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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 1ad0b04b4fd5e24⋯.png (315.5 KB, 532x530, 266:265, ClipboardImage.png)

3ec24a  No.224865

It's only (((a matter of time))), goy. ;)


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8d5d18  No.224869

Maybe he should be more worried about the 'unvaccinated' turning on him.

Jews are pretty low IQ though. I am not expecting much.

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5f5424  No.224886


So far there are three US states, and some more considering, fighting against the covid passport scheme. Some sheriffs have also voiced their opinions and will not enforce it in their counties. That's the good news so far. I know there will be those who will put up with it, but there are a lot of us who will not. I will not take their poison, I know their goal is to kill the goyim. If the vaccine passports become a reality I will be ready to boycott them, I will only be supporting small local businesses who won't be demanding our medical info. I am currently raising livestock and soon to expand my garden into another acre. I already have been working my butt off to become fully self-sufficient, and am on my way. My recommendation: go to the local farmers market this year, make contacts, get to know your local farmers, and support them. Buy from the directly and get to know those in your local communities who produce food!!! If you can, raise some chickens or meat rabbits yourself too. Start becoming more independent and learn the skills you'll need to survive! If you go along with this, you'll go along with just about anything in my opinion. MY BODY, MY CHOICE. If they come for me, I'll be packing heat and ready too.

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bf3900  No.224890

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cd9c36  No.224940


Plan? Yes. Kill all jews.

Lit a jewish child on fire every day.

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86cdc0  No.224970


sound, I can get behind this

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27e65d  No.225101


Even if this vaccine scheme isn’t designed to genocide, if the people are too compliant, they’ll wipe them out with a vaccine in the future. Jews love genocide.

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5c8057  No.225102

File: fb7ca1a452ab0f0⋯.jpg (68.77 KB, 1224x372, 102:31, weev_jewish_children.JPG)


hey kike. still being a kike i see.

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8d5d18  No.225103


That one might have passed the mirror test.

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5c8057  No.225104

File: 8bb587e4e61171e⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, weev_commie_2.jpg)


lel i dont think so

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8d5d18  No.225109


lmao…there is not way that one passed the mirror test.

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dae841  No.225306


Can't turn on the unvaccinated if the vaccine turns you into a vegetable.

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8d5d18  No.225309


It is the WINNOWING…

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0fceee  No.225328

lefty twats turning on the working northerners? That already happened decades ago.

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70b169  No.225340



Not a qanon faggot, but I hate to be the one to break this to you: outside your big insolvent urban bubble, America as a whole is pretty damn "conservative", even those that don't vote at all. Outside the cities, which are sprawling with small towns and small tucked away communities, are normal people who don't care for your socialism at all. They want nothing to do with Marxism, or SJW bullshit, or stupid big government leftist policies. That's why millions of us stay away and distance ourselves from clusters like (You).

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8d5d18  No.225342


Politics, religion and finance (outside of what you need to live) are games best not played at all.

Anarchy is the only way to go. Let every man do what is right in his own eyes.

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70b169  No.225353


>Let every man do what is right in his own eyes.

I pretty much agree, sadly a lot mistake that for being "conservative" these days when it's not really political at all. Look at the approval rating for Congress the last two decades. Almost no one trusts our corrupt political system, whether they are "left" or "right", many people have given up entirely on trying to fix that problem. The only way we survive this is to distance ourselves, to go our own way and defect from the norms of society. That's one reason I've decided to support local small businesses, farmers markets, family owned thrift shops and garage sales over many big chain stores today. I think the only way to escape what the (((central planners))) have decided for us is to simply defect, split ways and support family-operated & local as much as possible, get to know those around the community and learn who can be trusted during hard times, and learn to become more self-sufficient and independent too (take up gardening, fishing, hunting, raising livestock, building, welding, salvaging cheap but useful commodity, etc). For those that do not like mindless consumerism or today's "capitalist" standards that is one way to rebel against the modern corrupted degenerate society.

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70e9e8  No.225360


Cities have abysmally low voter turnout. Why?

The actual majority are gray-men. They don't buy into anyone's politics and are simply making their way in a hostile world. They wear urban camo. For me urban camo is sweatpants and a hoodie. I'm invisible. Oh niggers are gonna riot again? So? Thay always burn down the same shit in the same place so they're pretty easy to avoid. I know this city well. A lot better than the bused-in activists.

Nobody votes here except white commlicans and dumbasses who just moved in. Niggers make noise but they don't vote. They know deep down it's all a lie. A riot is just a way to score from free shit. Voting has always been a scam. It just took two centuries for the rurals to figure out their country never actually existed. Right now they think it was stolen but soon they'll realize it never was.

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a4559e  No.225371


LOL. Blowback! Jews getting herpes infections from the vaxx! via NY Post: https://archive.md/00Ez9


>The actual majority are gray-men. They don't buy into anyone's politics and are simply making their way in a hostile world.

I don't blame them, I would question why they desire to live in such big cities, but maybe that's just where most the jobs are now days. All the luck to them, just hope they can defend themselves when need be.

>It just took two centuries for the rurals to figure out their country never actually existed.

Our communities exist but most go unnoticed, which can be both a good and bad thing. Financially we support one another in our small communities or we'd 'die off' financially, one by one. The upside is we have peace of mind, low crime rates and lower taxes. The downside is the cities have a lot of political might and influence, they tend to sway the directions for the rest of the state. Not on every issue but enough to burden the rest of us at the very least. That's why the few states that have no major city tend to remain very traditional in culture and customs (such as Montana).

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fa6e11  No.226852

Anybody fucking with me will be getting their shots, if you know what I mean. I will also make their deaths as painful and miserable as possible.

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fa6e11  No.226853


Jews getting herpes infections from the vaxx

Good excuse, jews, Stop sucking baby penises.

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d6ed1a  No.237845


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d6ed1a  No.238219


Yes, but no "plan", I just won't take it and won't support any institution or business that mandates it. So far I've never been bothered, but I have preps put aside if in need.

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f0db28  No.238305

My plan is simple. I take Sinovac to piss off the Jew, then I go on to slaughter every single filthy kike.

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850b03  No.238765


People in the west live comfortably on debt and vote for gibs.

They have consented to be pets.

The Illuminati have every right to vaccinate their pets.

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850b03  No.238787


You also consented to eat their junk food and drink their fluoride and watch their TV and download their pornos and fap to it.

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