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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b36d5bcb16ac317⋯.jpg (132.58 KB, 745x497, 745:497, niggermiami2.jpg)

File: efcc821f279f758⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 992x558, 16:9, niggermiami.jpg)

File: ff762e6eed949d1⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 600x384, 25:16, pepe_enough.jpg)

eb337b  No.220366

There is currently a massive chimpout ongoing in Florida. Thousands of niggers came with their stimulus checks and started to chimpout in the streets and stores. No looting yet, but there are like 50000 negroes going crazy in Miami.

The local government has announced a state of emergency and they are trying to shut everything down, but the niggers aren't hesitating.

Why the fuck do we put up with these monkeys?



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942371  No.220369


Every Floridian is a nigger, so you basically just described every day in Miami.

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d2fcd6  No.220378

Aren’t those spring breakers? Although I suppose spring breakers would all be niggers these days. White people are working.

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8bb485  No.220395

Zero surprise it's happening in a red state. Conservatives can't get enough niggers. 200% turbo yidnigger all of the time.

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cf555e  No.220411


Yeah lets attack the symptom, not the source , right Cohen?

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32e67a  No.220526

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185d14  No.220702


No respect for people or property, yet they "demand" respect? What a fucking joke. Kill them all.

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