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570062  No.228399

Precisely when and how did the Catholic Church get subverted?

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10236e  No.228416

When they started wearing small hats.

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f39f19  No.228428

Medici pope at the latest

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8ec8d3  No.228431

I believe it really started with the Gnostics.

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10236e  No.228443


Which flavor of Gnostic?

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8ec8d3  No.228446


The original mentioned and condemned by Paul – a group claiming to acquire salvation through secret knowledge of Christ's teachings to his Apostles.

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10236e  No.228447


Paul was a Pharisee anon. Who the fuck cares what he said?

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8ec8d3  No.228455


He was correct in condemning the first Gnostics. Salvation only comes by belief in Christ (John 3:16), not by knowledge.

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10236e  No.228459


If you believed in Jesus you would say fuck Paul too. You can't have two masters anon. You either accept Christ or Globohomo.

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8ec8d3  No.228461


That's a very weak attempt at religious Divide and Conquer. Please delete your post and come up with something better.

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10236e  No.228464


What is your problem with it? If you had ever READ the bible (which, of course being Catholic you think it is enough to own it and let it gather dust on the shelf) you would immediately know that I was simply telling you the truth. I know it comes at you rather fast.

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8ec8d3  No.228466


What Paul said about the early Gnostics is supported by John's Gospel. Salvation comes by faith in Christ, not knowledge. So the entire Gnostic premise is kike blasphemy.

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10236e  No.228467


I only care what Jesus said. Not what anyone else said.

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8ec8d3  No.228475


>The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.

John 11:25

Jesus said it himself, that belief is the key to salvation, not hidden knowledge about the mechanics of salvation.

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10236e  No.228478


Anon…wtf he was talking to his own people not to the planet.

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10236e  No.228479

Go only to the lost house of Israel ring a bell?

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8ec8d3  No.228483



Meeting with the Canaanite woman ring a bell? Something about dogs eating table scraps? Yadda yadda Christ's message re-united the Israelites and Greeks.

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8ec8d3  No.228484


John 3 "whoever believes."

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10236e  No.228485


Does not refer to anyone outside the house of Israel. I can't believe you don't know the BASICS and you want to strike up a conversation about this. Jesus was an UBER NATIONALIST.

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10236e  No.228488

He actually called other races dogs

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8ec8d3  No.228490



>Does not refer to anyone outside the house of Israel.

Jesus said

>Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

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10236e  No.228492


Yes, Jesus anon, the HOUSE OF ISRAEL are always referred to as 'the nations' of Israel (surely you have heard THIS PHRASE before from all the times you have read your Bible extensively. He fucking DIDN'T EVER refer to non-Israelites! NEVER!

Why do you think he said:

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me.'

He was only sent to the Nations (House of Israel)…if you are not of the House of Israel, you cannot receive salvation. It is a bloodline issue.

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8ec8d3  No.228496


>Yes, Jesus anon, the HOUSE OF ISRAEL are always referred to as 'the nations' of Israel

This has nothing to do with what we're discussing and the eight times the phrase 'HOUSE OF ISRAEL' is used by you.

You're done.

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10236e  No.228498


>ignore the bible when it suits you

Ok anon…whatever.

You lost.

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b69455  No.228550

Maybe he was talking about being cheap aka a Jew. Most people I know are Jews like this.

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f0cbee  No.228560




They will continue to feel my wrath until the moment of complete annihilation. I will continue to advance my aggression and hostility.

There will be blood.

I will visit every door.

I will touch every seed.

I will whisper into every womb.

I will deliver nightmare to every child.

I will bring plague.

I will bring famine.

I will bring war.

.syawla meht htiw ma I

I am here.

I am.

Behold these things that shall not stop and keep happening for they are I. I am they in living motion.

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8ed770  No.228561

when they were so stupid, they believed in "god", or the "Jesus" myth

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8ed770  No.228562


you're literally a faggot. no heterosexual would ever type like this

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8ed770  No.228563


HAHAHAHA !!ADULTSwho actually believe "jesus" ever existed!!

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4199c3  No.228624

The Church was the subversion from day 1.

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94a2d9  No.228656

From its inception, retard

The Catholic Church was designed to preside over the incubation-chamber for an advanced variant of kike known as the Azhkenazim. They religiously compel European nations to perform a sort of eugenics on the Jewish population, culling the weak but ensuring the strong survive. The exact mechanism is a disjointed system of shoahs, where one of many states commits a shoah and the other states accepts the rapefugees who were the ancestors of the Azhkenazim. In this way, the 115-IQ kikes who threaten all of humanity today are conceived.

Google Tay-Sachs Disease, Kirbyan Mimicry

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e44579  No.228759

Boy, this thread got hijacked.

Many Popes have been compromised throughout the last 2000 years by different groups. Franny is a commie.

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