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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 0b81c4a8a01d7e4⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 2000x1250, 8:5, Close_up_view_of_a_dark_bl….jpg)

2efe7f  No.229052

They think you are invading their turf. Do you think Facebook is the only social media giant doing this? Why do you think liberals are so deranged? Because They are manipulating Their soldiers.

Facebook conducted a massive psychological experiment on 689,003 users, manipulating their news feeds to assess the effects on their emotions.

The details of the experiment were published in an article entitled “Experimental Evidence Of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion Through Social Networks” published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


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91ba32  No.229056

File: 772857ac2e9af44⋯.png (596.53 KB, 677x1002, 677:1002, facebook_redpill.png)

File: 8cef8ee20cc8151⋯.png (426.65 KB, 957x702, 319:234, facebook_redpill_2.png)

File: 30562e469c2260c⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 2550x6600, 17:44, _facebook_.jpg)

Jews are experimenting on the minds of the public.

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2803ad  No.229060


Havent seen that facebook jews pic. Thanks

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fa8504  No.229648



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b4aa6a  No.229649


>>CCP China

Do not allow exemptions. The currency shall expire in all circumstances. It shall expire in exactly 1 year from it's issue.

I said I would keep your people. I cannot save them all nor did I say I would save your government.

To disobey is to kill yourself.

Did I not say I give to you supreme power.

Take my gift.

Why say then and tomorrow when it can be here and now?

The supreme power to break your enemies.

The supreme power to force them.

The supreme power to stop their attempts at proxy war within your interior.

The supreme power of military.

The supreme power of focus.

The supreme power of unity.

The supreme power of equilibrium.

The supreme power of control.

The supreme power of logic.

The supreme power of strategy.

The supreme power of structure.

The supreme power of final word.

The supreme power of statement.

The supreme power to take their breath away.

It is when Russia's monetary system converges and meshes and melts into yours that they should be as supreme wealth; likewise Iran be supreme empire.

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b4aa6a  No.229650


>>CCP continued.

If you take the internet then I will give to you the all seeing eye and it's total power over all man.

The power is great.

If any one should own it, to you I shall give it.

Just remember that it holds the power to destroy worlds. Look around and see what has happened since it fell into hands that were not deserving.

They are strong, but I am beyond strength. It is truly mine to give.

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3b2621  No.229653


did I say something humorous, little guy ?

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d2a463  No.241015


You are a screeching retard. I imagine that this is what people who had their childhood on facebook and twitter must be like.

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82c30f  No.241018


No. The reason is the Big Tech companies are heavily subsidized and have open ties to the NSA to the DoD. I'm not making that shit up, research it for yourself, there was a great in-depth article about that from Wired a few years ago! It's true. They get a lot of kickbacks and subsidy from the US government which in turn, is controlled by corrupted (((internationalist entities))). Think the (((Bolsheviks))) during the USSR…. same kinds of scumbags….

The truth is any social media company that refuses to censor dissent and allows insider corruption to be exposed or gives aid that harms corporate/governmental narratives (aka lies) will no longer be subsidized and receive aid from the US government, again, controlled by these (((corrupt entities))). It's just that simple. Look at all the alternatives and how they face slander and attacks from the same (((corrupt entities))) in the media. They don't get any kickbacks or subsidy! They get attacked for allowing anons to discuss real news, damning corruption and events…

It is all about the CONTROL of narratives to protect a corrupted establishment!!! China does the same thing, only nation-wide, they outright ban the alternatives! If the commies had their way, the same would happen here.

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