>Can you imagine the reduction in officer involved shootings if ___?
simple as any other serious question anyone's asked and boiled down in so many years: jews OP, it's just fucking jews. If you don't quite understand how that is so, the bottom line of all that is awry in your life, as well as those before you and those you will bequeath unto a you somewhere/time for a (((you))) that you dont think you are, by and through another that does the same? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop faggot kike nigger. Answer me or forever wallow in your lack of jewish golden baby blood showers. The only two acceptable options you've failed to deliver upon in regards to your situation, are that you are A: a nigger, B: a faggot, or C: a kike, oh and as we well know D: a jannie. These terms have been sufficient to recognize compound meanings over lengthy periods of time. The in between of training sessions or live rounds went ghost along time ago my dude.