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File: b5c7179fb3cac1a⋯.jpg (786.7 KB, 758x9775, 758:9775, BLM_after_chauvin_trial.jpg)

File: c83145433db6a3f⋯.jpeg (36.74 KB, 600x353, 600:353, BLM_killing_white_folk_qu….jpeg)

3781f1  No.225834

“I Don’t Want to Say We Need to Start Killing All White Folks, But…”: BLM Extremists Detail Path Forward After Chauvin Trial

[Pushing 'black genocide' he gets FAT black women's take on Chauvin Trial]

>Despite former officer Derek Chauvin being found guilty on all three charges in the death of George Floyd case, Black Lives Matter activists are still not satisfied and want white people to pay, even threatening a civil war.

>Journalist Ami Horowitz was on the ground in Minneapolis as the jury announced their final verdict interviewing left-wing extremists. “Burn the whole city down, what does it matter?” said one of the women interviewed. “I say burn the city down, y’know? So they can see that we’re here,” another woman said.

>Another BLM extremist said that Chauvin didn’t deserve a trial in the first place: “There shouldn’t even be a trial, he should be convicted just as is.” One woman falsely claimed that “thousands” of unarmed black men were killed last year in the United States by the police. The actual number is 18. Horowitz asked a younger woman if a civil war was necessary and she said “if that’s what it takes, then we have to do it.” Two other woman agreed.

>The most extreme comment came from one BLM extremist who suggested that white people need to feel the pain. “I don’t want to say we need to start killing all white folks, but it’s like…” one of the militant extremists said. “But…?” Horowitz questioned. “Maybe they need to feel the pain and the hurt,” she added.



(((Ami Horowitz))) reporting [never forget]


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4d7455  No.225835

Always a Jew in the middle of dividing everyone else.

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3781f1  No.225836


You are going to love the twitter feed.

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4d7455  No.225837

File: 768e4ef8bf0642b⋯.png (136.13 KB, 1055x709, 1055:709, waking_up.PNG)


You're right. They're waking up nicely. Slowly, of course, but that's expected.

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b1cf17  No.225879


The problem wouldn't go away if you just deleted jews. That's always the line from people who want to keep the multi-cult together. Almost always niggers, conservatives, and capitalists.

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4d7455  No.225880


No, the problem wouldn't go away if we just deleted Jews, at least in the beginning. Jews are the instigators, the dividers, the creators and promoters of degenerate cultures. Once we remove the cancer the body will heal over length of time.

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b1cf17  No.225881


Jews can't instigate something that doesn't already exist. That's the broader point.

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4d7455  No.225882


Jews target the animal brain. They exploit our need for sex, nourishment, and entertainment. These are needs every person has and can be exploited by anyone. Jews are only unique in how far they're willing to go in order to gain the upper-hand on others. But they are not immune to their own propaganda.

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b1cf17  No.225884


I understand how jews work. What I'm saying is that this is not a country, we are not a "people", and you're posting screencaps and talking like we are.

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4d7455  No.225886


Who are you referring to as "we?"

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b1cf17  No.225887


"Americans". This is a thread about niggers in America.

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4d7455  No.225888

File: bd4a81abe48aa94⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1041, 640:347, never_again_2.jpg)


Do Jews control America? If so then the current state of America is a product of Jewry. Remove the Jews from all spheres of social and political influence and let's see where things go. That's all I'm saying. Before 1965 things were pretty good for white people in America.

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b1cf17  No.225889


It's not 1965.

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b1cf17  No.225890

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)

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4d7455  No.225891


You're right. Jews are in total control of the U.S.. Our government, military, banking, and social influencers are each controlled by Jews, whether he wear the mask of Zionism or Communist. So let us remove his influence and see what comes of America.

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4d7455  No.225892

File: 5faba393a8c52ee⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1000x2550, 20:51, richard_spencer_friberg_5_….jpg)

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b1cf17  No.225895


That stuff isn't particularly relevant.

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4d7455  No.225896


Faye is a Zionist shill.

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b1cf17  No.225897


It doesn't matter what his opinions on kikes was. He recognized that America was a cancer and that actual Western civilization needs defense from it. Long before 1965 your ideal America was killing Europe – our ancestral home.

But for you pro-Americans, it's not really your ancestral home. You're from England. Mexico. Africa.

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4d7455  No.225898

File: dcb29bf9b8f3d7a⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 450x682, 225:341, _queen_elizabeth_.jpg)


Europe has been and still is under control of Jews. The disconnect that you and I have been experiencing is caused by this:

Most, if not all, nations on Earth are under Jewish control. They pretend to champion contradictory causes, some are more blatant than others, but they're still all occupied. It's a single kingdom which you're erroneously dividing against itself, i.e. America BVS Europe, or America VS. Russia, or China VS. Israel. There is no versus anything. It's all iZog (International ZOG). We the People are totally alone.

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b1cf17  No.225899


>Europe has been and still is under control of Jews.

Yes, it's called the US occupying forces.

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4d7455  No.225900


It's called Jews occupying every place known to man.

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e81352  No.225957

File: 042896184390542⋯.png (335.18 KB, 1602x643, 1602:643, _.png)

You must be the most braindead person on the planet to now know how vile and disloyal jewish people are. They create literally all of these social strife's and when it starts going south they retract and come up with something else

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a30e20  No.226019

these niggers really do believe the system is against them and not against Whites. nonwhites might be almost as demoralized as Whites.

good, it ensures an early advantage in RAHOWA

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6701b3  No.226160


For some reason, Americans are subverted and believe that jews are "the chosen people" and that the holocaust is relevant for situations occurring 80 years later, and this is without questioning the legitimacy of a holocaust.

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854a74  No.226168


Most yes, but that's the same with most countries today including modern Germany and France too. Indoctrination has infested nearly all nations, maybe not all but most. At this point, it's almost a lost cause. We need to fight for our times and tell the truth about the world, as it is today. That would wake many people up, and THEN maybe you could touch more about that subject. Seems to work well for me.

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09c547  No.229930


I am living in America, descended from Germans. What you say is accurate, but not for all of us. In my country, when you see a fit man who preps and owns guns - you're looking at an antisemitic and racist man… not because we are consumed with hating them - we just still have brains and eyes.

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