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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ba8a7ae75616a9c⋯.jpeg (41.75 KB, 1092x668, 273:167, 2DD15FD1_E2C7_46C4_AC45_5….jpeg)

29312f  No.220758

Guess what shitheads? You're not redpilled, whitepilled, or anticucked.

Brenton Tarrant is a David Lane wannabe. He has copied most of his greatest works. Don't believe me? Compare compare B. Faggant's whitepill with Lane's. Tell me im wrong.

If we're being honest here, the reason this site is dying is because all the mil spec edgelords and synthwave faggots have long since realized that this OP is a sinking ship.

Nobody is Original, nobody is contributing IRL material, and most importantly, I'll never be proven wrong, because nobody has any fucking balls or dick to stand up fpr their own beliefs.

Some call it conformity, some call it complacency, some call it plutocracy. Either way, You've been defeated like the ratshit you are, anon.

You'll never be remarked in history. You'll never contribute to a pure aryan race.

You'll just prove me right, with every living second you waste breathing my air supply.

At some point I also assume that people will start backpeddling and calling this pepenazi bullshit fucking b8 for mass shooters.

At the end of the day, Brenton Tarrant gave a new breath to this site, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he was a Paranoid and mentally ill rich kid with too much inheritance money to blow.

>TL;DR Prove me wrong, closet coward. You're fucking nothing.

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190016  No.220760


Nice attempt at radicalization, but we are a board of peace.

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b873da  No.220764

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)



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