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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 06ba4746a9383f9⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB, 480x432, 10:9, IMG_9321.MP4)

0784ec  No.228825

Does anyone have this video in its entirety and in better quality?

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bfe12d  No.228827


I love how the guy admits Jews are to blame but then uses pilpul to shift the blame onto the victims of Jewish deception. And then goes on to say his ancestors could have stopped the Jews but chose not too, having fallen into the same type of degeneracy America is now fallen. If you victim-blame in the present day then you also blame your ancestors for present-day problems which reduces the guilt of those living. It's just bad propaganda. There's no logical flow. It wobbles from one truth

>Jews are to blame

and poor attempt at jumping to

>Victims of the Jews are to blame.

Very sloppy, imo.

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62872a  No.228828


All of humanity is wrecked by Stockholm syndrome.

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bfe12d  No.228829

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eeccd4  No.228856


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eeccd4  No.228857

I know you three sexual midget s like to pretend that there are a "bunch of people" in /pnd/

I've seen you suggest there are "fifteen of you in here"….

hahahahaha BULLSHIT…


THREE fucking losers….

THREE awkward misfits

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eeccd4  No.228858

The THREE Lonely, Resentful, Inept Social And Sexual Life Failures Known As /PND/

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e0c08b  No.228859

File: c85b45c41e724e7⋯.png (37.85 KB, 600x800, 3:4, soy.png)

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aed41a  No.228964


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