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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1044cfd9ceb8b7a⋯.png (2.98 KB, 219x432, 73:144, i_Fuhrer.png)

File: 32d645f5fbf0bab⋯.png (51.4 KB, 1903x952, 1903:952, 1.png)

File: 5017f6a8879368d⋯.png (75.08 KB, 1903x952, 1903:952, 4.png)

File: 59089fb5d563fe0⋯.png (77.16 KB, 1298x947, 1298:947, do_Germans_really.png)

File: 11d39ee0484ff19⋯.png (29.08 KB, 1295x595, 37:17, sneed.png)

d7c66a  No.225337




>What is Der Sieg?

Der Sieg is a National-Socialist computer game. It is similar to the famous Zork, but also introduces a lot of graphical elements and some RPG mechanics, like dialogues and turn-based combat.

>What is it about?

You will be playing as British Gestapo detective in occupied London, 1944, investigating Antifa's terroristic activity in the city. The game features popular British folklore and culture, like Greggs, BUF and other attributes of Albion.

>How much does it cost?

It is completely free to everyone, because it's being developed to redpill people and bring positive emotions, not for the money.





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8998d7  No.225349


Feel free to explain the connection between the video games and your lack of heterosexual experience

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8998d7  No.225350


I think it's kind of funny how Derek Chauvin is being convicted on the same day you're celebrating closeted homosexual Adolf Hitler's birthday

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d7c66a  No.225351

File: 7791846b0f140fd⋯.png (2.14 KB, 219x399, 73:133, i_collectible_poster7.png)

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8998d7  No.225352

File: 943c3bff73d815b⋯.png (94.94 KB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, PicsArt_04_20_03_34_40.png)

I bet it really gets under your skin he was found guilty on Hitler's birthday

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8998d7  No.225354


The effeminate little boy and his effeminate little video game lifestyle

Lick my ankle, little boy

Former police officer Derek Chauvin has been convicted today… He's going to prison

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8998d7  No.225355


The effeminate introverted awkward clumsy lonely little sexual reject… And his video games

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8998d7  No.225356


Things haven't been going your way lately… It's been well over a year since anyting went your way

This simply isn't "your" time….

And now they've convicted Derek Chauvin

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8e9117  No.225357

I am certain within the following decade we will see at least one major world-changing man-made crisis event: whether it be another world war, massive economic collapse or perhaps a major false-flag event (like an EMP attack) to force a new 'Great Reset' 'Agenda 21/Agenda 2030' "Green New Deal" style fundamental change. What does /pnd/ think about this? Irrational conspiracy? A possible threat? Are you prepping for this? What actions should be taken if this does happen? If some of us were to survive, should we defect from our corrupted governments and current (((banking))) system, never trusting them again? Would some just accept the change no matter what happens or who controls it? Nevermind what I plan to do, I would like to hear it from individual /pnd/ anons. As always, be careful what you post or say here, don't be posting over real IP if you worry about the site being a honeypot.

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abf3b2  No.225358

File: 33a5b663aca3f52⋯.png (7.33 KB, 729x486, 3:2, e6926dad74c99802.png)

why are americans posting about some court case?

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8e9117  No.225359


I guess some anons just wasted some popcorn money and won't get to see the newest footage of cities burning from a comfy 50+ miles away.

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6d88b2  No.225523

>using an engine like a jew

fuck off kike

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5be63f  No.225967

The board is infested with faggot kikes.

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d7c66a  No.226030

File: 27ae109cac6202d⋯.png (72.61 KB, 1903x952, 1903:952, 5.png)


Last time I posted about "Der Sieg" here, I didn't saw so many trannies. What happened?

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a2926d  No.226847


The jews spend all their time here, scared of what people are learning about them, they are spineless cowardly jew faggots that are also degenerate sissy faggots.

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a2926d  No.226849


And they love killing non whites and bragging about it here, pretending the terrorists are white when they clearly are jewish gargoyles, what faggots, they all need to die.

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04ccea  No.226998



Here is a bonus, Stellaris game with no "diversity".

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d9b486  No.227018


>no diversity

They have ruined sci-fi as well by making it all mixed race as though any of the other races have anything to offer. I can't even read most of it anymore. So inauthentic…it is White men probably (((white men))) pretending that other races actually have thoughts and not just like a continuous strain of 'muh dick' or 'rice, rice baby' running though their heads.

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b2931f  No.227052


You're a good man, don't let other's detract you from your path. Keep pursuing this passion, judging from the SH you have talent. Going to DL and give it a try

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