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File: 2212f35eb5c9502⋯.jpg (445.17 KB, 982x982, 1:1, _china_.jpg)

1a5e1e  No.222086[Last 50 Posts]

The Beijing court called for "tolerance" and said society must "respect and protect the personality, dignity and legitimate rights of transgender people"



What other proof do you need, you faggot Bolsheviks, that all opposition to Jewish control is itself controlled Jewish opposition? China will not save us. Russia will not save us. NoKo will not save us. Iran will not save us. Only the People will save themselves. This is where your "glorious revolution" lies: With the People overthrowing every political apparatus, not in the name of this political system or that, but simply as a matter of survival. And if you're still thinking in terms of

>muh nazbol

>muh natsoc

>muh whatever system

then you aren't there yet, neither is anyone else, and the suffering must increase.

So it will.

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1a5e1e  No.222089

File: 0130a9d4ca43a3a⋯.png (135.73 KB, 1045x772, 1045:772, china_trannies_1.PNG)

Anyone promoting defending China at this point is either a paid Chinese shill, a paid Jewish shill, or a tranny.

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272b33  No.222092

File: 2ccbb4c89f50414⋯.png (645.6 KB, 800x5132, 200:1283, Problems_in_china_with_the….png)


The kikes are finally targeting 70% of the planet which has fucked itself to the metastasized #1 potato status on the planet.

Never did figure out how a man would want obviously retarded looking children with bug people, thankfully I never will figure it out. Who wants to deliberately breed 'the retard look' into your DNA?

Anyway, it couldn't have happened to a better nation of people. Nice to think about the disease orgy that will be China when all those men 'transgender' and the stick of boipucci and disease fills the air just like the ever present smog.

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0f3ef7  No.222093

File: 457af5ad8b6e51a⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2562x1950, 427:325, _china_2.png)


Heh. I can hear the anons now..

>b-but why would jews fuck every single nation on earth if they also live there?!

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b15259  No.222094

It's not about China saving anyone. It's about not buying into regime propaganda that the problem is external.

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0f3ef7  No.222095


What do you say is the problem?

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b15259  No.222097


The American government and its governing principles of liberal capitalism and democracy.

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0f3ef7  No.222098


Sure, for Americans the problem is the American government. I would say also that part of the problem is externalizing the solution (Russia/China/etc. will help).

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272b33  No.222099

File: fb5f0bcc633d737⋯.png (60.24 KB, 882x709, 882:709, blacks_population_growth.png)

File: b90f5516b510356⋯.png (123.56 KB, 602x353, 602:353, chart_global_population_by….png)

File: 836dc2bad597e97⋯.jpg (5.44 KB, 348x145, 12:5, pollution_china_2.jpg)

File: 3dfb6b6954ee7a1⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 639x346, 639:346, eid_al_adha_slaughter_capt….jpg)


Most people have no idea that it is about a global genocide…regardless of race.

Jews want to inherit the earth and do not want any other race left alive.

Honestly I want Europeans to inherit the Earth and all of the rest of them dead as well. I still hold onto my Ethnoglobalist aspirations and desires. I still think it would be beyond amazing for the ENTIRE PLANET to be covered in a high trust homogeneous White nation since we are the only race that naturally self regulates its own population, has any care at all for the environment or animals, exists peacefully and is cooperative as well as highly productive without any need for government parasites at all.

See Europe on the chart…well once you kick out all the brown trash and niggers there is only like 4-7% Whites left on the planet.

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b15259  No.222100


I don't know how seriously anyone believes that.

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0f3ef7  No.222103

File: b485512e4c2be2a⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 850x400, 17:8, JEW_DESTROYERS.jpg)


True. Global genocide even, and especially, of the majority of Jews. I don't want to genocide or persecute anyone; I don't want to become the kike.


Most of the Alt-Right, ecelebs, and shills suggest Russia or NoKo is based and will help. I swear these agitators need to hang first.

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272b33  No.222104

File: 43d9f8d0c0924db⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 591x536, 591:536, weidel_afd_german_jew.jpg)

File: b21bd334d89cf03⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 636x382, 318:191, weidel_lesbian_refugees.jpg)

File: ee12b7b5624a18c⋯.jpg (59.56 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Alternative_for_Germany_Is….jpg)

File: a3b886f04f71174⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 600x804, 50:67, Alternative_for_Germany_Is….jpg)


Oh snap! Did you see the 'news' about the alt-kikes?


NEW - AfD party, currently the third-largest group in the German parliament, votes to make Germany’s exit from the European Union, so-called #DExit, part of their party platform for the upcoming national election later this year.

AfD delegates also passed a resolution calling for an immediate lifting of the COVID-19 lockdown.

The kikes are going for 'control' of Germany and the German people, yet again. If it wasn't bad enough, I expect the Weimar 2.0 will permanently fix the hatred of the kikes in the German mind [hopefully]. Germans never speak their minds any longer.

That globohomo poo fucker Weidel is disgusting. I can't imagine anything worse than letting that kike rule over Germany.

Problem (we will genocide you) Reaction (We will lead you) Solution (we will finish genociding you through 'leadership')

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272b33  No.222105


>I don't want to become the kike.

Aryans could never become the kike but if you don't realize that this is the heart and soul of ALL races and you lie to yourself about them wanting anything other than all the resources, wealth and land to themselves you are dead, anon.

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1a5e1e  No.222107


Disgusting. What can we do to help the German people 'wake up?'


I think you're right. It's our reptilian brain that causes us to want all the resources, wealth, and land. I just want my own to live in peace and have desire to take from others. This is overcoming the animal mind and is expressed as "Altruism," which seems easy for those of European descent to express and hard for others. Maybe the solution is giving power to the Altruistic regardless of race or religion, permitted that mixing doesn't occur.

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272b33  No.222109

File: 3837eeed9c68157⋯.jpg (176.47 KB, 599x801, 599:801, chinese_run_the_west_profe….jpg)


Altruism makes us easy targets and totally predictable for all the parasitic races. Altruism is like watching a White person you love fitting a target to their head and wondering why the other races blew their brains out.

It is good for our own, enhances our own, causes us to live in prosperity and peace, but deadly when applied to the parasitic races.

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315e60  No.222110


>other proof

The ZOG-faggot here thinks his audience is retarded.

Globohomo is certainly real, and the source is unquestionably that thing called "America." By enabling degenerates and allowing them to operate openly, the ZOG creates a caste of people, whose very existence depends on them. They insert these people into position of power into what is called the "Left" domestically. This is why openly opposing faggotry on the "Left" is just like walking into a room full of ZOG-faggots and screaming "Gas the Kikes!" The faggots rule the "Left" and the Kike-lovers rule the "Right."

Knowledge of this spreads all over the world, and hence, all degenerates on the planet look to Hollywood as their fag-Mecca. This creates a large amount of people who will essentially act as agents of the ZOG in their own countries. The degenerates in the ZOG, sharing the same identity as these degenerates abroad, are compelled to act on their behalf. This is why the first thing the "Left" wing of the ZOG does when the Kikes want to attack some country is to bring up something their leaders said about faggots.

Most of the rest of the world has stumbled on a political strategy to combat this. There is an inherent, existential contradiction within the ZOG's alphabet-soup of degenerates. Namely, the faggot identity is inherently in conflict with trannyism.

In the 80s, a psychologist by the name of Richard Green wrote a book called he "Sissy Boy Syndrome" and the Development of Homosexuality, which was based on his 15 year study of young men who he thought would grow up to be trannies, because they were dressing up as girls and doing other effeminate things. To the authors surprise, they all grew to be faggots instead.

This perplexed Richard Green, and still eludes most people today, but the truth can be shrunken down to this: give little Timmy the choice between growing up to become a faggot, or growing up to become a woman, and little Timmy is going to choose becoming a woman every single time. This is because little Timmy has something called autogynephilia. Rather than finding a target outside himself to express his sexual desires, Timmy has targeted the internal feminine fantasy object. At this point, little Timmy is still a heterosexual, and could be made to grow up into a normal heterosexual man, with the right type of psychological help.

It is at this point that the ZOG intervenes, however. The ZOG schools tell little Timmy he is something called a "homosexual," and the ZOG culture provides little Timmy with examples of what faggots are supposed to be like. They tell little Timmy that he is the feminine fantasy object, and that people who think those kinds of thoughts are actually homosexuals. They implant the homosexual-identity into little Timmy, and the ZOG now has another person that will forever be under their control and will do as they tell them to.

The genie is largely out of the bottle at this point, which is why you are seeing the rise of opnely anti-trans faggots and dykes. There is a group that is gaining popularity in English-speaking countries amongst the "Right" wing known as LGB Alliance. Having realized that trannyism is an existential threat to the entire alphabet-soup of degenerates, they are attempting to forge an alliance with the "Right" wing groups that pretended to oppose them in the past, in order to prevent little Timmy from being told he might be a woman instead of a faggot at school.

Make no mistake, it is the faggots and their controllers who hate the trannies the most. After the White Nation Liberation War, the ruling Workers' Party of the White Nation will systematically destroy the entire basis of the faggot identity, and will find a way to little to find the correct feminine target for his erotic desires outside of himself, so he can grow up to become a normal man.

The faggot-identity has no future, just like the Kikes don't have a future.

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0f3ef7  No.222111

File: 003139133a557b5⋯.png (151.33 KB, 758x604, 379:302, china_pozzed_2.png)


That seems true.


>deflecting to america

>refuses to acknowledge the kikes who rule china

Are you a Chinese shill, a kike shill, or a tranny mod?

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315e60  No.222112

File: bc7ae9c6f422fee⋯.png (662.46 KB, 866x825, 866:825, hitler_jewess_fren.png)



Notice how the ZOG-faggot has nothing to say about the contradiction between the faggot-identity and trannyism.

The ZOG-faggots made their peace with faggotry a long time ago; they think they're angels from heaven, sent by the Sky-Kike to serve that thing called "America."

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1a5e1e  No.222114


You're the only one who mentioned Hitler ITT. In fact, everyone else is in agreement that the problem in America is the American government. See:



We also agree that the Chinese, Russian, and other world governments are just as pozzed as the America. So your narrative is kind of dead on arrival. Sorry, Moshe.

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272b33  No.222115

File: 9c86faeadd2f0dd⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 289x223, 289:223, great_famine_china.jpg)


mfw 'helping means the open slaughter by jews of hundreds of millions of Asians and their parents and elderly.

God help any race the jews 'help' because you might as well dive head first into the shallow end of an open mass grave as getting 'help' from the kikes.

None of the bug people give a fuck about their own but you would think that just one of them would want to look into the 'jewish help' they received that made them cannibalistically eat their own people due to starvation during the (((Cultural Revolution))).

That is what makes bugs so disgusting though; even worse than the US they are slaves to the kikes…so much so that they literally can't even question how many of their own people the jews have murdered in cold blood.

Is either race fit to live? Not really. Thankfully for us, the bug/mongoloid/retards are on the kike extermination list again.

At least the West knows that things like the Holodomor were planned and put into action by the kikes but the bugs are eternally clueless. I think the bugs might be significantly stupider than the kikes and they are CERTAINLY significantly stupider than Europeans. No wonder the kikes think they will rule the bug people with ease when they genocide Whites.

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315e60  No.222116


>You're the only one who mentioned Hitler ITT.

And I'll never stop doing so, so long as ZOG-faggots like yourself keep pretending to believe that having ever stood within 3-feet of a Kike makes you a puppet of the Kikes.

>In fact, everyone else is in agreement that the problem in America is the American government.

ZOG-faggots can't help themselves but to spew the same propaganda against the external enemies of the ZOG. They seek to gain influence in revolutionary White Nationalist circles, in order to make young white men reconcile themselves to the ZOG, and this is accomplished first by making them think their enemies are the same the ZOG's enemies.

>We also agree that the Chinese, Russian, and other world governments are just as pozzed as the America.

This is objectively false. Other governments are merely reacting to agents of globohomo. Most of them have discovered the faggot identity is in contradiction to trannyism, and is one way to control the spread of Globohomo degeneracy.

Give little Timmy the choice between between growing up to be a faggot, or growing up to become a woman, and little Timmy is going to choose being a woman every single time.

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272b33  No.222117


Become an anarchist anon and you will never have to worry about the kikes again (it sure as shit simplifies it when hostiles show up at your home; you know they are only there as mortal enemy assailants and kike puppets; there is literally no other reason for them to be at your home 'Solzhenytsin style' than to kill you; all weapons of the kikes become your mortal enemies; it is no longer deniable or arguable which is much much much safer for you since you since we have all seen what the kikes do when they 'are in charge of populations'; better for life and longevity for you to recognize them 100% for who they are rather than have some doubts). Kikes require surplus to operate their system. Deny them access to resources once and for all.

You can be a genetic nationalist and an anarchist as well. These are not in conflict. But the jew can no longer manipulate you through (((government))) when you are an anarchist and you no longer need, want, require, or respect them or their puppets. How can they betray you from 'within' when there is no 'within'.

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0f3ef7  No.222118

File: c931a08613cfc37⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 1168x3562, 584:1781, Nobody_Moarpheus_Alexei_Fi….jpg)


That's incredibly depressing. I believe the "Elite" exist as a minority because if the majority knew of what they've done and plan to do there would be revolution. And I believe the duty of every "redpilled" person is provoking revolt.


You can keep vomiting your Communist propaganda but literally no one is listening. Have you even read the thread? Sorry, (((ChrisHansen))), you faggot mod, but you lost control of the board. As I told you the other day: The attempt to back anons into a corner with globohomo, zionism, and child trannies wasn't enough to convince us that Bolshevism is the solution. It's simply not happening. What you're getting is a super-war in which the entire human race is annihilated and our souls sent to paradise or abyss, i care not which.

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315e60  No.222119


>Become an anarchist

>do nothing

The ZOG-faggots fear the National Socialism of the single English-speaking European Nation, and will promote any individualist nonsense an alternative to National Socialism.


>Trump is Putin's puppet

>crying for retarded Russian dissident

lol, ZOG-faggots literally have stooped to posting dumb liberal propaganda now.

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315e60  No.222120


>Communist propaganda

What the ZOG-faggot means here is telling the masses of the White Nation the truth. To tell them the line separating English-speaking European "Americans" and English-speaking European "Canadians" is an imaginary line separating the single English-speaking European Nation, is communist propaganda" to the ZOG-faggots.

>wasn't enough to convince us that Bolshevism is the solution

Here the ZOG-faggot is calling the Turner Diaries "Bolshevism." To the ZOG-faggot, the belief in the very existence of nations at all is "Bolshevism," and reveals they think National Socialist Germany was just another form of something called "Bolshevism."

> What you're getting is a super-war in which the entire human race is annihilated and our souls sent to paradise or abyss, i care not which.

This is actually how the Christfags think, and why they make common cause with Wahabism.

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272b33  No.222121


Anarchist do not 'do nothing' anon. The system is built solely on BELIEF. They deny the belief and the system fails. Things don't get done. You have no idea how fragile the system really is and it REQUIRES White Male participation for it to advance and flourish. If that is withdrawn, not through violence but simply because Whites no long bow in obeisance to kikes, they are done for…don't you know or understand that WHITE MALES are the people who protect jews and enforce against other races worldwide? Do you think the jew could do anything on this planet if he wasn't riding on your coattails? Don't be ridiculous…the jew only exists because you PERMIT HIM TO KILL< MAIM, TORTURE AND SLAUGHTER HUMANITY…you protect the kikes system and their (((governments) of all types.

The only people who want to perpetuate the system are parasites.

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272b33  No.222122


That is a really interesting photo, anon. So Moarpheus moved over to cuck chan? He was such a poster child for captain autismo. Saved.

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0f3ef7  No.222123

File: e9caf40bc77cc50⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 776x629, 776:629, moarpheus_LOL.jpg)


Stay defeated.


We agree that America is ZOG. We differ in that you try and convince us other nations aren't also ZOG. Like China, Russia, NoKo, and others. You're either deluded, very low IQ, or a paid jewish shill.


I got a lifetime ban for exposing a pedophile ring on 4chan.

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315e60  No.222125


>the ZOG fights for reasons

ZOG-faggots don't think through the very logic of their lies, and when confronted on them, are forced to say they believe everything in the world is political theater orchestrated by the Kikes. Bibi is the secret leader of Hezbollah.

They don't actually believe any of this, they just assume their audience is so utterly retarded, they will believe anything they pull from their asses.

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0f3ef7  No.222126


Israel has funded both Hamas and Hezbollah.


And the reason kikes control both sides of the opposition is so that people like you and I don't rise up against them. If you do happen to revolt it's controlled – you join this political party or that one, and you're subverted before you even begin a rebellion. The Hegelian Dialectic is common knowledge.

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272b33  No.222127


>I got a lifetime ban for exposing a pedophile ring on 4chan.

You know how to get around that though, if you want. I never bothered with 4cucks because I didn't want to pay money to get banned (4cucks and the people who run it have refused to let me in to their 'multiculturalism' party from day one). So wft…you must be so bored here with everyone gone and scattered to the wind. I am only here every once in a while. I hang out in lots of other places and cycle ID's and accounts to circumvent bans. Most of my time I miss /pol/, part of that as well was your epic autismo battles. lol…such a tweaker. Is Patrick Little still a 'thing'? God, I hadn't thought about that name in over a year.

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1a5e1e  No.222128

File: c49394fa2afa348⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, nobody_stalked_1.jpg)


turns out even global mods are propagandists who entrap anons, allowing cp on /x/ for example, in order to push a communist agenda while larping as regular anons. I was "gangstalked" by glowniggers for a little while. Pic related is a post one of them made to me in a thread, which is a dining facility in a local casino i sometimes frequent. in regards to action ive been studying how to impact the unconscious mind and collective unconscious to produce desired effect (accelerationism). pat little is still irrelevant. any cool places to hangout or is it all pretty much shit?

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272b33  No.222131

File: 09ac2df2a9b663a⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger_sweat_in_the_mornin….jpg)


>any cool places to hangout or is it all pretty much shit?

All pretty much shit as far as I know, maybe someone else will suggest something. Mostly I am just 'fighting the good fight' and making light observances of 'my work' thus far…observing the AI manipulation of humanity and sort of pondering and learning about life.

A lot of people moved over to bunkers like moe. I go over there sometimes to look in on Brit because they make me laugh but I never say anything to them.

Are you sure they are our glowies? That sounds more like the Saudi's to me. And you know, I know you all have a 'thing' about who is going to control the ME.

Posh. ;)

Life is beating you up I see.

Good for you.

>unconscious mind and collective unconscious to produce desired effect (accelerationism)

Yikes, I think a lot of this is happening on its own though…care to share, I was always curious about that stuff as well. I linked some of them but Pat Ryan (tweaker/oil driller) earlier today that was a unbelievably rich source of data if you understood what he was actually delving into (sounds like the two of you have some adjacent interests)…fuck I am still figuring out connections to some of the deeper psyops he was aware of back then. Nasty.

He is part of the jack Posobiec crew and I have run across lots of rumors he too is MOSSAD (this wouldn't really surprise me for obvious reasons). I am still like your basic bitch retard bull in a china shop, storming around and fucking everything up one way or another. Pursuing whatever I perceive to be in my own interests (whatever that means).

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315e60  No.222132


>link to a Zionist document from 2003 written by a Kike attacking Hezbollah as proof Israel controls Hezbollah

They don't even believe people will read this shit themselves. And Hitler was a Kike puppet!

>ZOG pretends to fight itself so other people don't fight them for real

The ZOG-faggots don't believe this retarded nonsense, and it's just a way for them to attempt to demobilize young white men from opposing their own forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes.

Hitler was controlled opposition, look, he stood within 3-feet of a little Kike girl! Next up, emperor Hadrian was controlled opposition, the Kikes planned the Roman invasion all along. All history is fake, except everything in the Bible is 100% true. Also, Moses and Jesus were white men, and the original Kikes were white people.

>Hegelian Dialectic

The dialect actually reveals you believe you live in paradise, that you're the adopted brother of the Kikes, that the Sky-Kike created niggers to serve (and service) you, and that you are afraid National Socialism ruining it all for you. The lies you want people to believe actually reflect your underlying real beliefs.

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0f3ef7  No.222134

File: 09dd616a1da623c⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 3000x2507, 3000:2507, Nobody_Volcano.jpg)


Nah, just assume they're glowies because who else would waste time re-locating to where random anon lives just to fuck with them. Maybe Saudis, yeah that makes sense too lol. I dunno.

>Pat Ryan

Haven't heard of him. Do you have a link? My area of study atm is esoterics. Every religion basically tells the same story, has the same characters, etc.. Jung's idea of archetypes, the shadow… features existing within every person's mind. It's possible to manipulate those features, which is how cult leaders and military generals, for example, gain control over the unsuspecting followers. Mass media, religion, entertainment, and political propagandists have been using these ideas to brainwash people for a very long time. The 'Trump Cult' was blatantly in use of this manipulation. So I've been trying to find ways higher than what's currently being used so as to defeat their mechanisms by altering "physical" reality. The end-goal of their psyops, I believe, is Singularity.


You continue bringing up Hitler and Religion when no one is discussing either. You're the worse shill I've ever encountered.

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315e60  No.222136


>Hezbollah is controlled opposition

>Why are you bringing up Hitler?

To force you to say more retarded shit, ZOG-faggot.

Next, tell us if the Roman emperor Hadrian was a Kike puppet.

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0f3ef7  No.222138


Now you're deflecting to Hadrian? Why can't you just stay on topic and engage the discussion like a human and not a kike shill? Holy fuck lol

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272b33  No.222139

File: 084df1941e2d308⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 400x280, 10:7, Sidney_Hall_Urania_s_Mirro….jpg)

File: 1ca2628d65b2919⋯.png (241.18 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, anime_pan_and_girl.png)

File: b4885e3a9e7afa2⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 513x600, 171:200, horned_satan_pan_beings_of….jpg)

File: e822bef3313ab65⋯.jpg (8.23 KB, 142x354, 71:177, pan_god.jpg)

File: 21b19d8ce728e3d⋯.jpeg (47.21 KB, 220x221, 220:221, cernunnos_clay_tablet.jpeg)


Jesus is Satan/Ares, the Lamb God/the Jews 'accuser'/the horned God/Gott/Odin/Cernuous. That is why his offspring are Aryans, offspring of Ares/Aires.

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272b33  No.222140


>Do you have a link?

Yes, highly recommend. But, you know…it is interesting stuff when you think about the context. It might actually be getting slightly out of date. He started getting death threats so his Twitter is private but I will give you his website and a link to all his videos. Some of them are better than others but all of them are relevant in the larger sense and they build. Pat was also, off and on part of both /pol/ and /pnd/ give me a second and I can find his thread I think.


Playlist 2


Playlist 1


Website: Cultstate


He has a new platform that is supposed to be the follow up paradigm to /pol/ but I got thrown off pretty fucking fast…like within a day he felt the need to 'isolate me' from the rest of his people. I think you can get the name of it off season 2 playlist.

This shit will keep you REALLY busy…a lot of people gave him shit while he was on here but you will probably discern pretty quickly what is important from what is not…

Last let me include this e-book…this thing messed with my head like no ones business…it is a great book even if written by a basically marxist nigger programmer because he has a profoundly different view of Western Civilization than your average anon. Hold on, going to have to find it…I would guess only 200 people in the world know of this book…one second my bookmarks got fucked.

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315e60  No.222141


>won't answer direct question

>You're deflecting!

The ZOG-faggots eventually stop answering any direct questions, because they realize they're only making themselves look like the obvious liars they are. This particular one even admits to it in a round-about way, when they said this:

>features existing within every person's mind…It's possible to manipulate those features… I've been trying to find ways higher than what's currently being used

They're just admitting not to believe anything they actually say. Words are just symbols to be manipulated, and they think they can manipulate symbols in anyway they choose.

One need only notice the logic of their preferred symbol manipulation, to see everything they say is done by someone with a Bible-mind. All history is fake, everything is fake. Except the Bible, that's 100% true. Also, Moses and Jesus were white Europeans.

The niggers also think Moses and Jesus were niggers, because not even niggers choose to worship gods that don't look like thm.

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0f3ef7  No.222142


thanks, man. it's weird he felt the need to isolate you. you seem alright to me. not sure if "jesus is satan" but can also understand the statement. in a way it's true but he said as much ("behold, i make all things new." Revelation 21:5), which shows a total and complete reconciliation of names, titles, images, symbols, and offices. i believe this reconciliation is happening and is the cause of the "end times." This is the true final redemption.


Who are you talking to? Me or the "audience?" Moses and Jesus were related to Europeans, particularly the Greeks. This is, or should be, common knowledge because Torah itself admits as much. Are you ok?

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315e60  No.222143


>Moses and Jesus were related to Europeans,

The ZOG-faggots believe the Kikes in Israel are their White Blood Brothers up against a darky Arabic horde. They hate Hitler because they think he killed so many of their fellow Europeans.

They don't want people figuring out Israel is a mixed-race state, that the Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes flooded their own country with Mizrahi (Sand-Nigger) Kikes after the war, as a form of cheap labor. The Mizrahi (Sand-Nigger) Kikes were actually the majority until the 90s, after the flood of Russian Kikes were leaving due to their own persecution by the Soviets during the 80s and the collapse during the 90s.

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1a5e1e  No.222144


>The ZOG-faggots believe the Kikes in Israel are their White Blood Brothers up against a darky Arabic horde.

No one said this, Moshe. Modern "Jews" are related to Turks, not ancient Israelites. The Bible even redpills Christians on this:

>I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:9

Spend 10 minutes thinking about that verse. See how it predicts the "Jews" would not only be wealthy and well off but complain about how persecuted they are. Think about it.

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272b33  No.222145


scroll down to the Twitter feed; that is where conversation with Patrick starts…that is his twitter.


Book. Still looking…dang it, if you get nothing else you should read this book when I find it.


>thanks, man. it's weird he felt the need to isolate you.

I am a pretty huge pain in the ass to everyone on the planet. I like to joke that I am the most banned person online that has ever existed. God in general people hate me with a passion. I may have had literally thousands of banned accounts and profiles.

If you have a sacred cow, I will find it and kill it…I don't even mean to, it is something I do instinctively. Rather savage, tbh

Still looking for book hold on…

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272b33  No.222146


Satan just means 'the accuser' and Jesus was definitely 'THE ACCUSER'.

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1a5e1e  No.222147


lel ok will wait. if it can be killed then maybe it should be?



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315e60  No.222148


>No one said this

The ZOG-faggots don't need to say it directly, and in fact, it only hurts them to do so, because it reveals why they support Kikes so much.

"Jesus was white, Moses was white!" - this is the basis of "Right" wing ZOG-thought.

>Book written by people trying to separate their identity from Kikes says anti-Kike things occasionally

Who cares? Christfaggotry is about pretending the Sky-Kike prefers his adopted gentile children more than his original Chosen People. It is through Christfaggotry that people come to jew their own people, as has been shown repeatedly throughout history wherever this mind-disease spreads. The rule of the Kikes would be impossible with millions of Christfag-servants.

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0f3ef7  No.222149


You didn't address my post. Ancient Hebrews and Israelites were of European stock. The idea that they were Semites or Arabs is modern Jewish deception. Do you side with modern Jewish deception over the truth?

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272b33  No.222150


This is the conclusion I came to…which I just got one of my most useful Reddit accounts permanently banned for saying out loud.

There is nothing 'above' Truth. All things, ideas, religions, governments etc should always bow to Truth.

Alright I am not going to keep you hanging on…will post the website (for e-book when I find it)…every place I have gone too the data is either removed or not available. I just need to remember where I squirrelled it away to…I totally destroyed all my bookmarks by accidentally putting them in alphanumeric order rather than data order…I swears it was really worth it otherwise I never would have searched this long for you.

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0f3ef7  No.222151

File: 1b3191ff7026440⋯.png (995.91 KB, 1600x902, 800:451, goebbels_truth.png)


aww is alright man. i appreciate your effort. if not tonight then ill check back here ever so often. and i agree that there is nothing above Truth. here is a dilemma ive found which nullifies Truth:

if two people agree on the matter, that truth is higher than any -ISM or system, and we pursue that truth whatever it might be, how do we prevent the other from subverting truth and distorting it to place -ISM or system above truth? how can I trust you, for example, or you I? until this is remedied the truth is disjointed and the lovers of truth impotent, and even if they had potency, are without consort. know what i mean?

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315e60  No.222152


>Ancient Hebrews and Israelites were of European stock.

The ZOG-faggots want people to believe Jesus and Moses (two fictional, literary characters that never actually existed) looked like Northern Europeans (somewhere far away from events in the stories) instead of people from Saudi Arabia (somewhere very near events in the stories) because they wouldn't identify with them otherwise.

The niggers that first begin to doubt Christianity do so precisely because they don't see Jesus and Moses as niggers like themselves. This is also why nigger Christfags tell niggers Jesus and Moses were niggers, just like them!

This is precisely why Iconoclasm was such a big deal for in Christianity, and still is today in Islam. How can you worship a god that doesn't even look like you? Better to tell people these stupid stories, and let them just imagine the characters however they want.

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0f3ef7  No.222153


So you believe in the modern "Jewish" lie that ancient Israelites were Semites? Very bluepilled of you, anon.

Even the Torah itself admits Israelites were of Greek stock:

>King Arius of the Spartans;

>To the high priest Onias. Greetings!

>It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham.

>Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are.

1 Maccabees 12:20-22

Spartans were Greek, not Semites.

Now consider this and repent. Otherwise you have hardened your own heart and there is no mercy for such behavior.

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272b33  No.222154

File: 3c954452add9a1e⋯.jpg (422.89 KB, 716x2622, 358:1311, event_horizon.jpg)


That is because Truth is a (literal) direction in Space/Time. We are all here because in this life and in all our past lives (Christians generally believe in reincarnation) we made the literal worst decisions that we could ever make, in every single instance…so here we are at the very precipice of total extinction and I could hold my hand out to you and say…"let us search together for a direction that will do something other than take us backwards off the precipice into total extinction. Let us take one step together than will nullify the direction and begin to work to nullify our total extinction. To do this we must question everything and seek a Truth that will guide us away from terrible eternal damnation (the end of our genetic line)."

That character is what they hate. They can't stand that I/we are willing to question everything to get out of the trap of total oblivion of our people, our race. That we are willing to SEEK and probe all ideas or morals or thoughts that were given to us for our destruction and find a new path out of that darkness…

K…getting late here. Later. Will leave this up so that I remember to search in the morning.

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0f3ef7  No.222155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like you and agree with much of what you say. It's "familiar" and "old." So here is another dilemma I've encountered in myself which I wish you would speak to and give opinion in your time when convenient. That is of the few who are saved. If only a few are saved then isn't it better, having this knowledge, to be counted among the damned that you might later redeem them, or would you prefer to watch the damned suffer from your high-up place in Paradise?

Really enjoyed conversing with you, anon, and hope that you come back later to teach me moar.

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315e60  No.222157


>So you believe in the modern "Jewish" lie that ancient Israelites were Semites?

All Biblical history is a made up. There were no "ancient Israelites," the Kikes literally invented their history from whole cloth, at the behest of their Greek conquerors, in order to unify a bunch of different people living around them into a single identity. There is no mention of any of these writings before the Septuagint (the Greek "translation" of the 'Old Testament'), because the documents simply didn't exist before them. This is confirmed by the Elephantine papyri, which shows these self-identified Kikes as late at the 5th century BCE weren't even aware of any of the OT stories at all.

And no, these people weren't white Europeans, just like the people living in these places today aren't white Europeans.

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0f3ef7  No.222158


> There were no "ancient Israelites," the Kikes literally invented their history from whole cloth, at the behest of their Greek conquerors, in order to unify a bunch of different people living around them into a single identity.

Your post is not based in history and therefore is not even worth a counter. Even the Torah admits ancient Hebrews were related to Europeans. You would have us ignore an entire section of European history because it doesn't fit within the box of your narrative. You weak and mindless creature!

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1b9fbd  No.222159


Bro no one believes this stuff. The original Hebrews were Jews and in contrast to your conjecture and hypothesis there is a mountain of archeological and historical evidence that supports this.

Why does any of that matter though? The Torah and Judaism as a whole is obsolete. They are messages for a different time. It's okay to study them to understand the world back then, but there is no need to apply these principles to present times.

Trust me our race is superior in other ways. Are you seriously going to let something so trivial get in the way of your beliefs?

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315e60  No.222160


>Everything in the modern world is fake political theater created by the Kikes

>Ancient Kike fairy-tales are literally true, plus Moses looked like Charlton Heston and Jesus looked liked Jim Caviezel

What more needs to be said about ZOG-faggots?

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1a5e1e  No.222161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The term "Jew" didnt even exist until the 1800s. Your knowledge is corrupt.


You create strawman arguments because you cant address the actual claims.

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1c83a6  No.222172


The secret to China's success: Because there's no voting there are no female voters. Wuhan has 9 subway lines and no welfare queens.

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272b33  No.222190

File: f6dc3238dd95c9c⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 1738x2193, 1738:2193, George_Frederic_Watts_Mary….jpg)


Thanks anon. You too. Here is the link to the e-book. I class Rawlins as a marxist but the book is not 'marxist' in nature it is more about the way Western Europeans and a handful of Eastern Europeans function and how they create civilization. I always feel slightly sad for Rawlins because he uses the word 'we' a lot when he talks about our people and about things that are not and never will be related to him or part of his capacity or part of his people; I figure as one of the smart blacks he must be very lonely.

Book: The Human Swarm (not the one that was popularized on Amazon but the real thing)


I don't 'teach' anon. :) I wander aimlessly and observe everything I can. I love learning. If anything we are wandering together.

I enjoyed that video very much. Here is the answer to your question IMO:

> If only a few are saved then isn't it better, having this knowledge, to be counted among the damned

I don't believe so. Here is the reason. Christ loves us and because he loves us, he does not leave us alone here or in Hell, even if we wish to be damned. This means that whatever we experience in Hell, he is right their with us. Our purpose is to forgive ourselves and the reason that we learn to do that because we do not want him to suffer alongside us. Think of Adam and Eve in the garden. The moment Eve touched the fruit she was dead and in Hell. Instead of doing anything else, Adam took up the fruit and ate and followed. He did not hesitate or ponder or wait, he simply took the plunge and died with us, for Love.

We are taught a perversion of Love that we are supposed to keep putting our 'sins' on him, on the innocent and pure. But that is not 'Love'. The first step of true love is personal responsibility. Meaning that you DON'T seek what is holy and pure as a scapegoat for your own errors. He is already there next to you suffering with you for Love, there is no reason to put anything on a scapegoat. That could go on forever.

The second step of Love is that you deal with your own shortcomings and errors as well as really acknowledging your own faults so that you can deal with them.

The Third step is that you forgive yourself because if you don't he will simply continue here with you suffering as you suffer. The only way you can really demonstrate that you Love is by accepting your own guilt, dealing with it and forgiving yourself.

In essence it is exactly the opposite of what the church teaches, either because they are ignorant (?) or intentionally misleading people to prolong their own power on the planet. People are afraid to 'let the idea of salvation go' (what they have been taught was 'salvation') so they can only respond in fear rather than in Love. I would rather take personal responsibility and be damned than place my own guilt on something innocent, Holy or pure (this is part of the real fundamental difference between the jews and our people).

>would you prefer to watch the damned suffer from your high-up place in Paradise?

IDK trick question, I suppose…I always assumed that if one 'particular' one of us could get it right then we could all go home as the edifice would collapse forever and be no more. I also believe that this is the reason (partially) why so many of our Brothers and Sisters continue on here toiling, suffering and dying here…they are unwilling to leave their Mother behind. So they endure the inconceivable, again, for Love.

I enjoyed talking with you too, anon. It is rare to find good conversation, even here, anymore. :) Thanks again for video.

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0a0d4a  No.222197


You are completely right.

>The faggot-identity has no future, just like the Kikes don't have a future.

True. The inferior will always be defeated by the superior. The White men will always prevail.



It is always ok to kill jews and leftards such as you.

You have no future.

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fdf6b7  No.222199

File: a5b1e01b7b8c7f9⋯.png (45.63 KB, 600x561, 200:187, AIPAC_China.png)

We're still not going to support your jewish war on China.

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272b33  No.222201


We do support Israel's war with Iran and China though, right? I mean it seems reasonable to me that we should support the jews war against both these world powers.

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09b7c6  No.225253



(knowing the political system of the PRC, though, it would likely not spread and everyone will call that court a bunch of faggots, then Xi will step in to delete that transgender from the face of the earth)

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09b7c6  No.225254



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3328fe  No.225258


Be White Muslim, Problem?

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428a33  No.233724



China is fascist. Its basically nazi germany but for the chinese people and with nukes

The only acceptable counterargument to china is: im jelly

Destroying china would be like destroying nazi germany

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428a33  No.233726


Female voters are the real cancer. Take them out of the picture and you suddenly have utopia. Genesis told this story before.

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09b7c6  No.233754



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0621eb  No.233755

File: 3a14f4e0a1a6e93⋯.png (425.66 KB, 741x542, 741:542, china_genocide.png)


>literally nazi germany

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09b7c6  No.233757


Didn't this shit get cracked down by the CCP?

Last I heard of this, r/sino said that the universities in question were forced to stop that practice due to numerous complaints and CCP intervention

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0621eb  No.233760

File: 59702fb38c186eb⋯.png (941.43 KB, 1067x596, 1067:596, soyboy.png)


>reddit said

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0621eb  No.233762


Great post.

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eddf38  No.233763


>China will not save us. Russia will not save us. NoKo will not save us. Iran will not save us.

Very true. Don't worship governments, they'll stab you right in the back so fast it will make your spine snap.

>Only the People will save themselves.

Also true. That's why I'd highly recommend homesteading if you can, get out of dodge and try to become as self-sufficient as possible. It won't happen all at once, it takes strong work ethic, investment and time to do it, but you have to start somewhere or you get nowhere in life. Grassroots localization and rugged individualism is the only way out of this mess. Prepping and self-defense training is the only thing that might save your ass if your in a city or big town. Period. Governments suck, they won't save you, they'll make you a dependent slave begging not to have your genitals mutilated to please their 'woke' insanity.

By the way, I pledge to NO allegiance, for which I stand, a dead nation punished by God, divided forever more.

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eddf38  No.233764


>inb4 Waco!

Fine by me, it would be worth every gunshot I fire and I take inside me too. Make it a .44 to my skull, the last thing I want to see is a .44 crushing my skull in before I can blink.

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eddf38  No.233765


If WWIII comes, I ain't fighting either. Why fight for such a corrupted system? I'll fight if there are people trespassing on my territory. I'll fight if someone attempts to take me or my property. I ain't fighting for governments. They all suck.

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f2ee8c  No.233800

File: 77dc7d37ee119fa⋯.jpg (152.27 KB, 996x986, 498:493, Faggot.jpg)

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132584  No.244869


>Only the People will save themselves

So true and I am sick of all the political and governmental shills that lurk here.

>support Trump hur durr

>support Biden hur durr

>support Fauci hur durr

>support Bill Gates hur durr

>support Putin and Xi hur dur

>support Shwab hur durr

Did anyone ever think that maybe centralized control of the population is where the real problems come from? Anything centralized is easily compromised and corrupted. So everyone is saying it's the Jews, ok but the same holds true: Jews rely on centralization to corrupt these economic and governmental systems. Unless you give power back to the people, back to individuals, this centralization of power will continue to be subverted and corrupted in every way possible.

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9f5785  No.244882

What about India? India can still save the world

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