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File: 5e41ac1a6929878⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 807x500, 807:500, wu_flu.jpg)

967a28  No.220230

I'd say clean Wu flu first.Anyway,Chinese actively engaged in a cover-up' of COVID data.They stole technology,destroy our economic system etc,they are more dangerous than black people.Niggers can wait.


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e5b26e  No.220231

File: e1434aa97f418a2⋯.jpg (253.75 KB, 1139x1787, 1139:1787, Israel_China.jpg)

>they stole technology

Israel stole technology and sold it to China.

Blame-shifting to lure the United States into a war with either China or Russia, both of which are under Israeli control, is a fruitless pursuit. Instead of a single controlled war to destroy the West's global influence we will have an uncontrolled world war and all places, I hope, will find themselves annihilated. Jew, goyim, white, black, asian… the majority of all peoples removed from this world leaving only a small handful who will bask in humanity's desolation. This is what we deserve and this is preferable to a world ruled by Fake Jews.

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c6465f  No.220233

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHawley_NewColdWar.png)

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)


>They stole technology

Overwhelming majority of it was forced technology transfers for access to Chinese market or espionage from literal Chinese citizens hired to work on important/sensitive projects.

>destroy our economic system

It's not "our" economic system. If you're White, the economy in America only exists to impoverish and destroy you.

>Niggers can wait.

They can wait forever, right conservative?

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06348c  No.220237


omg someone was stabed in the back by a jew


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25d698  No.220253

The ZOG riles up anti-gook sentiment every time they want to ram through some more bullshit on the masses of the White Nation. They forced integration with niggers on white soldiers during the Korean War, and forced them on the rest of our real nation during the Vietnam War.

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650778  No.220255


If you don't like living with niggers then simply stop bother living with niggers. Here is a tip for YOU:


inb4 I can't afford a rural homestead

There are RVs. There are rural mobile homes. And small town homes that are not completely swamped with niggers or spics. The fact is, there are places all over the US and plenty of solutions to not have to be bogged down in some ghetto city. The 50s are over, we have to accept that and adjust for our own survival sake.

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9cc647  No.220260


Fuck off, mil-shill. Death to America.

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3f1033  No.220268


Despite all the problems in America the overall population of the US is still majority white. Especially God's country. The death of America would only be a blow to White civilization. Sure it would be great if our ZOG-infested government were to collapse, perhaps better the cities die out from economic collapse, we might even be able to reform the country at that point considering many of us are prepared, skilled, hard working, determined and armed. … But the complete death of America? … What would come of that? Would Mexico, China and-or Russia take our place? Would Israel colonize the continent? Or would Europeans? Do Europeans even stand a chance at this point being disarmed and so over-run with foreigners? I don't know but I'd say the solution for Whites is to do our best to survive despite all the odds against us. Regardless if America were to collapse or not, Europe is in a similar (if not worse) rut.

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9cc647  No.220269


Shut the fuck up, conservacuck.

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ade82a  No.220270


>If you're White, the economy in America only exists to impoverish and destroy you.

This is always true when you have central bankers and government propping up a fake economy with endless debt. Yah, no shit things are bad and will only get worse. There is a reason I've been telling the youth not to bother going into student loan debt and instead join the trade and learn productive skills to earn a living. Some trade jobs pay pretty good and the trade won't shackle you with wasteful debt. Trying to save the major cities and institutions is a lost cause. It's time to accept their fate and move on and become more productive and self-sufficient. Yes, it's hard work. But if you want to save White civilization it must be done, these zog-infested cities and institutions just need to collapse already and we'll peruse our own way of life, independently.

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9cc647  No.220271


There is no other solution than violent revolution and the total dissolution of the American state as an existing entity. Whining about central banks and college vs. trade is irrelevant.

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ade82a  No.220272


Name one thing I said that triggered you. Try actually debating what I have to say.

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9cc647  No.220273

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)


>Name one thing I said that triggered you.

That the death of America is the death of White civilization. Only the dumbest, most odious conservacucks infatuated with their niggers and nigger culture, ever striving in managerial feverdreams for their rightful place astride the hypernigged mitzvahscape would ever consider this gaynigger plantation outpost of English liberalism the core of White civilization.

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fa824d  No.220274


Violent revolution won't come if you don't have enough support for it. People like you who try it are almost always either thrown in a nigger-infested jail or outright killed by feds. I'd say a solution would be to wait until the moment is ripe for revolution, where you would clearly have the support and such a movement. I'm guessing a nation-wide gun grab (if actually attempted) would be the ripe time, until then… don't know what the spark would be.

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9cc647  No.220275


There is enough support for it – it's just most of it is coming from outside the US. Unfortunately, domestically we are burdened with the deleterious conservatives groping their favorite niggers and always running cover for jews.

Thankfully serious nations like Russia, China, Iran, and Germany are working hard to put America in the dirt forever and we can work our way out from that over a mountain of conservative corpses.

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fa824d  No.220276


I never said it would be THE death of White civilization, what I was saying is it would be a blow to White civilization if America completely collapsed and we died off from it. Again, America still has a white majority despite all the illegal immigration and destabilization.

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9cc647  No.220277


>what I was saying is it would be a blow to White civilization if America completely collapsed and we died off from it.

And you're wrong because you're a cancerous, nigger loving conservative.

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b27334  No.220278


I too am interested in the BRICS nations, including Germany too, actually resisting our ZOG-infested government. I actually find it hilarious. I too am disgruntled with what has been going on, many many are. The problem is we don't yet have the support nationwide to reform the nation by force. I say YET.

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b27334  No.220279


Well I agree with Jim Stone on this one issue. If our war mongering government and the corrupted institutions collapse economically, along with the major cities, there is still hope that we could restore our nation and make proper reform. That's what I'd like to see and what I've been prepping for. That's why I suggest people get prepared and learn to become more self-sufficient and avoid the death trap cities at this point. God's country can survive this if we are ready for what is coming.

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9cc647  No.220281


>God's country

Is full of dumb, nigger loving, anti-Europe zio-capitalists.

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b962b4  No.220282


I live out in the country and I think it's wonderful. Less taxation, less regulations, small but humble local communities actually support one another out here, lots of independent family-owned American businesses and like-minded preppers. And out here we are still, by far, the majority. We don't have thug cops like the cities do, everyone is respectful out here.

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9cc647  No.220283


>muh taxes

>muh regulations

The sooner we get rid of people like you, the better.

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3f1033  No.220285


Well good luck and keep on dreaming.

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9cc647  No.220286


the only ones dreaming are america loving niggers like you

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1dce3f  No.220335


I would suggest you lead by example if you really are calling for violence, that way we can see how fast your ass will belong to niggers in a jail cell, or fast your ass gets shot by a cop. Because you damn well know that would happen, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt you are smart enough to know either would happen.

In the 50s and 60s, "white flight" was taking place in America just like it is today. As negros move into communities, most whites are smart enough to move out. For damned good reasons and peace of mind. Unless you want to live in a war zone, or want to be surrounded by that disgusting culture, or go off in some Rambo blaze of glory, anyone sane simply moves away from it. In fact, it's the commies that are now blaming White communities today for continuing to move further and further away. Ironic how the pinko commies in the 60s and 70s were also scolding us for the same reasons today!!

I agree with some of your concerns as I have the same concerns as you. The problem is your "solution" would end up getting the average American shot by cop - or worse - jailed in a gulag for life. Which is EXACTLY what the communists want! Those that are smarter look for other solutions, such as simply keeping their distance. Not too hard to do when America is a continent having nearly 5x the land mass of Europe combined with 10,000+ small towns and triple the amount of smaller nitch local communities! How the heck do you think the Russians survived the fall of communism and revived so well!? Keep your distance and watch the communist system implode (and it will in due time).

It's sunny outside again today and I got a nice big fire pit with a lot of leaves left over to burn here. So take care and consider another perspective.

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e3f46d  No.220340





…oh … well shit

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b56931  No.220355


>Yes goy biden is not a puppet now get ready to be deployed on china so that we can bring democracy and faggot rights to those oppressed uyghurs

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c6465f  No.220356

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)


>How the heck do you think the Russians survived the fall of communism and revived so well?

By eventually jailing/killing/exiling/nationalizing the American-backed jewish capitalist occupation of their country.

>Keep your distance and watch the communist system implode

The US isn't under a communist system. That's just something dumb cancerous conservatives keep peddling as a cope in the hopes that people don't understand how capital deindustrialized the country to take wage arbitrage and inflate an ever increasing series of asset bubbles.


Biden is not a Chinese puppet. Pic related for why they want a Democrat in the WH for this. Not that there are any hard differences between the parties in reality, but their public marketing/narratives are sort of self-fulfilling for the lower end of the population.

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