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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1dd4a82a0079fff⋯.png (502.27 KB, 579x503, 579:503, how_anime_trannies_or_trap….png)

File: c35fc4beda8fc59⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1279x1440, 1279:1440, lgbt_trannies_and_femboys_….png)

File: a716c563fa50d6e⋯.png (609.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, anime_tranny_posters_in_a_….png)

0ba1a0  No.220754

Why are LGBT Fuckers so damn insufferable and cancerous??? seriously these bastards are the most imperialist subhumans on the planet. They spread their cancerous fag crap to every nation with globohomo. if hitler would've claimed to be for love and tolerance with his imperialism he would've gotten away with it like fags and troons do! But in all seriousness these fuckers don't get enough hatred they deserve. Niggers of course get univerally hated because of their cannibalism and chimpouts but femboys and troons seem to always convince retards they're normal functioning.

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4cd675  No.220759

You sound angry. Do you need a hug and a juicebox?

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6f7403  No.220782


Don't waste time complaining. Start killing faggot abominations on sight. Or pay niggers to kill them.


It is always ok to kill faggot abominations.

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4cd675  No.220784


You say that, but I'm guessing the only thing you've ever killed in your life was a crate of Twinkies.

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537d09  No.220786


Considering how many niggers are shooting niggers, it seems niggers are well aware of how many niggers deserve to get shot. But we only hear scattered reports of niggers harassing trannies. I suspect there’s just too many of these niggers who should be shooting who are latent homosexules.

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0250c9  No.220787



You will never be a woman.

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193c58  No.220793


You will never be a mod.

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0250c9  No.220794


>everyone who sages any thread is the same person

You’re more broken than the trannies. And that’s saying a hell of a lot.

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