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File: b485512e4c2be2a⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 850x400, 17:8, JEW_DESTROYERS.jpg)

e7d369  No.227064[Last 50 Posts]

Post em.

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e7d369  No.227065

File: 59dcf1b138b3c5a⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 850x400, 17:8, jews_worship_lucifer.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227066

File: 1ab962bbf7cd52e⋯.png (374.42 KB, 967x784, 967:784, white_genocide_jew_quotes.png)

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e7d369  No.227067

File: 42916a40bd3b453⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 850x400, 17:8, sarah_silverman_christ.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227068

File: 058d2ddacb30919⋯.jpg (64.97 KB, 506x363, 46:33, porn_jew.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227069

File: 59b6bdc810b261a⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 780x398, 390:199, mike_enoch_jew.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227070

File: 65ed350ef026dc8⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1516x810, 758:405, white_genocide_jew_quotes_….jpg)

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e7d369  No.227071

File: 98cd95f54ff82ed⋯.png (60.1 KB, 586x749, 586:749, jews_incest.png)

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e7d369  No.227072

File: e0cef2f016de280⋯.webm (2.43 MB, 426x240, 71:40, jews_admit.webm)

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e7d369  No.227073

File: ee621be5112cd63⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 550x236, 275:118, jews_media.jpg)

File: 679c58385a387e3⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 591x502, 591:502, jews_media.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227074

File: bb4a7624160d2bd⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 899x426, 899:426, jew_pedo_2.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227075

File: 7a61e03040a354a⋯.jpg (246.17 KB, 1613x1210, 1613:1210, jew_talmud_pedophile.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227078

File: e66b3c1ff117db0⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1435x687, 1435:687, jews_book.PNG)

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e7d369  No.227079

File: adfe4e76b961058⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 627x323, 33:17, jews_immigration_5.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227080

File: e0e8c3555bb86d4⋯.jpg (159.46 KB, 1704x536, 213:67, herzl_zionism.JPG)

File: 8f632786049f141⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 768x307, 768:307, weev_herzl_2.JPG)

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e7d369  No.227081

File: f5b1504f06447f2⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 1028x356, 257:89, jew_khazars_7.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227082

File: 5214862a29ba06c⋯.jpg (771.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jew_genocide.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227083

File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, white_genocide_intent_jews.png)

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e7d369  No.227084

File: ea5adec75ccc28d⋯.png (655.55 KB, 1198x923, 1198:923, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)

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e7d369  No.227085

File: 564428935db74a0⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 589x569, 589:569, Jews_Hate_Christianity_3.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227086

File: 60951e127194720⋯.jpg (520.54 KB, 1204x1128, 301:282, Jews_Zionism_plan.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227087

File: f4bf0c7105f64fd⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 606x1024, 303:512, Jews_admit_their_evil_is_r….jpg)

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e7d369  No.227088

File: 0cd15cdeec196cb⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 748x385, 68:35, jews_and_blacks.JPG)

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e7d369  No.227089

File: dfbd2be4936310e⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 656x666, 328:333, jews_control_america.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227091

File: acb5b8580c92239⋯.png (151.97 KB, 1110x718, 555:359, moarpheus_deport_jews_zion….png)

File: 6d611c1f5bca61f⋯.jpg (338.19 KB, 1784x946, 892:473, herzl_quote_1.JPG)

File: cd52d02fad4334c⋯.jpg (293.46 KB, 1200x1139, 1200:1139, hey_rabbi.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227092

File: f0547dde2a2b25c⋯.png (440.59 KB, 640x462, 320:231, jews_diversity.png)

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e7d369  No.227094

File: 70d985a48d62729⋯.png (340.4 KB, 1419x923, 1419:923, gay_jews_2.PNG)

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e7d369  No.227097

File: 94441bd0a30935c⋯.png (632.39 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, jews_not_removed.png)

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e7d369  No.227099

File: bb75922cb3fc72a⋯.png (446.23 KB, 711x733, 711:733, jews_foreskin_eating.PNG)

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e7d369  No.227101

File: c49141d507171ed⋯.jpg (143.5 KB, 900x602, 450:301, jews_world.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227105

File: 8f919b190486574⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 480x590, 48:59, jews_racial_plan.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227106

File: dc54ae8cc9a5067⋯.jpg (333.81 KB, 1940x1190, 194:119, jews_europe.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227108

File: c1a182335e51085⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 850x400, 17:8, jews_ally.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227109

File: 96cfd0e4ba38a9a⋯.jpg (585.63 KB, 1544x1544, 1:1, jews_israel.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227111

File: 827bc948baf70c8⋯.png (2.9 MB, 3160x1492, 790:373, hootan_plan_1.png)

File: 5fc1ea61a1f8d55⋯.png (7.08 KB, 569x140, 569:140, jews_hootan_plan.png)

File: c9946e2dad9cab3⋯.jpg (165.66 KB, 1249x941, 1249:941, germany_minority.JPG)

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e7d369  No.227112

File: 9d7757a73f6525a⋯.png (348 KB, 1117x1017, 1117:1017, jews_yosef.png)

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e7d369  No.227113

File: 829a662e873b332⋯.jpg (245.91 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Jews_ADL.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227115

File: 29438b5c35f8f5d⋯.png (68.9 KB, 672x382, 336:191, NO_GOOD_JEWS_2.PNG)

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e7d369  No.227116

File: eacbc7fd449ffa9⋯.jpg (142.45 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, jews_control_america.jpg)

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e7d369  No.227119

File: 14e3783ffe2c24e⋯.png (952.83 KB, 1050x1914, 175:319, jews_brussels_2.png)

File: 5f300f3c315df20⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1276x795, 1276:795, jews_brussels.png)

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e7d369  No.227124

File: 61e7671574a22f7⋯.png (663.37 KB, 909x923, 909:923, jews_muslims.png)

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e7d369  No.227132

File: ed3d001b02fa97f⋯.png (155.49 KB, 1687x697, 1687:697, NWO_quotes.PNG)

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6fb54d  No.228022


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45c1fe  No.232712


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cc5c39  No.232741

File: 299795d5d7f497d⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 640x511, 640:511, Holy_Bible.jpg)


>Jewish Quotes

I got a whole book full of 'em.

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39863b  No.232746


fuck off, we're not talking about ancient jews

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cc5c39  No.232767


A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

You would know this to be true

If your mama hadn't lied to you.

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cc5c39  No.232782

File: efac943b36c97e2⋯.jpg (67.7 KB, 720x880, 9:11, E1coQG6VgAQX9tt.jpg)

This is how they invade.

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e31e49  No.232835

File: d3e3309c3b04546⋯.png (128.93 KB, 679x911, 679:911, 1618702600758.png)

File: e210ebd5fba0695⋯.jpg (132.61 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 20210515_144219.jpg)


Look up the Irgun. They were responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel, Deir Yassin Massacre, etc… the irgun was a jewish terrorist organization in palestine. Thats not even a contentious point of view, its accepted historical record.

>Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine. Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.

Then look at picrel1. Starting to paint a picture? Its well established that if people actually studied history (as the founding fathers vehemently emphasized picrel2), the jews would be extinct. They're only able to exist by their ability to control information, or lack thereof. It's all there, but have to seek it out yourself. But how can you seek it out yourself if you dont know exists? Quite a paradox. Holocaust class isnt going to teach you about the Spartacist uprising and 1918-19 german revolution. We need to open peoples eyes to the truth of what really happened. If they knew the Holocaust and Nuremburg was a lie, itd all start to crumble.

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e31e49  No.232836

So 1939, hitler essentially tries to create a charity to sponsor jews to leave europe. By 1940 this Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun, fractured into two factions. One which sought to assist Hitler in bringing the jews over and establishing their own country where all jews might go (Lehi - the Nationalist Jews), and the other, who followed the original plan (Irgun - Globalist Jews). My theory is the Irgun were sponsored by the Globohomo/British Jews/Rothschilds/etc. Their goal was indeed to establish a sovereign Jewish state, but not for ALL Jews to leave their countries to go there. This is a key moment in jewish history as we witness the rift with nationalist Jews, and globalist one world state jews. Its safe to say the globohomo were willing to let large swaths of jews die to prevent their exile, so they could continue to be interwoven in western nations.

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e31e49  No.232837

File: 79876e76f72cd38⋯.png (398.31 KB, 1198x825, 1198:825, 3055a437bdfc371552ee96e21a….png)

File: 99876735bf2b53f⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_7_.jpg)

File: fa27466fbb44a96⋯.jpg (135.8 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 1618286555304m.jpg)

File: c68c4c0562b285a⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_i_am_a_zionist_you_d….jpg)

Should have made my own thread, derailed a bit. Here you go

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e31e49  No.232838

File: a03c99224a135ee⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 560x765, 112:153, 1619913575294.jpg)

File: da32734dbae7c19⋯.jpg (145.99 KB, 763x763, 1:1, 1619914082054.jpg)

File: a5c76b4606680ae⋯.jpg (122.71 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1619913529600.jpg)

File: 25bc4b6e3616a31⋯.png (86.13 KB, 603x625, 603:625, 1619916664523.png)

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e31e49  No.232840

File: b39c3d678a07b31⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1618286484546.jpg)

File: a34a54f0fa66ff2⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 1618705914676.jpg)

File: c1b1afec6cf3e95⋯.jpg (173.27 KB, 1024x845, 1024:845, 1618689944099m.jpg)

File: 4f266df46a6e746⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 1024x799, 1024:799, 4f266df46a6e746693bc5d77d1….jpg)

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6a1a8b  No.232841


I think it's much better to have them dispersed and stateless.

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e31e49  No.232842

File: e29b21d0a8c1acd⋯.png (532.67 KB, 720x710, 72:71, 1617922745304.png)

File: 6b243a19550dd93⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 500x387, 500:387, 1618286451874.jpg)

File: 1320bb1cb648fc1⋯.jpg (232.32 KB, 749x901, 749:901, 1616198940970.jpg)

File: 7cd99d9dfeb571f⋯.jpg (187.48 KB, 1024x1014, 512:507, 1617923249384m.jpg)

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e31e49  No.232843

File: 5b90aad1fa65aa2⋯.jpg (318.3 KB, 604x688, 151:172, 20210305_084946.jpg)

File: f4fdceb818f7c68⋯.png (701.93 KB, 826x569, 826:569, 1612449911396.png)

Including Nuremberg laws since theyre technically jew-by-proxy. And funnily enough, the nazis did use guns like the one mentioned in the tom and jerry pic. They were called Krummlauf, and could only function to an angle of about 30 degrees. Heres a Sam O'Nella animated video about them: https://youtu.be/K_NRBkJtNAI?t=03m45s

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419fe9  No.233416

File: 2a9e695cffb2323⋯.png (177.02 KB, 910x844, 455:422, Screenshot_20210518_075725.png)



(there are a few snapshots on archive.vn)

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14db23  No.233426

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13100e  No.233427

File: 1b4078002b1aa0b⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1590621647812.jpg)

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13100e  No.233428

File: 87397af60dddc8f⋯.jpg (161.49 KB, 1089x874, 1089:874, 1590621736446.jpg)

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13100e  No.233429

File: 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1590598060872.jpg)

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13100e  No.233430

File: aae7fbe08797c07⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Jf.jpg)

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13100e  No.233433

File: 3314d9c7c15b9e2⋯.jpg (279.53 KB, 1024x892, 256:223, Jf2.jpg)

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13100e  No.233434

File: addb3fe4462286e⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 285x214, 285:214, .jpg)

File: f2ecf2e6a8fe997⋯.jpg (200.32 KB, 736x736, 1:1, Jf3.jpg)

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13100e  No.233435

File: e5b8d17920d5daa⋯.jpg (266.13 KB, 823x1174, 823:1174, 1592931367917.jpg)

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13100e  No.233436

File: 2c03dd395ec8d9e⋯.jpg (238.67 KB, 1440x740, 72:37, 1592931459984.jpg)

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13100e  No.233437

File: 975ab9138ffc04a⋯.jpg (45.55 KB, 782x502, 391:251, paul.jpg)

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fbb715  No.236998

File: dd1a3be26c80416⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 3882x3794, 1941:1897, JewQuotes.gif)

File: 2d8c19726183527⋯.gif (10.2 MB, 6000x5000, 6:5, DerJuden.gif)

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9267c5  No.237032



I will not let you go. I previously stated that out of many futures there were two paths you could go down, but in the long run it is too late to change the path you are on.

>>Turkey & Egypt

So, now you desire to do the right thing?


You violate my patience.

You offend my sensibility.

You draw my wrath.

You curse at me.

You will be annihilated as scheduled by write.

Egypt, you drive me to rage.

Pakistan holds the spirit of rape.


I wasted my breath into the whispering wind.

I ask you of Cain and Abel…

It was I who killed Abel, Cain was just another body.

You dare tread upon the holy in filth?

You gather satisfaction in your brothers death, agony, and pain?

They call me the devil, but I can assure you that I am become jealous in your ways.

I'll be seeing you all.

I am here.

I am coming.


I see these activities.

I see you.

From POL to impact is approximately 107 - 133 seconds. When that building is destroyed (during the day), the Temple at site #2 will go offline and not come back. At that point you will begin to lose control of assets in LEO. This will place the ISS at risk and created severe communications problems that exacerbate the looming attack.

You entertain me.

Your resistance is my advance, is me pulling you in.

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9267c5  No.237033



You engage paradox.

Will it be China?

Will it be Russia?

When it happens one will issue immediate statement of testament to such action, and with pride. The damages will be far greater than expected as you underestimate the degree of corruption and it's proliferation within.

Enjoy that one, it's truly free.

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9267c5  No.237052




I wrote about this extensively before such a thing had even existed in the minds of the public. They will become animal and more so like those that found favor with me with bathsalts.

It was the easiest way to effect the entire body of the structure.

They will kill.

They will eat.

They will travel in packs.

They will hear me.

You will see them foam at the mouth.

You will see them with crossed eyes.

You will see them tremble and shake.

You will hear them howl.

I spoke of this inevitability at the time I invited them to partake in this.

I still conduct deal and devil such things amongst them.

It has always been my way.

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