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File: aa3ff81657da2bd⋯.png (20.43 KB, 511x298, 511:298, 1618506214543.png)

File: 8e2b7d272bbe119⋯.png (13.19 KB, 399x183, 133:61, 1618506035671.png)

688340  No.223403[Last 50 Posts]






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688340  No.223406

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688340  No.223407

File: 4d2bdb17d3629ad⋯.png (957.74 KB, 988x1024, 247:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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688340  No.223408

File: 14f533c00fdc9bb⋯.jpg (209.67 KB, 1910x1080, 191:108, EzBt_uLWQAQ5dh2.jpg)

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688340  No.223409

File: 4ef749d8073e901⋯.jpg (257.19 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, EzAGEwnWgAAzg_G.jpg)

File: 78bd4751d2041f2⋯.jpg (191.26 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, EzAGG8MXEAA1GTE.jpg)

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688340  No.223410

File: 5ef90db94e03cd1⋯.jpg (164.73 KB, 1432x1044, 358:261, EzAes0YWgAIq8Hs.jpg)

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688340  No.223411

File: d8dd6f09d7873d7⋯.png (44.72 KB, 1207x310, 1207:310, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb32db  No.223416


so in other words, you're a bored, easily excitable, uninformed and overcompensating child?

got it !….

fuck yourself, Toddler

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688340  No.223418


i will bet you all the XMR i just got that we're hot by next week at this time

what say




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bb32db  No.223421


little Timmy, the Amazing Detective !!

you ain't shit, bitch

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bb32db  No.223422


fuck your boring MXR

I'm an adult….

I'll bet you $25,000 CASH

that you're a fucking moron

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bb32db  No.223423

you're ALWAYS claiming to "know secrets", and making far-fetched "predictions".

none of which EVER come true.

you're boring.

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5c5518  No.223427


Never is rong time, round eye

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688340  No.223428


>using the paper kike


that is one yike from me sweats

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bb32db  No.223429


your imaginary currency is just that…. garbage

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2c667a  No.223431

File: 5ee1fcca88f81d3⋯.jpg (73.4 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, piszionistscum.jpg)


Into the trash it goes.

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688340  No.223432


i change the xmr into rhodium

which i then inject into your mother's cunt

and when it comes back out

i go

"haha old rhody cunt lmao"

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bb32db  No.223433


"The Man Who Predicted Nothing"

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688340  No.223434


checked and pikepilled

do the big red bill




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5c5518  No.223435


Paper kike, best kike, round eye

Burn best too

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bb32db  No.223436

The Little Boy Who Predicted GARBAGE

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5c5518  No.223437


Imaginary garbage?

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bb32db  No.223438

Timmy, The Easily Excitable Doomsday Toddler

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688340  No.223439


i had just got done barebacking a deaf fillipina in keelung

(deaf hores honk like a goose when you fuckem)

and we went and burnt some ghostplanes for the victims of 9/11

do not disrespect


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5c5518  No.223440


You fuck geese as well?

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688340  No.223441


they are the only ones with throats long enough for my cockmungus cockasaurus my bro

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5c5518  No.223442


No goose is safe then

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688340  No.223443

I apologize for this garbage thread. Heading back to the workshop. Please accept my apology. Shameful. All of it.


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bb32db  No.223444

File: 2263ae3e702a08a⋯.jpg (181.09 KB, 1024x821, 1024:821, PicsArt_04_15_02_04_58.jpg)

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bb32db  No.223445

File: 921e57874499580⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1392, 45:58, PicsArt_04_15_02_02_36.png)

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bb32db  No.223446


Your Thread is ADORABLE !!!

I remember my first beer

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688340  No.223447


I was speaking to a russian redditor this morning-nice fella-and was explaining to him that Putin would be welcomed as a liberator. It was a rather long and involved conversation, but by the end of it, we agreed that the West had to fall NO MATTER WHAT.

What his russian redditor did not realize was that I was simply nettling him on the internet, because in true fact, Putin would NOT be welcomed as a liberator!

hahaha get fucked russkies these colors do not run

(the colors in question are that of the gay flag and the faggot diaspora that will like my goosefucking jokes and send me XMR)

haha get rekt pinkos

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5c5518  No.223448


Do go we rove you rong time, pound 👁

You only fun we haave, mr pam

I even say cotirrion for you.

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bb32db  No.223451


hint: nobody gives a fuck about anything you say or think

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5c5518  No.223455


This is not a hostile board anon. I have a hotline # for you if you need it.

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bb32db  No.223456


It is now, bitch

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688340  No.223459

File: e2f3729529ef208⋯.png (48.2 KB, 994x283, 994:283, osint.png)

guise guise guise

this is OSINT

look at the twert

see that?



this is so much fun

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5c5518  No.223460


Hi my name is Joan, but tonight my name is Candy. Would you like to talk about your feelings?

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5c5518  No.223461


It is fun anon. Do it again! I need to go masturbate. One second.

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688340  No.223462


tits or btfo

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688340  No.223465

File: 9c4ea536f78ca3c⋯.png (44.36 KB, 961x217, 31:7, yeet.png)


cum 5 daddy

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688340  No.223468

File: bdd01f2a543dcb8⋯.png (322.92 KB, 973x724, 973:724, chew.png)

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688340  No.223469


PS -> We're using this thread for comms, so please send XMR.

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688340  No.223470






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5c5518  No.223471


I can feel the glistening dew precum of your shaft on my pussy! Your so hard, anon!


Part the Red Sea anon.

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5c5518  No.223472



Bit the fuck out

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688340  No.223473


dont mind if i do


send XMR






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688340  No.223475

File: eb13d8ace1b298b⋯.png (612.71 KB, 991x841, 991:841, skeet.png)

File: d8c62bc7982094b⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, EzAlQWIXIAAjm2k.jpg)

File: c6c17b0d1d1193b⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, EzAlQV8WEAEYMsf.jpg)

ocheeen harasho imo

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688340  No.223497

File: f9c86bf0e749135⋯.png (835.36 KB, 1000x745, 200:149, bleeet.png)

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688340  No.223501

File: 70b359f5703e267⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 1206x860, 603:430, 1618523091695.jpg)

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9c2d84  No.223502


We knew about this yesterday though.


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9c2d84  No.223503

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688340  No.223505


holy fucking shit that got memoryholed in a nanosecond! watttttttt

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688340  No.223509

File: 0d4e6fff7a6ddef⋯.png (820.49 KB, 1200x877, 1200:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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688340  No.223511

{serious tone}

No, seriously guys. The disinfo is off the fucking charts right now. It's glitching out my algo. Shit's fucked. Seriously.

{/serious tone}

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b571e0  No.223512












Where'd this disaster of entertainment go? Come back kike-nig your shift isnt ver yet is it?

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9c2d84  No.223520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c2d84  No.223521

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9c2d84  No.223564

File: 87f3f4b69ea9174⋯.jpg (109.02 KB, 940x1057, 940:1057, biden_declares_EO_IEEPA_Ru….jpg)

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4b1b5b  No.223565

File: 293b79e472bf55a⋯.jpeg (44.79 KB, 400x405, 80:81, 840A8604_3A2B_46BB_ADEC_4….jpeg)

There won’t be ww3. Biden will roll over like a puppy at an animal shelter.

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9c2d84  No.223568


Who cares what Biden does or thinks. It is not really relevant for an Asian war.

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