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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 76df3f9ac3ce9fe⋯.png (112.4 KB, 670x885, 134:177, Qanon_Ron.PNG)

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)

File: d077e8a3c484d8c⋯.jpg (401.82 KB, 1202x778, 601:389, 8chan_compromised_codemonk….jpg)

e2551b  No.219606

Will Ron and Jim be held responsible for using an old Soviet psychological trick against the American people? Will Trump? Or how about the marketers, podcasters, and politicians responsible for giving Qanon a false air of authenticity? Or even still those within foreign Intelligence and governments (Israeli/Russian) who leaked information to Ron and Jim so their disinformation campaign would have just enough legitimacy to gain traction?

Of course not. Nothing is ever done about Bolsheviks or their MindWar campaign against the West. Why? Our law enforcement community is either weak or willfully complacent. No one seems interested in preventing the fall of the United States and the rape of Europe by Bolsheviks and their anti-white allies.

No one is coming to save any of you. Not the NatSocs, not aliens, not psychic warriors from the future. Start training.

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5c569a  No.219610


No conservative, neocon, right-winger, or republican will ever be held accountable for anything ever again.

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e2551b  No.219611

File: d89dcfde9ffe50d⋯.png (69.69 KB, 617x388, 617:388, qanon_wikileaks.png)


If this pace continues America will be the new bombed and defeated Nazi Germany, Europe subjugated by Russia and China, and the Jewish State openly ruling the world.

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5c569a  No.219618


If you think Q is really antifa in disguise, you're just another brainwashed sheep who will never hold conservatives to account for anything, no matter what, and you have no place in a civilized society.

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e2551b  No.219620


Q is a Bolshevik "Trust" operation. Ron is a Communist (he's even wearing a Mao shirt in the third OP pic). "Conservatives" are Zionists, "Liberals" are Communist, but the truth is that Zionism is Communism. Conservatisms, Bolshevism… same shit.

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377c1f  No.219622


Q is a far-right conspiracy theory for idiots.

Also, you information is outdated. Jim doesn't live in the Philippines. In January 2020, the Investigations Division of the Philippines Bureau of Immigration (BI) designated Watkins an "undesirable alien".

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7335fb  No.219623


>Q is a Bolshevik "Trust" operation. Ron is a Communist (he's even wearing a Mao shirt in the third OP pic). "Conservatives" are Zionists, "Liberals" are Communist, but the truth is that Zionism is Communism. Conservatisms, Bolshevism… same shit.

Is Ron really a communist or is he just a young, dorky nerd going through a progressive phase? Is he a CCP agent working for the Chinkoids?

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1466ec  No.219624

File: 67cf45cdba56404⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 793x298, 793:298, spencer_nazbol.JPG)


the far-right or "alt-right" is a bolshevik attempt at enticing otherwise anti-communist americans to favor bolshevik ideals. this is literally MindWar:

"''Psychological means for achieving victory -

essentially through convincing the enemy that he really

wants to bring his policies and goals into harmony with

ours - are first fashioned in support of basic political



He's a Communist, like his dad, working with Israel, Russia, and prbly Chinkoids. Qanon is a Communist/Bolshevik Trust operation.

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5c569a  No.219648


Yeah yeah …. "right wing white boys dindu nuffin. dey gud boyz." Go pound sand, ugly.

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e2551b  No.219649

File: d2ffb45c0de14c5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 3976x1912, 497:239, Anglin_Nazbol.png)


I've proven that there was/is a massive Bolshevik psyop to convert "right-wing white boys" over to Bolshevism. Your response is mockery, which isn't a counter. Please counter my claims and evidence or stay defeated.

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8e240c  No.219650


You’re mentally ill.


>oy vey you told the truth therefore you’re insane

You’re mentally ill.


>Q is a far-right

There’s literally nothing far right about Q-LARP.



>literally defending leftism

Commit suicide.

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738d05  No.219651


The worst part of that Q stuff is that it will be used by the elite to discredit pizzagate. It's a fact that the Podesta brothers and Alefantis are all patrons of pedophilic artwork. It is equally a fact that Alefantis's social media posts were full of photographs of other people's children and filled with sexual innuendo, and that his restaurant was full of pedophile identification symbols. But now, whenever someone points this out, they'll be accused of being a qtard.

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738d05  No.219652


It's also a fact that Bill Clinton and a bunch of other people in Washington D.C. used to go on sex vacations to Epstein's pedophile island in the Carribean.

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5c569a  No.219656




You have no idea what those two words mean. You're the kind of person who sees a jpg artifact in a digital video and claims it is "proven evidence" of a deep fake created by the jewish space laser cabal and the CEO of Antifa.

You're an idiot beyond any capacity for redemption.

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5c569a  No.219657


>full of pedophile identification symbols

When you claim every symbol is a pedophile identification symbol, then it's not hard to find them everywhere. You're looking for devils in the dish suds. You're manufacturing your own outrage.

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e2551b  No.219659

File: 281b77c6c27f07f⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 745x518, 745:518, eric_striker_nazbol_6.JPG)


>ad hominem


Not an argument, Moshe.

Feel free to explain why every "far-right" figurehead is a crypto-Communist. Go ahead. I'll wait.

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738d05  No.219664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You must be new.

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738d05  No.219665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0aecfa  No.220664

I hope Americans will torture and kill them very soon. There are many hit lists on the deep web that include all jew politicians, government agents, etc. Download and share them.

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af85ff  No.220668

File: 38d822f126749a0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1506x930, 251:155, glowiest_image_evar.png)

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568680  No.220676

I sure hope so. Kill all of the filthy pieces of commie jewish shit.

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8643d5  No.220677


That sounds cool. Can you share the links or post the lists here?

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aae416  No.220707

File: 8e2be0df77dde55⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1080x785, 216:157, 8e2be0df77dde55714f005d8e6….png)

It's ridiculous how illogical the left's take on the Q LARP is. The Watkins at the very least enable it now, but had they created it, it would have started here, and not 4chan. Back in 2018, I spent a few hours digging around - I won't go into detail - and I'm 99% sure I identified the original poster, finding someone obsessed with all the right (fraudulent) source material, and even a plausible reason for choosing the moniker "Q".

The ostensible truth about Q is that it started out as the delusions of a mentally ill individual who really believed in his predictions, and then it was hijacked by grifters - who may have even been true believers in the original Q lore. After that, it's anybody's guess, but I suspect there's been some outside influence on it for a very long time.

As much as I hate the assorted boomers in the MIGA/Q-sphere, I hate their opposition slightly more, and don't want to give them a win.


Striker is more of a Strasserist than a Nazbol.

The obsession with everybody being secret communists is B'nai Bircher-tier. Capitalism and Communism have always been two heads of the same beast, working in tandem towards the same goals.

You're criticizing the aut-right, but that was there whole thing for a very long time, with all those gay Pinochet memes.

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baf834  No.220709


There were a couple on freenet you should be able to find by doing a search for zionism.

The network is totally spammed by pedos so newfags be careful.

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af85ff  No.220713

File: a651254b0407ecd⋯.jpg (64.24 KB, 1328x825, 1328:825, eric_striker_nazbol_9.JPG)

File: d37e516fe1a9ca9⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 1042x215, 1042:215, eric_striker_nazbol_8.JPG)

File: 154ab634a1881cf⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 1391x697, 1391:697, eric_striker_nazbol_7.JPG)


Everyone knows Striker is Nazbol. But regardless, Strasserism is also Communism. It's all the same cancer.

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d35ba9  No.220724


The Nazbol thing is more of a meme. The most important thing about Strasserism is that the only real jewish funding to the NSDAP was directed towards the Strasser brothers, in an attempt to oust Hitler.

The jews don't fear Strasserism.

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58097c  No.220726


>Our law enforcement community is either weak or willfully complacent.

They're certainly not weak.

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af85ff  No.220728

File: 2631cdaa2121ba7⋯.png (562.2 KB, 479x1043, 479:1043, lauren_southern_nazbol.png)

File: 9279ed1907a0978⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1919x1012, 1919:1012, lauren_southern_nazbol_2.PNG)

File: c011f37428aa798⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1092x1243, 1092:1243, lauren_southern_nazbol_3.png)


>Nazbol is a meme

There was a serious attempt at bringing otherwise right-wing conservatives over to Bolshevism using the Nazbol "meme." I don't underestimate the failed attempt to re-package Communism as something desirable.


I would rather them be weak than willful traitors.

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58097c  No.220731


>I would rather them be weak than willful traitors.

Well, the reality is that they have training, weaponry, organization, etc, and they're using that to enforce a gov't that it's in the hands of our enemies.

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af85ff  No.220733


A sad situation. The only solution is bringing truth directly to the masses while protecting such efforts from Zio-Bolshevik subversion.

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4d090d  No.221325

No its jared kushner. Paid them 100million + mossad protection to be the fall guys

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4d090d  No.221326


Wow jared kushner, you are fucking desperate

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