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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: df96821cd90c61f⋯.jpg (375.83 KB, 600x502, 300:251, Lyndon_johnson.jpg)

920949  No.228121

After Senator Tim Scott delivered the Republican response to China Joe’s speech to Congress, leftists started trending “Uncle Tim” on Twitter.


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586958  No.228129

Are you fucking retarded?

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3ad424  No.228133

Why are the posts here so bad?

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e2c534  No.228139


It's just Feds, CCP bootlickers, and Jim Watkins posting here now.

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40310c  No.228168


>will be annihilated along with the Kikes when the Turner Diaries come.


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1b00cd  No.228213


It is always ok to kill jews and leftards.

There is no future for neither.

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0e0795  No.228233

File: e616cda9f4bc709⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 630x630, 1:1, be_gone_thot.jpg)


and which one are you?

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201b31  No.228243

Democrats are Churchillian KKK White Supremacist Imperialists, who are the opposite of National Socialists.

Everything the Jew accuses the NSDAP of, they are guilty of themselves.

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275ec6  No.228263


Don’t forget the merchants! O vey

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895887  No.228273


ZOG-faggot mods actually deleted my post! Guess I'm going to have to start screen-shooting everything I post, so I can repost it again as proof this place is run by fucking Kike-lovers.

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201b31  No.228655


Are there any places that are not run by kike-lovers?

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4c9101  No.239212


Why the fuck do you insist in posting in this absolute shithole?

Come back home where the cool boys are, I believe you know the place.

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