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2c2eac  No.228158

I'm not a jew hater or even right wing, but repercussions are way overexxaggerated in modern society and I think I see parallels in history whenever a caste of people were supposed to be weakened. Healthy male aggression and healthy egoism was practically rooted out in my country (Germany) and Turks pretty much have a monopoly on our women by now.

Many Germans fail at making it clear to a woman they want to mate her and once they muster the courage, insecurities pretty much killed the vibes already.

It's not the consequence of jail. Nor the fear of rejection. It's an inherent taboo forced into us by our mothers and venomous societal norms. At least that is my personal experience.

I was lucky to get the idea to work out as we aren't taught to value and work on our bodies.

I've been getting into Indoaryanism and Neanderthals recently. How come early humans were stronger, healthier and more sexually active than us? Why have we devolved when apparently everything has become more modern?

It occured to me that if I as an individual and equally afflicted want to live a better life or pass their genes, it is imperative to shed the old norms, unlearn everything we learned about morals and lose all inhibition to reflect our wants, needs and natural right onto the outside world for everyone to see.

To trust the natural apparatus we incarnated in and follow our instincts. To destroy all slavish insecurity within us. Or we shall perish.

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c2333c  No.228216


>I'm not a jew hater

Then you are our enemy and must be killed for existing.

Anything that you say or think is irrelevant due to that fact alone.

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daf87c  No.228232

People used to work with their hands anon. Like, actual work. Then theyd go home and bang a cousin because youre not a soyboy and can live without ice cream and frappuccinos. Sex was encouraged. It isnt tabboo like it is now. We used to be primal as shit. Those were the days.

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73cd20  No.228250

>Im not a jew hater

Get the fuck back to reddit, globohomo. Or spend two extra minutes, if youre a gentile, reading some of the shit here.

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d3ee58  No.228254


>Turks pretty much have a monopoly on our women by now

>Many Germans fail at making it clear to a woman they want to mate her

Is this the cuck thread?

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867337  No.228630

It all started with listening to women. Women are not objective and allow things that shouldn't be allowed to live live.

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25c9e3  No.228739


You have that totally backwards. It is men who are too lenient about not killing…they are too laid back and permissive of everything. Who would you rather deal with, a mother of a child your child hit, or a father? Men are laid back and complacent about criminal action because they identify with criminals and criminal actions.

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867337  No.228801


Perhaps on your testosterone free world, not this one, the real one.

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4c60be  No.228805


>I've been getting into Indoaryanism and Neanderthals recently. How come early humans were stronger, healthier and more sexually active than us? Why have we devolved when apparently everything has become more modern?

Nature cherry-picks by default. The weak cannot survive and breed in the natural world. Once technology relieves the pressures, the weak can breed. I'd bet many species have have achieved the sophistication we have only to watch it all crumble as the species evolved into retarded dead-ends.

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f4e462  No.228806


Nope I am right, you are wrong.

This is why there is a tolerance of the types of degeneracy in our world. Men are the guardians of society and they have permitted all of what we see now.

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