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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 33084a01b77be1d⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 200430_ahmaud_arbery_ew_10….jpg)

b6a8d8  No.228756

The Department of Justice alleged Wednesday that the men confronted Arbery "because of his race."

The incident sparked outrage and spurred an international movement to draw attention to racism against Black runners, NBC News reported.


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a93be8  No.228788

lol all three of those white trash, mouthbreathing, inbred, illiterate trailerpark idiots are going to prison FOR LIFE

the fat stupid father and son team are both going to receive MULTIPLE LIFE SENTENCES (there's no parole in federal sentences anyway, but they'll each receive TWO life sentences apiece)

Their "bowl haircut Trailerpark clown" buddy will receive one life sentence.

and they're NOT going to be released on bond…


This entire time, they've been in a cement & steel unforgiving environment, SURROUNDED BY BLACK INMATES…


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a93be8  No.228790

File: f80c4d8a7e32066⋯.png (850.08 KB, 1080x940, 54:47, PicsArt_05_02_10_38_45.png)


at LEAST have the journalistic integrity to show a photograph of HOW STUPID THEY ARE


just like all MAGA supporters

Human Garbage

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a93be8  No.228791

they will never see the light of day again, except for the ride in the Transport Van that takes each of them to the GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS JACKSON DIAGNOSTIC PRISON, where they will be evaluated using the GDC "GRID", and the determination will be made as to which particular state prison will house them until they die.

They are NOT being housed together in the county jail… They're separated, so they can't communicate… They are each ON THEIR OWN, in three different cell blocks, all alone, surrounded by 95% black inmates…

And when they're sent to prison, they will not serve their sentences in the same facility.

They're each facing their future completely alone.

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a93be8  No.228792


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a93be8  No.228793

After 90 days in JACKSON, the "bowl haircut" moron will be transported by GDC BUS (a blue & white bluebird bus converted with shackle restraints) all the way back to his own neck of the woods COASTAL STATE PRISON, a mid level facility

The father will be transported to VALDOSTA STATE PRISON, one of the most violent dangerous facilities

and those two bus rides will be the LAST daylight they ever see

But the SON ?…..

lol he's going to remain right there in Jackson Georgia, in the JACKSON DIAGNOSTIC PRISON


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a93be8  No.228797

File: f676b0c2bc5d771⋯.jpg (95.68 KB, 968x1241, 968:1241, PicsArt_05_02_12_55_46.jpg)

lol @ you even wasting your time postulating about a possible acquittal

hahahahaha that's hilarious

these dumpster-juice white trash incestuous backwoods hillbilly dirt-people are going to be convicted on ALL COUNTS by a jury of their peers

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a93be8  No.228798

File: 13126b1b607306b⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 970x1238, 485:619, PicsArt_05_02_12_56_06.jpg)

All three of them are going to die in prison

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a93be8  No.228799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brain injured orangutan William "Roddy" Bryan was SOOOO stupid, that he gave this interview on CNN…

which ANY worthwhile Attorney would've advised against….

Speaking of which :


hahahaha !!!!!

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58b6cd  No.228810

At least they rid the world of that Jig Jogger! Monkey trash in a hole now!!!

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30fa36  No.228812


nobody cares about or even remembers him.

but for the three white trash MAGA patriot morons

every minute seems like an hour

every hour seems like a month

every week seems like a year

every month seems like an eternity


and that will continue for years

decades, in fact

until they finally die

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30fa36  No.228813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lol @ THIS being Bryan's "attorney" hahahaha

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30fa36  No.228814

Right after dipshit white trash Bryan appeared on the CNN interview, he was immediately arrested

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30fa36  No.228816

you MAGA morons are undoubtedly THE STUPIDEST, lowest class human garbage on earth

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