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File: 76ebae6a183731a⋯.jpg (225.86 KB, 1244x700, 311:175, c23f39f5a42273f278a901243b….jpg)

c909b2  No.221005

Why do the Whites get all the grief in society. Give an example of "OTHERS" that got away with way more….

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ea30a3  No.221007

File: bcb45dbd34f8831⋯.png (207.03 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 56ek6867.png)


>Turks and all their arab wars and genocide

>The chinks right now with slavery and abusing the far west of their nation

>Cambodians killing their own people

>Myanmar bullshit

I>ndonesians cutting eachothers hands off because of radial islamic crap

>Africans doing insane bullshit in the name of religion too

It's not just whites who do the things that whites get blamed for

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ea30a3  No.221008


I fucked that greentexting up didn't I

also I left out:

>Israelis genociding and creating a police state for palestinians like progressives think whites do for blacks and did for jews

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2992c1  No.221009


>Why do the Whites get all the grief in society.

Because they won't kill anyone and won't have each other's backs. The end.

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