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File: d5c9cba5ff02809⋯.gif (635.77 KB, 1833x994, 1833:994, CaitlynJenner.GIF)

621a4f  No.229024

See what u did with your stupid conspiracy theories.

Why didn't you guys tell me Bill's married to a tranny.


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621a4f  No.229025


But on a serious note, my guess is the wife's been hearing so much anti white propaganda that she decided to get some minority cock.

Just goes to show, you'll never have enough money to keep a woman loyal.

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f4067a  No.229099


Manlinda is definitely a tranny.

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c7e8cd  No.229233


Literal world domination isn't enough to keep a woman.

Kill all women and replace all of them with artificial wombs.

Kill anyone who disagrees.

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c2d1dc  No.229327



That's because "she" is a liberal "woman". I think at least some conservative women can be faithful.

I'm reminded of how that lady cucked the fresh prince. Smh but it's probably just due for liberal men.

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a20127  No.229329


The vaccination microchips were her idea. She's mad at Bill for taking credit.

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200aa1  No.229332

File: e13b172e0aded68⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, smugmadoka.jpg)


>conservative women

kek, there are no conservative women. Women have no opinions except the ones that are provided to them by men.

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e67ba3  No.229640


This >>229332


Women are naturally evil and parasitic, just as jews are.

Anyone protecting a woman is protecting a jew, in my eyes, and therefore, is my enemy.

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7738b4  No.229914


>Women are naturally evil and parasitic

Fuck off yid. Stop trying to pretend this is a misogynist board for your gay little blog.

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30f95f  No.229921


Women are only as evil as their men allow.


Fully agree. My wife was like any other libshit until I gave her a different opinion. Now I get to hear her use words like "faggot" "nigger" "kike" and "based" kek

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d280a2  No.229959


Then you picked a weak wife and she is going to produce weak children for you.

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1fa647  No.230004


Fucking shame

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