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File: 2f1cbac2543bffe⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 400x283, 400:283, hitler_triumph.jpg)

e509ef  No.220550

I just thought of a great way to mitigate white genocide while successfully employing analogous "minority" genocide.

Basically, white males must impregnate as many minorities as possible ad infinitum. Do not ever stop. Go to Africa and just hand out semen packets (filthy disease ridden vermin). The black girls will love to have a non-nigger child. Start spreading white genes in South America and Indonesia as well.

Fuck bitches, save the whites.

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e509ef  No.220551


Even if races converge into a conglomerate, this tactic will increase the percentage of whiteness in each person across the world.

50% human 25% ape 25% insect > 75% ape 25% insect

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aaddd1  No.220554

File: 843c02f03b244d2⋯.jpg (350.85 KB, 664x634, 332:317, anglin_race_mixing.jpg)

>racemix and contribute to white genocide, goy!

fuck of anglin you disgusting kike

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35cbe6  No.220563


Well, somewhat true, as the racist niggers used to say "we don't need more cream to our coffee" and "that's how you breed zebras." There is some truth that interracial sex dilutes ethnic genes. The issue is you'd have a lot more zebras walking around within the next few decades. It would take a whole lot of effort on behalf of the white population to outbreed niggers and spics. It could be done but that's up to how average whites feel about doing such a thing (most won't, not even most white nationalists care to take up that task.) Either we start popping out white babies or we try to dilute other genes. One thing will not happen anytime soon: another Hitler.

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5c1b45  No.220576


You know who never had children?


Be like Hitler.

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ee84f0  No.220579


You know who will never be a woman?


Be like yourself.

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513de6  No.220581


>mass race mixing to create army of fatherless children

What could go wrong? That's so degenerate

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5c5ed0  No.220592


>mass race mixing to create army of fatherless children

>What could go wrong?

wait, wait, wait

putting it like that makes it sound as an actually very interesting book idea

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