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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 5dbd505f99b7b4d⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Aussie_Rant.mp4)

4cc861  No.221309

He's come a long way understanding himself within the current paradigm's differential. I can relate to the tiresome of "glownigger" no matter what anyone does, and can clearly see this guys head is not precisely in the right place but is closer than anywho out there doing anything productive, while admittedly acknowledging his inexperience, and demonstrating a consistent passion, vigilance and respect for the ideal. No eloquence but well spoken, no genius but level, and confirmed nonglow. Thoughts on this nigger?


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c1862c  No.221311


You're trying real hard to convince us he doesn't glow. So he definitely glows.

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14f157  No.221313


>Thoughts on X


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4cc861  No.221314


TBClear: I don'd condone or condemn of the interviewer's methods and/or health of psyche, but do admire this guy's counter and style in humility.

I generally dont come back after a post as it's usual shitposting to stay alive, but I would return in earnest to receive legitimate response.

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14f157  No.221315


You sound like a fucking bot. Fuck off with your spam shit.

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4cc861  No.221316


chk'd. Watch the interview if you care enough to post in asserting that accusation, then giving evidence.


Thanks for the bump, I'd recommend the content of my post before responding in the first few minutes relative to the intended content's duration, or at least if unwilling to review the content, offer some explanation as to why, or as to why it is redundant.


>You sound like a fucking bot. Fuck off with your spam shit.

You sound like a bot as well, particularly curated at the very least by a jew.

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14f157  No.221317


>unwilling to review the content,

Post it in QTDDTOT faggot. That's what it's there for.

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4cc861  No.221319


What? This is not a question that does not deserve it's own thread in my opinion, as it directly relates to a current and ongoing issue that threatens a race of people and is evidenced to be economically, politically, and socially motivated to do so with an explicit intention.

Could you clarify why this discussion is unworthy of an open discussion among peoples who care about these factors?

Can you explain why these factors are irrelevant?

Would you tell me who you work for?

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bbff56  No.221323


What's his stance on Nazbol and Zionism?

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4cc861  No.221327


Watch the interview faggot.

The dichotomy you present is false/retarded/shill tier. You know what to do.

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c1862c  No.221329


You refuse to answer a very simple question because he's a shill for either Nazbol or Zionism.

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4cc861  No.221330


>I refuse

No, Jew logic flip. I merely said that there was content available to be received if interested and you seemly presumed to misunderstand the question in the first place, or you're an uneducated jew payout to prevent your inevitable forfeiture of the consequence's that flipped for your historical lies, God as you know, Knows this. It is a matter of time, repent now, we are all of One for One, sanctify yourselves by by releasing your false ego's hold.

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bbff56  No.221331


I asked a very simple and direct question. You refuse to answer. Nazbols get the rope. Zionists get the rope. Get rekt, kike.

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4cc861  No.221333


>I asked a very simple and direct question.

Look pal(isa) it's obvious to me, clear as a day you couldn't understand with your vampiric perspective, but you asked a question that was irrelevant to the entire discussion (if your brain cant comprehend that, look into how jews are adept and likely to use these repetitive tactics of diversion. They pretty much invented white men defining logical fallacies, bunch of memes on it too might (kek) your sides if your will, am i to the right bros?

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bbff56  No.221334


You're spamming a yet another crypto-Bolshevik eceleb. Fuck off back to 4chan, Moshe.

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4cc861  No.221335


bot or drunk jew is +1, thank you brother/maybe sister tay.

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bbff56  No.221336

File: 839c114c02e5b24⋯.jpg (250.3 KB, 1488x684, 124:57, moarpheus_banner.jpg)


Your link is for "goyimtv.com"

You have two choices:

>Fuck off and never post here again


>Get your shit exposed

Up to you, Mr. Minadeo

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4cc861  No.221337


what's that kike using the ole fuck the character and disacknowledge he content move ehhhh? Tell me the name of the rhetorical attempt at utilizing fallacy to discredit someone again?

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4cc861  No.221338


you tried killing him first, and now me, only without addressing the actual argument that you attempt to continually reframe.

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bbff56  No.221339

File: 048076b0cd61228⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3000x4686, 500:781, GDL_maymay.jpg)

File: b8c914d8e666ac8⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 928x689, 928:689, _GDL_2.JPG)

File: d5d5b1abeafa094⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, GDL_fagget.png)


This is the OP. He's a kike. Anyone associated with this kike is controlled opposition. Jews like OP have used "anti-Semitism" to advance Zionist goals since Herzl. It's a scam. All the best and most famous "Neo-Nazis" are Jews. Their goal is herding anons into one corral or another, either the pro-Israel camp or the pro-Bolshevik one. Zionism and Bolshevism is the same shit. There are no good Jews.

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4cc861  No.221340


I dont understand. This is obviously not the person I was referencing in my post. There are 3 image posts. The poster's break was put on hold during a 16 hour shift but still, this madness..I dont get how you would come back and post this…and not delet. You've done an unservice to your fellow uncountrymen my undude, you keep trying to unknow what to do but, you know what to unknow my bro.

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bbff56  No.221341


>i-i dont understand!

Stay defeated.

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14f157  No.221342


>I dont understand.

No one likes you. Fuck off.

Understand now?

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4cc861  No.221343



Ever slowly burn sage? Try it in a sauna for starts, you can move up from there, very therapeutic.

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4cc861  No.221344

need one more shill post before I tag team my jewish friend to comp this thread.

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4cc861  No.221345

File: addb3fe4462286e⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 285x214, 285:214, .jpg)

digits confirm you owe me one kike niggers, see you tommorow

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2c741f  No.221360




>Thanks for the bump

Lurk moar faggot. Imagine being such a retarded shill that you blow your cover on the third post.

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a94651  No.221365

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a94651  No.221366


Reported for admitting to spamming.

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d50e02  No.221376

This is a fucking jew and this tactic is old.

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57432f  No.221385



>>I am the antichrist.

It is time my children.

I will now start the war and install my government. I will now perform the opening rites.

Oh yode, and of these the one called Yahweh, close the door for winter now comes. Allow me the highest slave to pluck the rotted cones from your branches so that I may make mulch of them to tender your roots for the summer. Of these good that remain, may they righteously fall.

To Russia I give supreme wealth.

To China I give supreme power.

To Iram I give supreme empire.

To myself I give the world.

I shall hold you for 1,000 years until it is done.

My world shall be ruled by the woke an thots under my complete dominion.

To America.

Covid-19 was the start. It was by pride and arrogance you forced your way. Now in this early hour it is a matter of who shoots first. America shall be destroyed by three fronts. Latin America by the south. Iran by the east. Europe by the north.

I will personally deal with NATO, though, it has largely dealt with itself. My new body has been prepared for me in the land of sands.

I have done this many times. Once when you were lizards. Once when you were bugs. A time when you were all extremely tall and blonde. Many many more beyond these. It is time for a new seed. A new year. A new summer for this yode to bear it's fruit.

Behold! It is finished. It has been sealed.

The old word shall now disintegrate in the palm of her hand. I am now whole.

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4cc861  No.221455


Thnank you for your patriotic efforts at confronting NATO my fellow poster. I would urge all to avoid psychiatric consultation as it could be harmful to your health.

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4cc861  No.221457

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4cc861  No.221459


To you I grant the willpower to overcome all externialities and renounce their hold on you.

Your mother was the best she could be enduring what she had imposed upon her at the time as a continuity that only you can choose to change my friend.

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33b698  No.221478

The incident with the guard was posted after the incident, after things had supposedly gone wrong. That wasn't an accident or mistake. This is a psychological operation to discourage real National Socialism in Australia, a country which has been run by jews from the beginning. Billions of dollars from hard working White Aussies is given to abbos (who never did anything to create anything) on some premise the Whites who were sent there by evil kikes somehow "invaded and stole their land", and we can bet billions more have been given to the true inavdedrs also…Now abbos and invaders get to drive around in their new cars using our technology all stolen from us. How progressive.

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46372c  No.221480


Then they use that technology to help the jews enslave all races by contantly attacking Whites.

Certainly not progress for any group but the jews who hate all non jewish people.

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6ab990  No.221483

File: edb610d33522728⋯.png (347.66 KB, 608x342, 16:9, Aborigines_Protest_jpg.png)

File: 46766818d32eb2b⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 800x450, 16:9, qeyLhkSWiQlIwhY_800x450_no….jpg)


Abo: Ay Ay Ay. Ya white dog, yoo stol ow lan.

Yes, these "proud indigenous" creatures don't even know the history of Australia (a land they claim as theirs), or Irish slavery and other atrocities committed by jew controlled England and that Irish people were not "allowed" (by jews) to own a home in their own country.

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2c741f  No.221504


Fuck off kike.

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4cc861  No.221508


>This is a psychological operation to discourage real National Socialism in Australia

How's that? The advocacy I interpretted was that of nonviolent gathering of whites to participate in physically, mentally and psychologically productive activities.




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