e7fe91 No.229078[Last 50 Posts]
>In rabbinic literature, the kingdom of Ashkenaz was first associated with the Scythian region, then later with the Slavic territories,[1] and, from the 11th century onwards, with northern Europe and Germany.[3] The region of Ashkenaz was centred on the Rhineland and the Palatinate (notably Worms and Speyer), in what is now the westernmost part of Germany. Its geographic extent did not coincide with the German Christian principalities of the time, and it included northern France.
>Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
>Germamians (Germans) are Amalekites
>Azhkenazim are literally mutts between the Germans and the original Jews (Mizrahim)
>Mizrahim erasure is a very real thing
If we can convince the Mizrahim that they are living under an oppressive, Amalek-run system, we can possibly regime-change Israel and deprive the kike parasites of their own homeland
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402b43 No.229080
According to 1 Maccabees the Hebrews descended from Greeks. Even the ancient kingdom of Ashkenaz mentioned by OP was mostly Eurasian. And with Moses race-mixing was outlawed.
OP claims the "original Jews" were the Mizrahi, being Semites, which is false. The original Jews were of European stock. And Palestine is not the "homeland" of fake Jews.
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e7fe91 No.229083
>1 Maccabees
1 Maccabees said that there are Hebrews among the Greeks, not that the Hebrews descended from the Greeks. It paints a picture of assimilation, not descent.
If you want to make stupid arguments like this I can also make stupid arguments like "All Jews actually came from Kaifeng, because Kaifeng Jews exist" - which is retarded as fuck.
>And with Moses race-mixing was outlawed
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_humor#Assimilation Nobody cares
>The original Jews were of European stock
Oh, the Europeans sure are of Edomite stock. They love hunting, have red hair, are super hairy, and gets jewed by Jacob on a daily basis.
They were also as salty about being jewed out of their birthright as you are, amalekite
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402b43 No.229084
>1 Maccabees said that there are Hebrews among the Greeks, not that the Hebrews descended from the Greeks
Why must you lie?
>It is found in writing, that the Spartans/Greeks and Jews (Yehudi) are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
1 Maccabees 12:21
The entire Torah narrative is one European group VS. another. Even arch-enemy of the Israelites, the Philistines, were European. Ancient Egyptian mummies with blonde and red hair. Biblical history is European history. Modern "Jews" are Synagogue of Satan, who instead of having real ancestry with ancient Israelites, are those who "say they are Jews (Yehudi) but are not."
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ddb44e No.229085
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e7fe91 No.229091
>It is found in writing, that the Spartans/Greeks and Jews (Yehudi) are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
As I said, there are Jews among the Greeks.
> Ancient Egyptian mummies with blonde and red hair.
Funny thing is, blonde hair is not Greek in origin. We know this because blonde hair was considered "barbaric" and prostitutes were forced to dye their hair blonde as a mark of shame during the Roman empire.
This means that there is obvious racemixing going on between late Egyptian royals and nordic amalekites.
>Modern "Jews" are Synagogue of Satan, who instead of having real ancestry with ancient Israelites, are those who "say they are Jews (Yehudi) but are not."
If this is true, explain exactly why Jacob (Israel) acted exactly like a slimy kike.
Kikes are the real Israelites. Has always been, from the time of David to the time of Esther.
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e7fe91 No.229092
They say that, then they go on to secretly racemix all the time.
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402b43 No.229094
>As I said, there are Jews among the Greeks.
Irrelevant. Scripture says
>and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
You can address this or not but you can't dance around the issue.
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e7fe91 No.229096
>and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
Very well. Greeks are so degenerate that the Romans called them faggots and libshits. It would not be a surprise if Greeks, specifically - especially Spartans, who are the most notorious for repelling the Persians using an army of 300 faggots (150 faggot couples), are actually Hebrews.
Additionally, the Hellenization of Rome could actually be partially the reason for the fall of Rome, as late-stage Rome was just as absolutely disgusting as the Greeks.
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402b43 No.229098
Regardless your personal opinion about the Greeks, modern "Jews" are in no way connected to ancient Israel or the Hebrew people.
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4e1ec8 No.229106
the THREE least knowledgeable, least informed, loneliest douchebuckets on earth continue their declaration of failure
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4e1ec8 No.229108
Three Little Menwith zero influence, an overabundance of erroneous "facts", and a repressed sexual attraction to each other
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402b43 No.229109
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e7fe91 No.229113
If they are in no way related, WHY THE FUCK DO THEY ACT EXACTLY THE SAME
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402b43 No.229116
What do you think he meant by
>"I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you."
The word "Jew" wasn't used before the 1800s. In Scripture the word used is typically "Yehudi." In 1800s we see "Jew" come into being at the same time the 1st Book of Maccabees was removed from the KJV – the very same book claiming Abraham descended from Europeans, not Semites.
They stole and larped history. They're not human.
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e7fe91 No.229117
>What do you think he meant by
Stop reading KJV mistranslations
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402b43 No.229119
Use whichever translation you want.
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e7fe91 No.229120
The word "Synagogue" was originally "συναγωγὴ"
>1. gathering, collection
Using the first translation of "συναγωγὴ", Rev 2:9 now obviously refers to 4channer white israelites
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e7fe91 No.229121
On top of that, claiming that John was specifically referring to Hebrew Synagogues is anachronistic at best.
>The oldest dated evidence of a synagogue is from the 3rd century BCE
Jesus has also made it very clear that the kikes were Abraham's descendants
>34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.[b]”
>39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.
>“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
> I know that you are Abraham’s descendants
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402b43 No.229124
>Rev 2:9 now obviously refers to 4channer white israelites
lel it refers to a subversive tribe which is not a race but who steals into all races to destroy from inside each
The first half of your argument is rekt by the second.
>>“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
You are self-defeating.
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45e874 No.229126
>The word "Jew" wasn't used before the 1800s
>>"I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews
This King James version of Bible was published in 1611 and it calls them jews. At least be consistent with your disinfo.
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e7fe91 No.229127
>lel it refers to a subversive tribe which is not a race but who steals into all races to destroy from inside each
It was a subversive tribe from the time of Israel, the first Kike, who jewed Esau, the first White Man, into giving up his birthright for some porridge.
White people were the original Chosen Race until they got Jewed by Israel for some gibsmedat like porridge. A tale as old as any. White people are still being Jewed by Israel even today, and for retarded shit like oil and empires too.
A tale as old as any
>The first half of your argument is rekt by the second.
No it isn't. I purposefully put this distinction so that you can't make retarded claims like "Kikes weren't descended from Israel". Jesus himself made the distinction between a child, and a descendant. Jews are descendants of Israel. According to Jesus, Jews were not children of Abraham, not because of any so-called biological fakery, but because they do not do as Abraham would (according to Jesus)
Sometimes, I wonder whether you amalekites have brains.
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402b43 No.229128
>This King James version of Bible was published in 1611 and it calls them jews.
No, it doesn't.
I literally spent all thread debunking this claim. Stay defeated.
>It was a subversive tribe from the time of Israel, the first Kike, who jewed Esau, the first White Man, into giving up his birthright for some porridge.
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45e874 No.229129
Nice shoop/element inspection
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e7fe91 No.229137
>The blaspheme of them
>Who say they are Jews, but are not
>but are a συναγωγή (gathering) of Satan
Sounds very much like 4channer salty amalekites to me
>Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew'….
Genetic analysis says otherwise. The kikes came from that general region, have a shared mitochondrial ancestor (matrilineage), act exactly to whites as Jacob did to Esau, and so on. There's weird shit like Ruth, but nobody cares about her.
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402b43 No.229138
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402b43 No.229139
>Genetic analysis says otherwise.
No it doesn't.
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e7fe91 No.229140
We know your pet Azhkenazim are Amalekite mutts
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e7fe91 No.229141
oh yeah one more bonus
>which revealed that 90 percent of Ashkenazi Jews descend from the Greeks, Iranians and others
didn't you say something about how GREEKS are actually filthy kikes?
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402b43 No.229142
They're all mutts. "Mizrahi" are Arabs mixed with Khazars who then mixed with others.
"Filthy kikes" are the fake Jews, the crypto-Khazars, whether of the European, Spanish, or Arab type. Europeans are the "Chosen Ones" and "Holy Race." This idea reinforced by
>There is neither Yehudi/Judean/Israelite nor Greek
These were mostly the same people who differed in terms of religion and virtue.
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e7fe91 No.229143
>They're all mutts. "Mizrahi" are Arabs mixed with Khazars who then mixed with others.
Pretty sure Azhkenazim are the Khazars, not Mizrahim. Arabs are also very close, geographically, and hence genetically, to kikes.
>Europeans are the "Chosen Ones" and "Holy Race." This idea reinforced by
Typical Amalekite claim. Amalekites have been claiming to be the chosenite kikes since the very beginning. Never change, Amalek.
>There is neither Yehudi/Judean/Israelite nor Greek
Which nicely explains why GREEKS, specifically, are considered DEGENERATE by Romans, due to their rampant HOMOSEXUALITY AND EFFEMINACY
Honestly, your claim that greeks are actually disgusting kikes would explain not only the greek's notorious penchant for homosexuality, but also the fall of the late Roman empire to the same degeneracies.
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402b43 No.229145
>GREEKS, specifically, are considered DEGENERATE by Romans, due to their rampant HOMOSEXUALITY AND EFFEMINACY
What does this statement have to do with mine? Hebrews and Israelites were European, not Semitic, or Arab, not African or Asiatic. So sorry.
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45e874 No.229147
Oh. Same website but in the KJV 1611 it says iewes instead of jews it seems.
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402b43 No.229149
Yeah. The word "Jew" evolved over time from 'Yehudi', which signified a Hebrew/Israelite, and whom 1 Maccabees says are descended from Europeans, chiefly Greeks. Jew didn't mean these Khazarian fake Jews until the 1800s when, coincidently, 1 Maccabees is removed from the KJV.
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45e874 No.229150
>Typical Amalekite claim. Amalekites have been claiming to be the chosenite kikes since the very beginning. Never change, Amalek.
What's wrong with being Amalek. They're supposed to be the worst enemy of jews.
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e7fe91 No.229151
There is more phenotypical difference between a historical Greek, who had olive skin and non-blonde hair, and a German, who have blonde hair and white skin, than a greek and your middle-eastern kike who had a darker shade of olive, the same kike hook nose (which you call "aquiline") the same dark eyes and deep set eyebrows, the same curly hair, the general same facial structure, etc.
Arabs look like degenerated Greeks more than anything, honestly. Their aquiline nose began drooping, their eyes become more wicked, etc. etc.
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e7fe91 No.229153
Let me tell you the problem with being an amalekite. It means you will get Jewed on a daily basis, you will lose to retarded Jewish tricks.
Seriously, have you read the bible? There was this part where two Amalekite girls hid a kike in the granary, and the kikes slaughtered those two. What does that remind you of?
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402b43 No.229154
Ancient Hebrews and Israelites were European, particularly Greek, of the Spartan breed. You can reason that away however you want but you are not chosen.
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e7fe91 No.229155
I never claimed to be chosen, and I am proud that my lineage is nowhere near any of your absolutely disgusting Edomite or Israelite lineages, especially that of the wicked queen Amestris, the prime minister who was so horrible that the Persians literally expunged a section of their history because Mordecai was such a disgusting despot or the disgusting cheese-strat user David, the occultist and demon-worshiper Solomon, or the mentally-deficient hunting-addicted Esau who sold his birthright to the absolutely irredeemable Jacob who jewed his own brother out of his birthright.
There was never anything to be proud of within the chosenites. Never now, never back then. I have no idea why you are so obsessed with being a disgusting fucking kike.
>Ancient Hebrews and Israelites were European, particularly Greek, of the Spartan breed
Anyone want to tell me what Leonidas's army consisted of? Perhaps 300 faggots, 150 faggot couples?
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402b43 No.229156
You're thinking is too mundane. You use a single path approach and are incapable of holding two contradictory ideas in mind at once while believing both. And your rhetoric is a manifestation on this flaw
>Anyone want to tell me what Leonidas's army consisted of? Perhaps 300 faggots, 150 faggot couples?
So grossly physical and mundane.
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45e874 No.229157
>It means you will get Jewed on a daily basis, you will lose to retarded Jewish tricks.
That sounds like subverted modern Christianity.
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e7fe91 No.229159
I wonder what race these "evangelicals" are. HINT: not niggers
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e7fe91 No.229160
religion is dumb anyway, who cares
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402b43 No.229161
The Enemy uses religion as a means of mass mind control. Who cares though. I love mass mind control.
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45e874 No.229162
Yeah. Definitely not niggers.
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e7fe91 No.229163
>majority Amalek, greater than half evangelicals being kike puppets stated in article
Sounds about right actually
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45e874 No.229169
>The Enemy uses religion as a means of mass mind control
A very true statement. You see, muslim arabas, turks did a lot of slaughtering in south asia on their conquest. Then later the British empire colonized that region. Now here's the thing. Those shitskins hold a grudge against the White colonizers who were more benevolent towards them and improved the quality of their lives but they don't have any animosity toward middle eastern arab countries who only pillaged their nations and treated them worse. Wonder why?
Because those arab sandniggers spread islam into this region. There were forceful conversions, breeding non-muslim women and etc. And now those converts, rapebabies think they are part of some universal muslim brotherhood despite having their race and nation cucked by those invaders. Those south asians don't demand reparations from rich arab countries but african niggers who were conquered by Christian European nations are flooding into Europe now because "you colonized us now it's fair that you come into your homeland and turn into a shithole." That is the conquest of your enemy with religion, particularly islam.
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402b43 No.229170
All very true. I only add that without Jewish politicians, Jewish NGOs, Jewish propagandists, there would be no Muslim invasion.
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acf24d No.229171
That is a fucking ridiculous article. It doesn't say anything about what SIDE he was actually on in the email.
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acf24d No.229172
If you take it at face value…he is totally correct.
It seems like the disgusting sandniggers were just offended that he would say it to their face.
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402b43 No.229173
Calm down, fellow traveler.
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45e874 No.229176
Yeah. European whites were even better at colonization than those arab, mongol subhumans. Had they also made sure to convert those subjugated populace to a religion that invokes so much slave morality that it makes you grateful to your conquerors there wouldn't be this migration disaster now. But maybe whites would still get exploited for their empathy by jews and be lead to doom nonetheless.
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acf24d No.229177
Admit that I am right. There is no proof what his actual position was on the issue and they wouldn't have made it public if he was PRO muslim.
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acf24d No.229178
Should have just exterminated them. We wouldn't have the problems we are having today if they had.
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402b43 No.229180
The work is raising up our own, or ourselves, first and then everyone else.
Yeah lol pretty sure he was anti-Muslim and the (((Brotherhood))) disciplined him.
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acf24d No.229184
This is what it feels like to live under communism. No place is safe for you to express 'anti-globalist' concerns.
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45e874 No.229185
>Should have just exterminated them
I wish. Ethnoglobe can't come soon enough.
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402b43 No.229187
>This is what it feels like to live under communism
Yes, but look at >>229185
>Ethnoglobe can't come soon enough.
We can't fall for the Communism VS. Zionism false dichotomy, which is what this line of reasoning arrives at.
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acf24d No.229196
Ethnoglobalism is different anon. We can live without them, but they cannot live without us. That makes them a deadly threat to live and the living. It is self defense, in the widest sense to kill them all.
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402b43 No.229197
>It is self defense, in the widest sense to kill them all.
Most people won't go for that. The only real solution is assimilation or zionism.
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e7fe91 No.229199
>A very true statement. You see, muslim arabas, turks did a lot of slaughtering in south asia on their conquest. Then later the British empire colonized that region. Now here's the thing. Those shitskins hold a grudge against the White colonizers who were more benevolent towards them and improved the quality of their lives but they don't have any animosity toward middle eastern arab countries who only pillaged their nations and treated them worse. Wonder why?
Islam is the polar opposite of Christianity. When Christian nations were dungheaps of backwards rubbish, Islamic nations were the center of intellectualism and progressivism. When Christian nations became the center of intellectualism and progressivism, Islam became a backwards dungheap filled with garbage.
>Those shitskins hold a grudge against the White colonizers who were more benevolent towards them
Hitler himself ragged on how absolutely atrocious the British were towards those they colonized. Only a kike would ever said that non-German whites ever treated the colonized nicely.
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e7fe91 No.229201
This is just plain wrong. There are more pisslamic trash than there are colonized territories. Pisslam also had a longer run.
>for their empathy
The British were not known for their empathy. Look at what they did to Zimbabwean children. Look what they did to both the Dutch and Negro South Africans. The British were the scum of the earth. They even waged some bullshit war against Hitler in order to continue their oppression of the coloreds, knowing FULL WELL that it would lead to white genocide.
Stop parading the myth of British Empathy. It never existed.
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e7fe91 No.229202
The only good commie is a commie deader than being pulped by a million based tiananmen tanks would do to one of those disgusting marxists
The opposite is true. Whites outside of Europe cannot survive without the guile of the Azhkenazim to prop up your imperialistic tendencies. The Azhkenazim are perfectly capable of infesting Roman, or Mizrahim populations.
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45e874 No.229203
>Most people won't go for that
That's irrelevant. You think most people want to be ethnically replaced in their own nations? With enough subversion you can make people believe and do whatever you want even if it means supporting their own extinction as in the case of white liberals.
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e7fe91 No.229204
The USA literally runs on the self-hate of the white race. Without it, you would have no middle-eastern oil, which means no manufacturing, no plastics. You would have no imperialistic control over the western world, which means no controlling the EU and East Asian nations. US is completely fucked if half the nation aren't full of self-righteous race traitors who would parade anti-white anti-colonialist bullshit in order to mask the JEW-S-A's imperialistic schemes.
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45e874 No.229207
I don't care about the sufferings of nonwhites. My point was that atrocities have been committed by many races, ethnic groups and none but white people are being exploited for it those past actions now. And the reason they are able to do so is because of the empathy possessed by whites.
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45e874 No.229208
>The USA literally runs on the self-hate of the white race
Right now it does. But the main reason for that is it's completely taken over and ran by jews.
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e7fe91 No.229211
Whites possessed no empathy. The reason why these races can infiltrate white civilization is because the whites did not actually do any imperialism (unless you are a disgusting britkike)
All so-called "white imperialism" was actually done by kikes. Everything about the European colonial period points to the leadership of a specific (((group))) which actually do everything. The imperialism never ended - the niggers were there to mask the hidden imperialist atrocities of the US. Without the mask, the US would lose literally all its allies. There's no "empathy" involved. It's all fake.
It is running on self-hate because it has already been proven that white colonialism does not actually make things better for the colonized, which was the excuse they used before.
Imperialism sustains itself on false moral good. The Romans think they were civilizing other places. The Ottomans think they were bringing Islam to everyone. The Mongols were ordained by their highest god to go on an imperialist spree. It's all the same shit. All smoke and mirrors, and all will collapse.
You whites weren't even the first to have a libtard infestation. All imperialists had them at the end. The Romans had their tranny cults, the Ottomans became inbred shithole fanatics who eschewed higher learning in favor of muh izlam, and the Mongols were gone in a single generation.
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45e874 No.229212
>You whites
What are (You) supposed to be?
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e7fe91 No.229213
A true National Socialist. I believe in the right of all ancient ethnostates to be defined by their borders, stay within them, and make their nation greater than all others.
I am opposed to disgusting churchillian imperialists like yourselves, because imperialism first oppresses the colonized, then it oppresses the colonizers via. a despotic system of ethnic dilution.
Being both a National Socialist and an Imperialist is like having an ethnostate, and burning it to conquer other places, fuck over your proletariat class (see: Roman bourgeoisie buying everything up due to mandatory conscription making proletariat fields worthless), and commit ethnic suicide just so that you can say that you rule over a large plot of land.
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acf24d No.229215
>I am a kike.
Ok check! Got it.
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e7fe91 No.229222
Stay mad kike. I bet none of you really wanted to exterminate the Azhkenazim anyway, given your commitment to a false doctrine over the truth which will destroy Israel.
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acf24d No.229227
>I bet none of you really wanted to exterminate the Azhkenazim anyway, given your commitment to a false doctrine over the truth which will destroy Israel.
Have no idea what you are saying here because I don't speak kike.
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e7fe91 No.229257
Only kikes would give up an opportunity to exterminate kikes
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1d0f89 No.229272
Their entire existence is a death wish. That is how they behave and all they know (its the nigger/demon blood). All of their religion is geared around it and all of it worships death and human ritual sacrifice from its very genesis. My main problem with kikes is that they don’t kill themselves fast enough and that they contaminate non-kike blood before they kill themselves with butt fucking or whatever other degenerate deadly shit they dream up. They are antithetical to Life.
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172c1a No.229429
>(its the nigger/demon blood)
Do you lean more toward nigger or demon blood?
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e7fe91 No.229433
If they had a death wish, they would not be alive
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ca8c2f No.229435
tbqh I lean more towards demon blood (aka fallen angels).
Oh no anon that is not true at all. Think about their very foundational mythologies…all are based on killing, entrapment and death. Adam and Eve are tricked and murdered and that ideology of trickery and murder is the foundation principle of all their religions, political and government systems. Everything they do is based in trickery and murder since that is the foundation, indeed the very central tenet and core of their whole being. Trickery and murder. Anything that they have brought into the world is based in the same philosophy of trickery, trap, murder and torture of the innocent. Surely you can see their modus operandi now that I am pointing it out. It permeates all that they are from its origin point through today.
They are duality by their nature and something NOT TO BE MESSED WITH OR EVEN TOUCHED…they are totally HARAM!!! ANON BALLS TO BONE HARAM!!
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172c1a No.229442
If we go the religious route and say they're demon spawn then we end at a place where we neither mistreat them nor allow them any political influence but employ assimilation.
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e7fe91 No.229444
Their foundational mythologies have everything to do with killing others and tricking others who are not an ancestor or descendant of Jacob/Israel, and nothing to do with dying.
Cain killed Abel. Abel fathered 0 kikes.
Adam and Eve did not actually die of anything but old age.
Every single trickery, trap, murder, and torture of the innocent was done to the goyim.
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e7fe91 No.229445
They are demon spawn only because you made them so. The Mizrahim have 85 IQ and are completely incapable of subverting the west
The correct way to deal with kikes is to do nothing and let some flood destroy their synagogue while their rabbi leave no heir.
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172c1a No.229447
>They are demon spawn only because you made them so
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e7fe91 No.229451
Subversion success rate is a function of IQ advantage between the subverter and the subverted. This is why the British were the best colonizers - they have the greatest advantage over the colonized races (except for their shitty foray into HK, which did not go very well for them). This is also why the shit-brained Dutch got supplanted by the British as the #1 evil empire. Come to think of it, the Dutch weren't even that bad.
The Swiss and the Kikes have actually advanced to a new stage of colonialism, which does not actually involve setting boots on the ground (which is why colonialism is doomed to libshits). They have instead decided to colonize white nations by spamming central banks and all other forms of kike things like banks and feds in white nations, while not actually placing a single soldier on the ground (and hence being subject to libshit nonsense)
Azhkenazim have an inflated 115 IQ. For comparison, the British race, on average, have about 110 IQ (UK IQ scores were brought down by retarded potatoniggers), which is why the British are more on-par with the kikes than being subverted by them (see: the Democrat Party). This phenomenon can also be seen in HK, where the HK population actually launched a fake protest (5 demands) in order to exterminate the property-owning Jew and bring HK housing prices back to a reasonable level.
Meanwhile, the Mizrahim have 85 or some retarded nigger-tier IQ, and have never been seen actually performing a Jewish trick on the goyim.
Such a vast difference between true kikes (Azhkenazim) and retarded goyim who just so happens to be descended from Jacob (Mizrahim) could only be explained by the Christian nations acting as a eugenical incubator for the Jewry to become better and more willing to be subversive parasites.
The Christian crucible works in a very simple way: only Christians are allowed to do most things. Jews are allowed in, but can only bank and, later on, be happy merchants. Banking is a parasitical occupation by nature, so kings are inclined to shoah kikes. However, due to Catholic doctrine, this shoah is not very Christian, which means that any attempt at shoahing cannot encompass the whole of Christian Europe. This results in kikes running from European nation to European nation
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e7fe91 No.229453
The crucible of Jewry known as Christcuck Europe actually have a failsafe. In the event of the incubator not working, a protector of kikes - the muslim nations, would actually ensure that a population of Mizrahim still exist to continue the Israelite lineage. This is the real reason why Islam exists - to protect kikes, in case Christianity actually manages to exterminate kikes, despite all the failsafes within Christianity.
Now, we have a certain set of obstacles the proto-Azhkenazim face, which would be outlined as follows:
Illegal to do anything but be a filthy usurious parasite
Upon a certain threshold, king will try to shoah you because nobody likes bankers
Inability to own land, or start a trade (by law)
After which, there are some advantages a proto-Azhkenazim can exploit:
Church makes it VERY HARD to convert to Christianity. They would consider you a crypto-kike no matter what. St. Esterica.
You can usually run to another nation, and you will be protected by Jesus's organization
Church will never initiate shoah, but Christianity hates you.
That means that the optimal strat is….being a filthy kike.
You now have a race of disgusting usurious parasites who have 1500 years of experience being a bunch of rootless usurious parasitic bankers.
Thanks, Jesus. Go fuck urself.
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172c1a No.229454
>Subversion success rate is a function of IQ advantage
I believe this belief is the sole cause of their final elimination. The Jew confuses the willingness to deceive with "intelligence." A magician of average IQ can deceive a room full of geniuses if his technique is properly developed, which takes more time than it does intellect.
If you disagree explain why please.
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e7fe91 No.229457
A magician can only deceive the geniuses because the geniuses desire to be deceived. That being said, I have not managed to find any geniuses who have been deceived by magicians.
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172c1a No.229458
>A magician can only deceive the geniuses because the geniuses desire to be deceived.
The same methods used to deceive a willful audience can be turned into cons and employed by men of the lowest IQ against the unsuspecting.
>I have not managed to find any geniuses who have been deceived by magicians.
Video related. Is (((David Blaine))) a super high IQ magic Jew or is he a well practiced showman using physics, optics, and other sciences to deceive an audience? Willingness to deceive doesn't indicate a high IQ but an inferior one and a fragile ego.
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e7fe91 No.229468
Name ONE genius who is ever in a state of gullibility
>David Blaine
Look carefully at Jeff Bezos's expression. He gives not a single flying fuck. His mannerisms are there to jew the people around him, not to "expose magic tricks"
It's as if you don't understand that high class parties are about how you can jew as many people around you as possible.
Jeff Bezos literally loses reputation if he exposes the magic trick. So what does he do? He plays along. That's the highest +rep play you can make in that situation.
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e7fe91 No.229469
ADDENDUM: If we swap Jeff Bezos with Elon Musk, the highest rep (proletariat) play would be to expose the magic trick, which could still be worth it given that he is Elon Musk, that's his brand, and the camera is on.
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172c1a No.229476
you're dancing around the point. A low IQ magician like David Blaine can trick Bezos. It doesn't matter if Bezos cares. The point is deception is not a sign of intelligence.
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e7fe91 No.229480
Prove that David Blaine's IQ is actually <150. He did tons of stuff which requires pretty high IQ in order to reliably plan.
Also, IQ is made to subvert. Why the fuck would you spend valuable IQ points on magic tricks?
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172c1a No.229482
he has an entire team of people who plan his stunts. when preforming he uses gimmicks other people created. like the quarter which he bit. it doesn't take a high IQ to deceive. any teenage kid can trick you with a card trick he's practiced. and im sure youre much smarter than a teenage person.
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ca8c2f No.229484
>Their foundational mythologies have everything to do with killing others and tricking others who are not an ancestor or descendant of Jacob/Israel, and nothing to do with dying.
How can you be this obtuse?! I can only assume you are jewish.
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e7fe91 No.229551
That man did starving stunts and the like.
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e7fe91 No.229552
Show me a single verse. Just a SINGLE VERSE, where the bible celebrates a kike dying, or the talmud, or anything else.
Guess what: you can't find any. What you can find instead, are a million (((talmudic))) verses about how a Jewish toenail is worth more than 6 gorrilion goyim.
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ca8c2f No.229566
Are you saying that you genuinely don't understand the principles involved?
Amazing. Well no wonder they are so capable of easily dominating you…
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57b029 No.229619
Feats of endurance or strength are not feats of intelligence. If you trained you could do the same things. Or if you practiced sleight of hand you could preform the same tricks. Deception isn't a product of intelligence.
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e7fe91 No.229621
4 months is an absurdly long time :)
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e7fe91 No.229622
>Deception isn't a product of intelligence.
Answer the question dipshit
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57b029 No.229623
Deception is a distortion of information. You don't need to be intelligent enough to have discovered the information; most information is acquired from someone intellectually superior to yourself. A deceiver chooses not to give information to others in the same way he received it (honestly) but instead distortes the information solely to victimize someone else who was much like himself: seeking knowledge. Deception is a product of the treacherous man, not the intelligent one.
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e7fe91 No.229625
On the flip side, humans have innate deception-detecting abilities which….scales with their intelligence. Hence, the deceivers require even more intelligence in order to deceive these deception-detectors
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57b029 No.229626
The deception-detectors have to go off before the deceiver realizes he needs to upgrade his scam. The deceiver was not smart enough to realize this on his own. And his upgrade will be according to his ability which is why a strategy relying on deception always fails (he greatly over-estimates his ability). He is reactionary and only capable of corrupting what others create. Deception comes from lacking virtue, not possessing intelligence.
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e7fe91 No.229627
You talk as though that system is over a single generation, where kikes are individuals, and not evolved beings.
You need to understand first and foremost that you are dealing with individuals who conduct imperfect reproduction, and hence are beholden to the laws of eugenics. Kikes, goyim, they undergo what is called Host-Parasite Co-Evolution
Your mistake is that you see kikes, or goyim, as sentient beings. THEY ARE NOT. YOU CAN BREED THEM, HENCE THEY ARE NOT SENTIENT.
Kikes have 1500 years of doing the same ol' (((Jewish Tricks))) in Europe. If they are failing, they are pretty bad at failing. There were kikes 1500 years ago and there are kikes today.
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57b029 No.229628
Kikes could be Anunnaki nephilim ancient aliens for all I care. Their entire strategy relies on deception at some level. Deception only works if the deceived remain ignorant of whatever article of information the deceiver distorts, but how often is this the case? 109 deportations in their history as "evolved beings" proves their deceptions fail at some stage. Couples with their deception is a manipulation of humanity's tendency towards forgiveness and understanding. So they've never been annihilated as "evolved beings." However, like deception the sympathy card can only be played so many times. The end result of their entire being is defeat. So why would I want to use their methods?
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6086fa No.229632
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c49bae No.229634
It isn't only deception they also compromise individuals and States, the ruling classes knew exactly what they were like but it was profitable to work with them to exploit the people they ruled over and extrapolate the wealth of the people and the land for the Crown, the jews managing the usury and taxation, they were generally only expelled once the Crown itself was threatened.
From the beginning their system of debt slavery required the support of the Crown to enforce, their religious approach was based upon contractual obligation, were in the Prophetic tradition Israel is reminded of the Covenant, their breaches of it, suitable punishment and potential redemption, their power is entirely based upon legal contracts backed up by the State.
Those who are doing well in the current system of exploitation rarely speak out even if fully aware of the situation, that only changes when a shift in balance of power threatens they will become the enemy of a successful populist takeover.
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57b029 No.229635
The last populist leader, Trump, was a fraud. Every other would-be populist leader eceleb is a fraud. Everyone knows these people are frauds but (((they))) need a populist leader to pacify the masses and shift the nation towards Bolshevism. No trust means no leader emerges. So the world is at a stand-still. I hope it all burns up.
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c49bae No.229642
There is an interesting fault line, when the jew orchestrates a populist revolt this is in order to eradicate European elites, his supposed partners, thus the Right Wing Conservative guards his own interests from the Anti-nomian sects which would lay waste in order to establish absolute jewish control., which is what Trump was doing in warning against the radical Left whilst attempting to maintain the partnership with the jewish Right and the status quo.
The only reason European elites have never orchestrated populist revolts against the jews, apart from their not needing to as they held the actual power, was because their profits would suffer and they would risk being overthrown through association if the game was exposed, but the point has arrived were if they don't do such their doom is certain, it isn't like they trust the jews though through Masonry and inter-marriage they've aligned with them as close as possible, that still wouldn't count for anything once the basis of their power, the European people, had been neutralized.
When it comes down to pure profit and personal interests their only solution is to go all in with the populist supported Military coup from an ethno-European perspective and take the jew for everything he has, which is what European Monarchs tended to do under pressure, both sides know this
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e7fe91 No.229798
>109 deportations in their history as "evolved beings" proves their deceptions fail at some stage
Go back to school. Please. You embarrass me with your complete and utter misunderstanding of Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
See, now this is a man who understand the importance of IQ in subversion.
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e7fe91 No.229803
I've noticed that kikes only orchestrate a populist revolt when the alternative is an antisemitic, AND popular leader.
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c49bae No.229847
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What would be the first sign of such a potential move that would involve the end of the current financial paradigm, could it be look for the coming of the Nazbol Vortex at first light?
This takes one dangerously into Qtard territory of the Military will save us, but that's just prepping and they're already polling who would support a Military coup in France and most would, the Zionists have been pushing the Qtard narrative because they think that a Conservative Right coup will inevitably choose muh God/Bible/Israel Theocratic rule of the Rabbi, but the Law of Self Interest they operate under indicates that would be insane, it would be desirable to let them believe that though.
But like i said just a little potential fault line.
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e7fe91 No.229879
Nazbol is based. True communism effectively expels Jews by the second generation of leadership (see: Stalin throwing Trotsky in the gas chamber, Deng running over kike puppet Maoists and BLM Hong CucKs over with tanks in Tiananmen Square)
The kikes have already orchestrated a popular revolt, in the form of (((Trump))), (((Proud Boys))), (((Christian Evangelicals))), (((Rupert Murdoch Media))), and the such. They are also targeting the PRC, the only unkiked state in the world with a respectable GDP
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ca8c2f No.229937
Ok that one is going in the 'humor' folder.
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ca8c2f No.229938
>I hope it all burns up.
Amen anon. I have long considered this and this is the main reason why I will never support anyone they put forth (well that and I hate the Babylonian (((government))) system and want it to DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE).
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ca8c2f No.229939
I disagree. That is when they foment a genocide.
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e7fe91 No.230015
…..like the Bengal Famine, the Great Leap Forward, the Holodomor?
Yeah, first they have to regime change, unless they already directly rule over the territory.
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e7fe91 No.230017
The only truth is antisemitism. Nothing in this world can be viewed properly except under the lens of antisemitism.
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4c99fc No.230025
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4c99fc No.230026
their success has always hinged on their ability to either deceive or manipulate emotions, which is a type of deception. remove their ability to deceive and it's game over. there are no survivors.
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ca8c2f No.230145
>remove their ability to deceive
You could either do this or you could kill empathy in Whites. Either one results in the extermination of the shit brown peoples.
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e7fe91 No.230163
Never even heard of these fags.
Hitler is more nazbol than those posers. At least he gassed some disgusting fucking kikes and helped the volk. That's how I define nazbol.
They were manipulating markets before they manipulated emotions.
Your pathetic little middle-eastern wars and east asian endeavors will immediately collapse if you do that, followed by the complete destruction of US world power, if not the US as a whole.
Which could be a form of victory, if you were truly a national socialist.
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4c99fc No.230164
>Never even heard of these fags.
theyre the jews who literally invented nazbol
>At least he gassed some disgusting fucking kikes
no he didnt.
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e7fe91 No.230167
>literally invented nazbol
tf all this time i thought nazbol were people who wanted to gas kikes while putting a hammer and sickle on a flag for shits and giggles
ive been lied to
>no he didnt.
a man can dream ):
next time it will be real, though :)
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e7fe91 No.230169
and this time, i'm going to make the kikes gas themselves. with or without you.
time for the mizrahim to throw those wh*te azhkenazim kike scum into gas chambers. never again? not even once is never enough.
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ca8c2f No.230192
>Your pathetic little middle-eastern wars and east asian endeavors will immediately collapse
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e7fe91 No.230548
The difference between a /pol/ white supremacist and a libtard is that the libtard is smarter
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ca8c2f No.230550
What a dumb faggot.
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600e82 No.230551
>ive been lied to
seems that way
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e7fe91 No.230571
/pnd/ is less infested with jew shills, which makes them smarter
What does the Jew have to do with Socialism? They are a bunch of rootless parasites who subsists off the blood of the volk
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20a60c No.233316
>What does the Jew have to do with Socialism?
>They are a bunch of rootless parasites who subsists off the blood of the volk
and fuck off with the marxist jewry
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7dc10a No.233317
It depends on how we're defining "Socialism." I believe that excess funds should be spent on the suffering in one's own society before helping others. Does this make me a Socialist? Of course not.
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3676df No.233321
>retarded picture of unimportant Kike saying stupid shit
The ZOG-faggots will calling revolutionary White Nationalists destroying the ZOG "communists" in the end. "Communism" as used by these Kike-lovers is a meaningless term. You are supposed to fill it with whatever content you hate, and then never tell anyone. So the ZOG hates "communism" because all the thirdworld commies are a bunch of a nationalists, and some stupid white guy 50 years ago hated communism because he thought it would mean his daughter would marry a nigger.
If these ZOG-faggots were transported back into the 1930s, they'd be screeching that Hitler is a crypto-commie trying to bring Bolshevism to Germany.
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7dc10a No.233323
if you cant debunk the argument or even simply stay on topic when responding why bother replying? you just make yourself appear retarded. are you retarded?
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e599ad No.233376
>retarded picture of unimportant nobody saying stupid shit
The overwhelming majority of Kikes calling themselves socialists in Russia were in a group called the Bund, which hated the Bolsheviks because they denied Kikes are a nation (something they made all the Kikes they allowed to join accept). After the revolution, the Bolsheviks setup a special faction in their party for Kikes, called the Yevsektsiya, which existed to persecute religious Kikes, the most famous of which was Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn.
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e7fe91 No.233381
>I believe that excess funds should be spent on the suffering in one's own society before helping others.
Yes, it does. Would you like Communist party membership in the PRC?
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6979ad No.233382
Nothing should be given to parasites to keep them alive. The rich and the poor need to be liquidated, leaving only the productive class.
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7dc10a No.233384
I don't think it makes me Socialist to say we should invest in U.S. homeless rehabilitation before giving money to Israel. Socialism is a very specific system which leads to Communism. The -ISM kills the naturally good.
>good kike VS. bad kike
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e599ad No.233392
>retarded quote for retards
During the first conference of the Yevsektsiya in 1918, the leader of the organization, a Kike by the name of Semyon Dimanstein (later purged in the 1930s) declare that "when the October revolution came, the Jewish workers had remained totally passive … and a large part of them were even against the revolution. The revolution did not reach the Jewish street. Everything remained as before."
Of course, this would obviously be the case, as nearly the entirety of active Kike groups at the time were in full support of the Kerensky regime. Most of the socialist competitors of the Bolsheviks also would accuse them of harboring Kike-haters, and even as late as 1919, whole sections of the Red Army in the Pale of Settlement (the place where Bundists wanted to make a 'homeland' for themselves) would go around chanting "Smash the Yids, Long Live Soviet Power!"
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7dc10a No.233397
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646cce No.233398
You may have made a thread worthy of attention or even praise, however, I spent to much time reading the space between your ackshual writings good sir. While it was a pleasant and enlightening experience, I wasn't able to to retain much of your intended exposure in this regard. I do thank you for the respite, and an abode before wayfaring the minds of yore nigger, tyvmokthx.
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e599ad No.233405
>retarded picture for retards
There is actually nothing special about the number of Kikes that were with the Bolsheviks, except that their numbers are lower than the Kerensky regime and their competitor groups (Mensheviks, SRs, etc).
But this is beside the point. It doesn't tell who the overwhelming majority of Kikes supported in Russia (the Kerensky government), what groups the overwhelmingly majority of Kikes belong to (the Bund; their leaders called for violent opposition to the Bolsheviks after October), nor what type of Kike was even attracted to the Bolsheviks (generally the Kikes that hated other Kikes).
The ZOG-faggots obscure all this because they their "communism" is just an empty word for them. They want young white men to fill in "communism" with things they hate, like forced integration with niggers, while the leaders of the ZOG fill it in with "white nationalism." This is how they were able to force integration with niggers on the masses of the White Nation 50 years ago, while murdering a bunch of nationalist gooks in Vietnam. The "Right" ZOG-faggots usually can't even help themselves, and go one step further to express their hatred of "collectivism," by which they mean any group identity at all, but particularly White Nationalism. Their "anti-communism" is thus transformed into a form of virtue-signalling how not racist they are to.
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7dc10a No.233408
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e7fe91 No.233440
Hitler does not say "we should eat the rich", nor does he say "the poor should starve to death". Instead, he said "German people, help each other. No matter how poor you are, always work under the assumption that there is a member of the Volk who is even worse-off than you. Only if we all band together as a Volk can we break free of the circumstances placed upon us by the humiliating Treaty"
That is the foundation of Communism with Chinese Characteristics. Of course, they would attribute some parts to Deng, and some to Xi, but we all know Hitler was the first to say it.
>I don't think it makes me Socialist to say we should invest in U.S. homeless rehabilitation before giving money to Israel.
I would go ahead and not only say that it's Communist (with Chinese Characteristics) to do so, but it is a good thing
>Socialism is a very specific system which leads to Communism.
Marxian Socialism leads to Marxian Communism. Marxian Communism leads to Great Leap Famines. Great Leap Famines lead to revisionists such as Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping leads to a redefinition of Communism to mean National Socialism. Sieg Heil.
Your ideology-neurosis led you to ignore the elephant in the room, which is that a communist goyim state (NatSoc, PRC) would be in a far better state than any kiked state (US, Sweden). The only reason why the US has not collapsed yet is because of the National Socialist forces preventing kikes from destroying everything.
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e7fe91 No.233441
What I am saying is that according to Talmuudic law, the Azhkenazi elite of Israel (kikes) are actually amalekites, as they have German blood.
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e7fe91 No.233443
>There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one.
Hoo boy, another quote by the ultimate race traitor who sold out the European race to the Jew in order to continue selling out the Non-Europeans for imperialistic profit
If kikes can subvert a nation, they would not choose to subvert Russia. Russia is a poor, agarian state ruled by a king. The only reason why you can happily complain about kikes right now is because the Great Evil, known as the Monarch, has been consigned to a completely powerless role in modern times.
In times of yore, the peasants did not have to deal with mere kikes only. They had to deal with a tyrannical, parasitical race far worse than the kikes, known as European Nobility (who had much more in common, genetically, with each other than with the Volk they are supposed to rule). Through their viciousness and cruelness, they too sent your children to die, but they do it every season, for some retarded war or other. Their taxation is so great that it makes the usury and inflation tricks done by today's kikes look as light as a feather. These kings were responsible for the massacre of countless Volk in countless nations.
Yes, they work closely with the other group of parasites known as the kike. The two parasites of the Middle-Ages, the Monarch, and the Kike, were symbionts.
As a result, the Jewish takeover of Russia could actually be considered an IMPROVEMENT over the previous state of a disgusting Tsar, who most likely used kike money stolen from his volk, to fund his parasitical endeavors. From two parasites to one. A marked improvement.
Then Stalin came along, and reduced that number from one, to half. Overt Judaism is banned from the lands. The kikes were turned against each other. Sieg Heil.
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82c019 No.248638
Did you know that posting on page 25 adds 3 inches to your penis? You could have a 4 inch penis!
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ed07ea No.248639
Did you know this anon is a mod who bumps old threads once per day when his shift starts or ends? He's shitting on white people in other threads atm.
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ed07ea No.248643
>If kikes can subvert a nation, they would not choose to subvert Russia.
Russia is poor because kikes chose to subvert Russia. Billionaire oligarchs in Russia aren't Russians.. they're Jews. Russia was once prosperous, now it's kiked and poor.
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