michigan and Washington, declaring endless lockdowns to mandatory vaccine terror against the American public.

Washington: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/vaccine-passports-come-to-washington-state/

Michigan: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-05-whitmer-threatens-michigan-get-vaccinated-lockdown-masks.html

With these four despotic States attempting to intimidate and threaten their citizens with legal penalty over refusing to take an experimental mRNA shot even the federal government admits does not make you immune to anything; which has been killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world, recently banned in Denmark over vaccinated blood clot disease; fortunately there is some hope left in America as 14 States have firmly rejected Bill Gates "ID 2020" vaccine passport scheme, 10 of them passing laws and EOs against covid vaccine mandates so far.


State-controlled TV media - which acts as modern propaganda arms for despotic (((special interests))) - has now openly come out raging against Americans who resist their tyranny, calling for innocent Americans to be scolded and harassed, demonized and punished, for simply wanting to be left alone!


Intertwined with the war against America and our fight for basic freedom, taxpayers are leaving these despot-run States and moving to "red" (or sometimes called "stand your ground") States in droves, very much like migration from failed third world countries into first world nations.


But to much alarm of those wanting to be left alone already living in these "red" States, many who are fleeing are taking these failed 'woke' ideologies with them, leaving Americans to ponder if another civil war will not break out inevitably, as the VERY REASON many citizens have chosen to live in "red" states for decades is to simply flee these radical subversive 'woke' ideologies (whether citizens call it crony capitalism, communism or fascism: the facts remain and are as brazen as sunrise).


And most important to remember - which has been long forgotten - was a dire warning issued to America back in 1970, in a book titled "Future Shock" warning exactly what would happen when there would be "too much change in too short a period of time."


In this book, written predictions are now unfolding to this day in the long forewarned "information era" (long predicted before an internet even existed), predicted the exact same as a military intelligence source who has recently died and who's predictions for America have also been taken offline called Deagle.com which predicted 2/3rds population reduction by the year 2025 in America!


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15096a  No.231825

Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis

In another saga of earth-shattering national security threats facing the heavily Divided States of America, an unknown foreign intelligence agency has leaked a highly secret investigative 263 page report concluding both American NGOs as well as Chinese military scientists colluded and discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses back in 2015 "to cause medical systems to collapse" in undesired nation states … which further evidence exposes - as mentioned in the recent report “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” - the US State Department knowing full well since 2018 the Gates Foundation and the National Institute of Health (NIH) were funding covid bioweapons in a lab in Wuhan, China using US taxpayer money! An NIH which (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) headed during those years, under the Obama presidency.


To back this evidence in the foreign intelligence report, a much undesired copypasta has been archived since the 2019 covid outbreak after investigative research blew this corruption wide open, resulting in hackers breaking into computers owned by the Wuhan bioweapons lab, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO), the latter organization (WHO) known covering up the connections with the American NGOs and Wuhan:


Directly in response to this leak, saw Russia immediately deploying the dreaded Project 885M Yasen-M subclass submarines into service facing the American East Coast, and whose most feared weapon is the Poseidon 2M39 “doomsday” nuclear torpedo that has the power to trigger massive radioactive tsunamis off the US coast, a strategic target if nuclear war were to ever break out….


Then saw - shockingly so - Mexico breaking off diplomatic relations with the US government, with their President Obrador warning the United States government that Mexico will no longer be involved in a coup de tat against their national interests, or a coup against the Western World - in which saw Biden's Border Security Czar Kamala Harris in an outraged uproar walking out of the first diplomatic meeting with Mexico, fuming.



Near the same exact time, saw a massive Israeli IDF military exercise to simulate another world war, a war on 'multiple fronts' amid flaring tensions.


And to which at near the same time, shockingly saw a landslide election for nationalism that rocked UK governmental (((special interests))) which saw Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party (SNP) for the first time sweep to near victory with an unprecedented 64 seats, that could lead to another independence referendum headache for these demonic mass murdering despots trying to enslave planet Earth.


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15096a  No.231826

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33adc0  No.231837

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15096a  No.232039

bumparoo and archived!

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3d9b79  No.232754

LOL, control freaks have been getting BTFO as of recent!

Minnesota has repealed the mask mandate the other day.

Wisconsin said NO! to enforcing vaccine passports.

Florida is now pardoning anyone that has been charged for any covid violations in the past.

Only half the NIH and CDC employees are vaccinated, many of them refuse to take the vaccine.

Half of Congress wants an investigation into NIH and Wuhan covid/SARS (bio-weapons) funding. Many of them know something is very shady going on.

Now even the magnet 'conspiracy' is starting to get mainstream attention, why are magnets sticking to the arms of those who were vaccinated!? This has a lot of normies scared like hell saying "I'll never take another vaccine again!"

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490050  No.238299


Still waiting for those vaccine passports bro! What happened to the agenda?

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c50c2f  No.238319

File: 6b4255d77218b73⋯.jpeg (13.31 KB, 193x262, 193:262, download_22_.jpeg)

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