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File: a95756b4cd1786b⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 520x678, 260:339, 1446760472904.jpg)

77b69e  No.220586

I need a no-BS explanation of the covid shot now.

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c9869e  No.220588


The Coronavaccines directly affect the DNA (Well, MRNA) of your white blood cells (Cells in your blood made to fuck up infections) to produce antibodies (Little cells that are designed to target a single disease to make it easy to eliminate it) to prevent infection of Coronashit.

There's only two problems; the first being that traditional vaccines just have a really crippled and fucked up version of the virus you're being vaccinated against, since killing a disease - no matter the actual competence of the individual cells of said disease are - will make the body able to produce antibodies for that disease. This means that they're using a very experimental, and maybe even worthless, new method, which is quite suspicious given the circumstances.

The second problem is that according to them, there is little to no actual benefits of taking the vaccine. According to most producers of the vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) are saying the vaccine does not make you immune, or reduce your ability to spread it, etc. which is unlike pretty much every vaccine in history.

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22ef26  No.220594

File: f5dcfed7b76f176⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 693x568, 693:568, 1602691462678.jpg)

These are the first human trials of mRNA. Animal trials produced deadlier versions of the virus (see Merricks Disease in chickens), or killed the recipients (some mRNA vaccine in cats, when the cat encountered the wild virus they died).

We don't know the long-term effects because we haven't used it long-term. The mRNA vaccines use nano lipid particles (which may be carcinogenic) to infiltrate the cell wall - which I suppose opens the cells to possible contaminants or other viruses riding the nano lipids. mRNA delivers instructions to your cell to produce a protein. This protein is the spike protein that constitutes the outer structure of the virus. The presence of this spike protein that you produced, spurrs your body to create antibodies to the spike protein. Antibodies to the spike protein prevent the virus from attaching to your cells, so you are immune but you are still carrying the virus. This is called a leaky vaccine.

One fear is that, as with Merricks Disease, the virus stays present and mutates unchecked until it figures out a way around your defenses (maybe changing or adding different spike proteins that weren't encoded in the latest mRNA instructions).

Another thing that is absolutely crazy: you can use this technology to produce virtually any protein you want. It would be extremely easy to send malicious or mistaken mRNA that triggers antibodies to essential proteins in the body. Then you effectively give yourself aids I suppose, and the only solution is to suppress immune system.

Another fear is that the spike protein is homologous to placenta cells, therefore this shot effectively sterilizes a woman for as long as the antibodies last - which could be forever, we can't just turn off antibodies at will without suppressing the entire immune system.

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21925e  No.220595


What do you mean "no-BS explanation"? Do you not know how vaccines work at all? Do you not know how to read a simple article?

Or are you looking for some Karen-tier youtube garbage about microchips and fetuses and jewish space lasers?

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c9869e  No.220599


thanks mr. floppa poster

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872ad8  No.220601


Evil trying to kill Angels to steal their children

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872ad8  No.220602


check german TV of 21/03/21 and you will see lots of demon politicians with blood stained teeth

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bbc772  No.220603



Brought to you by the same corrupt incompetent loons who created the botnet known as Windows 10 (a bit of sarcasm but just think that over a bit).

No way I'm ever putting that shit into my body. I don't care if they ban me from going certain places either, I'm living just fine without relying too much on their institutions already.

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c9869e  No.220624


>hates windows

based. may Dennis Ritchie, Linus Torvalds, and Terry Davis' light shine through motherboards worldwide.

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3ce098  No.220633


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34787d  No.220648

Jews Say Non-Jews Are Only Born to Serve Them as Slaves.mp4

57.8 MB


What World Famous Men Said About The Jews.wmv

0.2 GB


Dr. E. R. Fields - What World-Famous Men Said About the Jews (1964).pdf

8.6 MB


Henry Ford Sr. - The International Jew (Print-Ready Quality with Bookmarks and Cover).pdf

11.4 MB


The Myth of the Good Jew.avi

15.3 MB



9∕11 Missing Links.mp4

1.27 GB


9∕11꞉ The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series - December, 2001).avi

51.7 MB



Christopher Bollyn - The Dual-Deception of 9∕11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror

547.2 MB


Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11꞉ The Deception That Changed The World.pdf

4.5 MB



[911MissingLinks.com] Expulsion Of The Jews Throughout History [109 Times !!] [ ProThink.org ].AVI

30.2 MB


Black Man Exposes the Jewish Controlled Black Slave Trade on the Montell Williams Show.mp4

12.9 MB


Dontell Jackson - We Thought They Were White (Website Screenshots and Pages).zip

27.4 MB


The Jews of Mass Destruction.mp4

73.2 MB


Why Are People Afraid of the Facts About Jews.mp4

0.2 GB


Willie Martin - 1001 Quotes By and About Jews.pdf

1.3 MB


These Are The Jewish Psychos That Run Our Governments and Industries.mp4

75.8 MB


10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust Scam.mp4

23.5 MB


256 References To 6,000,000 Jews Prior To The Nuremberg Trial Announcement.pdf

0.1 MB


Dr. E. R. Fields - Jews Behind Race Mixing (1970).pdf

1.3 MB


Pol Book Packs #1-#23



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6ba812  No.220699


This is a joke right? Every OS I can think of was made by a pedo kike. Prove me wrong, nigga. Terry Davis is jewish I don't even need to see pictures but please humor me. and post photos of these child raping yid scum.

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989353  No.220721


>Dennis Ritchie

Not jewish

>Linus Torvalds

benis man :DDD, great grandson of suomi soldier

>Terry Davis

well shit he loves Jebus

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