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File: 5f73f0393ee3845⋯.png (124.19 KB, 207x294, 69:98, dl1.png)

File: 21b2992c750bac8⋯.png (83.54 KB, 282x285, 94:95, or1.png)

2a308c  No.219503

Doesn't it make more sense to have a union between more whiter countries than what we have now.

This could include a free Europe (that has thrown out most niggers and arabs and the like) and also a white etno state in the USA and canada if freed.

Europe could be connected to the white America by fast train through Russia and a bridge over from eastern Russia to Alaska.

It could be like todays EU but with less power and costs just work for free movement of white people and capital and trade and the like. And less costs. It could include northern Italy and Spain, central Europe, Nordic countries (maybe not including the nothern parts of these countries that have more mixture) and Eastern Europe down to the Chech republic (including) or something (then there tends to be mixture with arabs / turks and also maybe gypsies).

This could be combined with strong local democracy direct voting on issues and nation states with strong pro white constitutions that forbids immigration of non whites and sets a limit on how high taxes can bee and also for the union of whiter countries it states that the fees to the union can not become larger than a certain sum / percentage.

This would of course have to be preceeded by the arising of an Etno State in the Americas.

The Order supported that idea. See David Lanes writings:


And his novel: KD Rebel:


I certainly do not agree with everything the man wrote like I do not think marrying many women may be great to a large degree or kidnapping women will be necessary they will run to the etno state! But he was a fantastic author.

Richard Butler of Aryan Nations also pushed the idea and as of latest Harold Covington and when he was probably murdered by the Nazzaro dude or someone knowing about them meeting, by the base.

The subject is part of the narrative in Harold Covington's literature which one may find on archive.org.

Also the occidental observer blogg has raised the subject here:


Also it seems that Richard Spencer has been supporting the idea.

It's not like we have a lot of time, 8 % of the worlds population is white. The umbers are a lot lower if we look at younger people. There are maybe about 500 million more or less white people and there are 1,2 billion negroes and then there are 350 million arabs and 1 billion chinese and 1,2 billion Indians and the other groups. Many of them have large military resources and also the Pakistanians have nukes. So we aint got a lot of time.

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3f9545  No.219505


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4358c5  No.219540

How about you prove you can even defend and reclaim your own nation first, okay you fucking yid?

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5b4deb  No.219550


First of all I am WHITE and protestant.

Secondly, the proposal is for a union of WHITER countries, including something more or less like an ETNO STATE on current USA territory.

I have global perspective on the future of the WHITE race. This is actually to some degree a must allready now because the EU has more or less free movement of people which means if niggers or arabs are let into one country they can easily move later to another.

Also, issues such as race relations are allready governed by UN decretes and the like like such things forbidding racism encouraging racemixing (through school bussing, countries must combat exclusion and work for inclusion…).

So taking a nationalistic approach is naive. Also revolutionary actions or large scale changes in politics are driven to a degree by circumstance. The USA has the largest amount of race mixing and the worst demographic situation and also a lot of guns. Hence the chances of something going down there first are large and then this will spread albeit in different forms to other formerly WHITE nations. Kai Murros has theorized regarding this to some degree. Hence the development in other regions and countries for whites is of interest to WHITES in other regions. Especially in this age of global information spreading through the world wide webb and the like.

Also I value WHITES in the USA and Canada, they have invented and innovated and developed a lot of things important to WHITES worldwide.

Also the latin commies together with the chinese commies and niggers and IT and media jews hijacked the USA election. This was mainly through smartmatic voting machinery and that company was started by Chavéz in Venezuela and then Dominion was bought by the Chinese and niggers counting votes like they need social security money and democrats ended segregation and gave them rights and they don't care cause niggers are psychos. Anyways it seems clear that mainly non whites has ended democracy in the USA and also demographicchange has killed it.

Hence WHITES in the USA have to fight to regain power.

Also WHITES there are getting poorer due to only about 20 % of Christian WHITES getting into university. This also makes for anger, frustration and an excellent ground for things to happen and the like.

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5b4deb  No.219551


So the proposal is for a minimalistic low cost union of whiter countries and regions with a lot of common in culture and the like.

This is combined with strong nation states and local direct democracy, pro white constitutions that forbid non white immigration and the like as mentioned.

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5b4deb  No.219556


Also defending and reclaiming my nation may run in parallel with events in the USA.

There is no contradiction here.

Like…. chill…

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6b7a5a  No.219570

File: d847744bf7adc37⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1123x644, 1123:644, d11.png)

File: 624f6d09a0176e9⋯.png (282.32 KB, 447x535, 447:535, d7.png)

File: bff0b935a38cf64⋯.png (254.24 KB, 640x388, 160:97, d9.png)

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4358c5  No.219572


>I am white

The act like it. Whites don’t support globalism.

> So taking a nationalistic approach is naive.

Kill yourself. You’re a shill.

> The USA has the largest amount of race mixing and the worst demographic situation

Proven falsehoods. Even the Jews’ public statistics prove you wrong. Get the fuck out of here, you worthless piece of shit.

> Especially in this age of global information spreading through the world wide webb and the like.


>ended democracy in the USA

The United States is not a democracy. Democracy is evil.

>Hence WHITES in the USA have to fight to regain power.

This will never happen. So what’s your plan?


You’re talking about politics when we’re decades away from even pretending to fight back to have any political power. Your bullshit is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO US because we have no power and will never be allowed to do this until all the jews and other nonwhites are physically slaughtered. Your thread is meaningless for this reason.

>direct democracy

Eat shit and die communist. Democracy is judaism.


No one said there was a contradiction. My people are being exterminated from the face of the earth and even the ones who know about it are wasting their time with delusional fantasies like this. That’s what bothers me. I will not chill.

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6b7a5a  No.219578


Hello jew jew jew sage.

It would be a minimalist union with little to decide except to work for great communication between WHITE countries. The white population of the USA is not much different genetically from France, Germany or the UK, why not have a union it makes sense.

The uSA has a lot of racemixing. The statistics does not tell the truth because they only cover parents living together.

36 % of parent's don't live together. actually about 17 % of parents don't live with a partner. I think about 21 % of kids are born.

For example around 2,4 % of whites marrry a negro. But negroes does not marry whites much hence alot of the racemixing is with a negro not liviing with the white person they have a racemixed negroid child with.

Hence around 6 % to 8 % of children born are with a negroid and a WHITE parent hence mulattos.

I think whites can and will gain territory within the USA and then work to get more and more territory. Will they get all of the USA, probably not, maybe 70 % to 80 % maximum. The kkk had the idea of the thin blue line, niggers would have a territory going from coast to coast covering maybe 10 % of USA territory. Not a bad idea.

If an etno state arises in the USA within 4 to 5 years and Europe is freed within8 to 12 years, it is not that long of a period. Christian whites gaining territory and then owning media in the USA that then can be seen and read by WHITES worldwide (hence the jew monopoly on information would to a degree be broken).

Democracy is Greek, not jewish. It can work great with a constitution that is explicitly PRO WHITE.

Yes whites are being the victim of a deliberate genocide a holocaust. Without their own territory this happens sure it can be slowed down by heavy anti race mixing laws but no country has this.

Hence you have racemixing and also other races agressively stealing resources and teritory from WHITES hence a genocide.

Therefore WHITES on the American continent need their own territory to survive. When this is in place the rest would follow.

It's either territory or DIE motherfucker.

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6b7a5a  No.219580


The statistics only covers those children whose parent’s live together and that is only 64 % of children.

Hence between 20 % and 30 % of children with one white parent are racemixed.

And this means probably a minimum of 15 % of WHITES race mix.

This is the highest number in the world.

It also increases the non white population drastically.

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6b7a5a  No.219583


In effect it could be 15 % to 25 % of whites that race mix…

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6b7a5a  No.219594


Maybe this place ain't the best place to post youtube links…

You spammin?

If so, STOP!

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06b938  No.219597

>Union of white countries

>Thinks the USA would be invited

<get fucked niggerspic

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6b7a5a  No.219600

File: a587670a8910079⋯.png (316.11 KB, 409x511, 409:511, dl1.png)


If you would have actually read Mr. David Lane, he advocates for a non nationalistic approach and for whites all over the world to collaborate.

David Lane sais in an interview: "Then realize that our race cannot survive without exclusive white nations."

In his white genocide manifesto he writes: "The inevitable result of racial integration is genocide for the White race through miscegenation. The promotion of miscegenation between White women and colored men is self-evidently a priority in all existing system approved methods of communication."

"Only out of anarchy and revolution can a new White nation arise. And if you do not succeed, let the enemy speak in horror, for generations to come, of the fury of the last Northmen.


"We have two options. One is to migrate back to Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine etc and warn folk there. The second is to try to form a White nation in the American continent. I wrote a short novel titled KD Rebel using the second scenario that can be read on this site."

The nationalist thing is pushed by jews to keep us from uniting in our cause.

David Lane sais the following on thet subject:

"Even the favorite description of themselves given by the Skunk and his cohorts echoes the tactics of our Zionist enemy, as they call themselves Nationalists and American Patriots instead of racialists and racial patriots. Turning White Nation against White Nation, or for that matter all kinds of Nations against each other is precisely the tactic our enemy has employed for many centuries to become rulers of the earth."

This is from the following text:


On nazism he states:

"No revolution or power system is ever exactly duplicated, however. What worked for Hitler in a country that was 99% Aryan with a history of culture and heritage will never work in a polyglot, cultureless nightmare called America. There is no way to secure our existence by peaceable means here. "


"We have been asked our position on National Socialism, or as the Jewish press calls it, "Nazism." We do not think it is productive to tackle 70 years of demonization of Adolf Hitler and the swastika by waving the name or the emblem in public. We honor the concept of National Socialism and all sacred Aryan symbols, both of which are timeless and important elements concerning our racial survival. "


"Our race cannot survive much longer without nations exclusively our own. History has amply demonstrated that proximity to colored races is genocide. Examples are Persia, Carthage, Phoenicia and the Hittite Empire, just to name a few. Even a caste system based on religion and color did not work in India."

But I do not agree with him on the matter of religion as a whole. Luther said jews rewrote the Bible. Probably so, regardless I am Christian.

At his trial he said:

"Those who have set out to mix and destroy the last remnant of Western man know full well that no people can continue in existence without a nation of their own in which to propagate, protect and promote their own kind. They also know that a people who are not convinced of their own uniqueness and value will perish, and that is why I am slandered and destroyed when I show that nearly every improvement in the human condition has come from the fertile mind of Western man."

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6b7a5a  No.219601


The ETNO STATE in the USA read the initial post!

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6b7a5a  No.219602

David Tate of the order makes similar points:

Can't remember his reasoning for it right now but I think it makes sense.

David Tate of the order writes:

IT LEAVES US WITH THE CAUSE, AND THE CAUSE IS THE PRESERVATION OF OUR RACE. It can be put no more simply than that. What exactly does THE CAUSE require? A. We have a TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE to establish a homeland.

The Homeland must be free of racial aliens or we will only be starting back on square one, i.e., TOTAL RACIAL SEPARATION.

Now, let’s consider the requirements of THE CAUSE in further detail: A. TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE. A lesson of nature is that for a species to survive, it requires a “Territorial Imperative.” For example, the wolf and the coyote are both species of canine, they can interbreed - but, for each to survive, they instinctively know that one requires a territory free from the other. Only crossbred dogs lose the instinct of “kind” and of territorial imperative from other breeds - a mongrel gains the instinct of miscegenation. In effect, a mongrel can only do one thing, mongrelize or down-breed. The natural, purebred wolf rejects the half-breed in favor of what is natural, instinctual. Races of men are not so different from species of animals. White men and women exist today because in our history, our ancestors fought and died to preserve our kind. We have the same obligation to future generations.

He does have a point actually humans could interbreed and did so with neandertals and pre neanderthals.

He then writes:

RACIAL SEPARATION. Freedom from race mixing and down-breeding can only be accomplished when there are no other races left to mix with inside our Territorial Homeland. This is racial separation at its only possible conclusion. Examination of past civilizations founded upon the racial “supremacy” of whites over dominated and tolerated non-whites within the same territory can give us historical perspective on where others went wrong. INDIA is but one example with its ancient “caste system,” where Aryans ruled from the top of a multi-layered government, where right and privilege descended from the white racial governing body in multiple layers, through tan to brown to the darkest black “dung eaters” on the very gutter level of the caste civilization. The caste system lasted hundreds of years until it was dismantled in this last century, but the Aryans who set it up have long since ceased to exist in India. The very race this white “supremacist” system was set up to preserve were bred out of existence by their own system of “tolerance.” White supremacy existed in America before the Un-Civil War. The North outlawed slavery after the war, and “segregation” became the new form of "supremacy” meant to preserve white integrity. Segregation failed, and now America tastes the bitter results.

Another historical lesson is the BYZANTINE EMPIRE, which rose in the wake of the collapse of Rome. The white Christian leaders of Byzantium learned many lessons from the fall of the Roman Empire. They developed three laws that became the cornerstone of their government: no racial alien could practice: 1. Government; 2. Finance; 3. Religion (a subsection of which was education). These laws worked great for a very long time; in fact, the white Christian Byzantine Empire is the longest recorded continual and unchanging government in the history of our race, spanning almost six centuries. But from whence came their demise? They had no laws to keep the racial aliens out of their country. First, while the Jews were “persecuted” for their corrupt and lawless practices throughout the world, they found Byzantium to be a safe haven from which to run their web of deceit and interest/usury finance into other nations. As long as the Jew stayed out of Byzantine politics and finance, they were free to come and go. Second, the mongrel Turks were allowed to grow in ever-increasing numbers within the borders of the Byzantine Empire, until finally one day a vile Jew opened the gates of Constantinople from inside, and raping, pillaging Turks brought Byzantium to a bloody and total end. (Today, the Turks are Europe’s “Mexican Problem.”)

Fools tell us that a “race war” is “coming,” they are so blind that they don’t see that the race war has been raging for thousands of years and it has never stopped.

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3f9545  No.219850

File: 15c4ea74441fef8⋯.png (102.12 KB, 629x275, 629:275, fbe.png)


>And his novel: KD Rebel:


>Two stunningly beautiful young women entered the stage, a statuesque blonde, identified by the announcer as Candy, and a willowy brunette named Heather.

>Tennis skirts extended just inches below the juncture of their elegant legs. Halter tops color co-ordinated to their skirts revealed taught, trim midriffs, while bobby sox and athletic shoes enhanced their fresh, youthful appearance.

>The voluptuous Candy was the epitome of classic Nordic beauty. Her long shimmering tresses, the color of ripe, yellow wheat, swung freely around her shoulders. A trim waistline accentuated the matchless symmetry of her hips and breasts.

>If Candy was the essence of Aphrodite, then Heather was a Vestal Virgin. Short brown hair framed a delicate face. A cute nose and expressive eyes proclaimed demure modesty. Her slender figure mirrored the nubile form of a nymph, just past puberty.

>Candy explored every inch of the captured brunette's charms with hands now devoid of tenderness. It was closer to rape than love. Her hungry hands violated the once-demure girl's charms with the most intrusive of indecent liberties. Soon the brunette's exquisite body was writhing in apparent rapture, punctuated with moans of ecstasy, concluding with the involuntary convulsions of intense orgasm.

Thanks for the fap material anon. NOW I'M GONNA COOOOOOM!

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5abdbe  No.219862


Well well at least you got a hard on for white women AND you did not watch porn LOL.

Yes the novel has some sexy parts and the whole approach to women in the novel is the least favourite of mine. Also these two women are like two women addicted to cocaine that work for a jewish owned strip club and so on ….

And like I wrote:

"I certainly do not agree with everything the man wrote like I do not think marrying many women may be great to a large degree or kidnapping women will be necessary they will run to the etno state! But he was a fantastic author."

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763c50  No.219864

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)

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4358c5  No.219865



>I am white

The act like it. Whites don’t support globalism.

> So taking a nationalistic approach is naive.

Kill yourself. You’re a shill.

> The USA has the largest amount of race mixing and the worst demographic situation

Proven falsehoods. Even the Jews’ public statistics prove you wrong. Get the fuck out of here, you worthless piece of shit.

> Especially in this age of global information spreading through the world wide webb and the like.


>ended democracy in the USA

The United States is not a democracy. Democracy is evil.

>Hence WHITES in the USA have to fight to regain power.

This will never happen. So what’s your plan?


You’re talking about politics when we’re decades away from even pretending to fight back to have any political power. Your bullshit is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO US because we have no power and will never be allowed to do this until all the jews and other nonwhites are physically slaughtered. Your thread is meaningless for this reason.

>direct democracy

Eat shit and die communist. Democracy is judaism.


No one said there was a contradiction. My people are being exterminated from the face of the earth and even the ones who know about it are wasting their time with delusional fantasies like this. That’s what bothers me. I will not chill.

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4358c5  No.219866

Oh good, the goddamn site is letting posts through without telling anyone.

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5abdbe  No.219873


I think you are the jew. Jews have been against WHITES working across borders.

Like David Lane wrote:

"Even the favorite description of themselves given by the Skunk and his cohorts echoes the tactics of our Zionist enemy, as they call themselves Nationalists and American Patriots instead of racialists and racial patriots. Turning White Nation against White Nation, or for that matter all kinds of Nations against each other is precisely the tactic our enemy has employed for many centuries to become rulers of the earth."

Why do you need to kill people, you gonna kill everyone of a different race? Good luck, the pakis and Indians have nukes for starters so…

My plan is a new ideology and this includes a way of rule and security for whites. This may be leaderless initially and a movement to spread information to fellow WHITES. Once whites are informed a greater movement arises and either whole areas are taken back so to speak or larger terriotories are mainly for WHITES. The new ideology and movement and strategy to reach goals would be in another thread / subject of it's own.

Whites are like 8 % of the world population how you gonna take out all other races. You a unrealistic person if not just a fraud that push for ww3 total illuminati style (illuminati are for race-mixed, especially part gypsies).

I think many jews want jews to return to Israel and this may be a tendency.

Democracy was invented by the GREEK not jews.

I am certainly not a communist in any way.

Have I supported the EU? Quite the contrary, I wrote:

"And less costs. It could include northern Italy and Spain, central Europe, Nordic countries (maybe not including the nothern parts of these countries that have more mixture) and Eastern Europe down to the Chech republic (including) or something (then there tends to be mixture with arabs / turks and also maybe gypsies)."

And then:

"So the proposal is for a minimalistic low cost union of whiter countries and regions with a lot of common in culture and the like.

This is combined with strong nation states and local direct democracy, pro white constitutions that forbid non white immigration and the like as mentioned."

So if you actually read what I write before just making the same irrelevant points and also just repeating yourself that would certainly make for a better discussion here.

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5abdbe  No.219876


I also wrote: " for the union of whiter countries it states that the fees to the union can not become larger than a certain sum / percentage. "

And then I wrote:

"It would be a minimalist union with little to decide except to work for great communication between WHITE countries. "

I hope this makes clearer what kinda union I have in mind.

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5abdbe  No.219877


The problem with the etno state idea is that whites would have to, to a degree give up territory.

But whites are loosing territory within their nations day by day a block at the time a city at the time…

I do agree this is a weakness in the strategy.

But yeah many nazis here have a fantasy here of killing off other races and the like like come on.

Also what's keeping your ideology back it ain't that popular just sayin.

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fa1d85  No.219878

File: 3ca41c244d9f5a0⋯.png (857.2 KB, 663x1609, 663:1609, richard_spencer_words.png)

>david lane

>aryan nations

>richard spencer

fuck off kikes

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5abdbe  No.219880


I don't think David Lane was jewish. But who knows and why does it matter. He certainly did not look very jewish I do think he even had blonde hair.

I also don't appreciate you disrespecting members of the Order.

Quite frankly what the f*ck have you done lately for whites?

This idea is not thers either but we can't have a union with the USA in it's current state.

So I guess it's either an ETNO STATE or the whole territory becomes a lot whiter through major changes.

Personally I don't favour one solution over the other either is fine with me.

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5abdbe  No.219881


And if you actually read his writings you would know he was very critical of jews to say the least.

Certainly more so than many others in their writings.

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42f4c6  No.219893


>Doesn't it make more sense to have a union between more whiter countries than what we have now.

Yes. You are preventing it with your double cuck spacing, halp plz haaalp.

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5abdbe  No.219896


Also, regarding David Lane, he probably killed Alan Berg the anti-white pro racemixing radio host. Atleast some other member of the Order said he thought he did it. There is an documentary on the order on bitchute and also on worldtruthvideos, where it is mentioned.

Regardless, David Lane stated the following regarding that matter:

"The only thing I have to say about Alan Berg is, regardless of who did it, he has not mouthed his hate-whitey propaganda from his 50,000-watt zionist pulpit for quite a few years"

Does that sound like something a jewish person would say, like comeon.

Also he has written clearly that he thought the organized elite jews wanted to kill of the white race with policy (bussing of negroes, desegregation…) and propaganda for racemixing. He said there was total propaganda all the time mainly by jews for racemixing affecting all senses especially of young WHITE women. And he also talked about the system and so on.

But he also said he thought many jews probably had no clue as to what these particular jews were doing.

Oh and here is the documentary:


Also at bitchute:


And a David Lane interview:


The david lane interview is also on bitchute, just search for David Lane interview.

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5abdbe  No.219904


That being said I don't agree with the Order's strategies and so on.

But regardless I do think David Lane had some interesting ideas.

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fa1d85  No.219905



>i dont appreciate you bad-mouthing muh Jewish controlled opposition organization designed to make national socialism appear as unhinged as possible

fuck off kike

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5abdbe  No.219907


Again WHITE protestant.

What is wrong with your brain. Oh well this was a planned strategy from the nazis call anyone with NEW ideas that may be competiton to their "ideology" a jew and attempt to bully them.

Well let me make things clear to you internet tough bwoy.

Real life is different. Death becomes you. You wanna bring it on motherfucker. You inbred gypsy incest victim piece of … Yeah you know. FUCK YOU GYPSY TATTARE.

Also nazism is not popular mu new ideas does not compete with unpopular ideologies that lost wars and had RACEMIXED berb leaders.

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5abdbe  No.219908

Yes adolf shitler was not only inbred through incest he was also a thief a bad oainter a pedophile and RACEMIXED.

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5abdbe  No.219910


Also I'm done with this forum.

Buy everyone have a nice evening to those who are good people (not sage).

Remember we need collaboration over borders patriotism and nationalism is not the solution.

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fa1d85  No.219911


one less kike.

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5abdbe  No.219914


It would not surprise me if gypsies are killed off and tattare.

Because you are inbred through incest for generations.

I do think many nazis had gypsy blood hence the east indian sun symbol.

Also shitler was a pedo illuminati idiot. Iluminati is racemixed part niggers part jews but mainly GYPSIES and TATTARE the eternal enemy of the white race.

Hence the usage of symbols for racemixing, like aryan (iranian all iranians are mixed with east indians, non are white anymore), the east indian swatika symbol, all east indians are mixed regardless of their cast system.

Hitler was just used to create white guilt and massimmigration of non whites to Europe.

Oh and the reason I did stop by again was to mention that David Lane did probably not kill the mentioned radio host it was another member of the Order. Also he was probably not that involved in the action being a little bit older. Regardless he was sentenced to a very long sentece without any real proof and probably murdered in jail.

Fuck off gypsy move to india every white person hates you forever your race of gypsies and tattare are hereby doomed forever as the doomed race.

Get out of Europe and the USA.

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fa1d85  No.219915


>muh nazis

>muh hitler

fuck off already kike

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5abdbe  No.219916


Suck dick pedophile whore.

Your mama was a nigger prostitute.

Youre a gypsy.

Fuck off and die.

Youre uggly.

Youre fat.

Youre lonely.

Youre an old virgin.

You will never have kids.

Go put the leather outfit on and go see the other faggots at your local faggot club.

Put a dick up your ass that was fucked by your father and his friends at illuminati meetings and gypsy meetings.

You on all four trembeling nude with a thing and a thing whatever.

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5abdbe  No.219917

Take a plane back to India.

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fa1d85  No.219918

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)


I love how you LARPed as a pro-Hitler, pro-David Lane neo-Nazi until you got called out for being a kike. Now the mask has slipped exposing the hidden nose. Stay defeated, kike.

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5abdbe  No.219922


1. I am not a JEW.

2. I don't have a large nose.

3. Youre a GYPSY, that is the worst cause you suck. Your flag is purple and a version of the east indian just go back there everyone hates you forever.

Youre taste in music is faggot house music and country. Country house.

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5abdbe  No.219923

Wee a woy wipedi woy howdehoo longedoo.

Now I'm gonna leave you lonely ass.

And you will comment again and again do false assumptions regarding other posters ethnicity just to prove how looonely you are…

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5abdbe  No.219924

File: 1a133d97adc0526⋯.png (431.89 KB, 538x403, 538:403, g1.png)

File: 5ce46dc6254fabc⋯.png (187.79 KB, 317x417, 317:417, g2.png)

File: 0ea649ce197ca57⋯.png (671.11 KB, 907x454, 907:454, g3.png)

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4358c5  No.219926



Sage and report spam threads.

>Why do you need to kill people

Because they are killing us.

>you gonna kill everyone of a different race?


>Good luck

Thanks, we don't need it. We're white.

>the pakis and Indians have nukes for starters so…


>Whites are like 8 % of the world population how you gonna take out all other races.



>whites would have to, to a degree give up territory.

Why? Kill or expel every nonwhite from existing white nations' borders. Then reclaim our stolen colonies, exterminating anyone who lives in them and replacing them with white settlers. Rinse and repeat until we've conquered the whole world again.

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5abdbe  No.219940


Globalism would mean including all countries on a global level, hence all races.

This is not the idea here. This is for countries that would all be atleast like 90 % white or the like.

Hence it would not include a country with a large negro or arab population.

Also the powers of the union would be restricted, heavily so as has been mentioned.

Dividing white people with borders seems illogical.


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4358c5  No.219960


No more brother wars =/= all whites are identical and should be in the same nation. We have different cultures. Your globalist bullshit is counterproductive.

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5abdbe  No.219964


Local culture and national culture could still be encouraged.

There are nationalistic cultures, local cultures, European culture, western culture and so on.

For a loooonnnngggg time whites have been inspired by other whites, see classical music and painting for example and architecture.

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784b05  No.220002

File: 8fb37e9dbe16d6a⋯.jpg (251.82 KB, 1079x885, 1079:885, 1612156530180.jpg)

>David Lane KD rebel

Haven't read his literature yet, hence i'll reserve my opinion.

>formation of white ethnostate

The Usa will never be or have a white ethnostate, they dropped their dogs when they imported nigger slaves, freed them without return to sender policy, and then gave them rights along with women.

The USA might have another civil war break out,allthough personally i think it will implode slowly with a whimper.

It will be a case study on why racemixing and trusting the jew to control the inner machinations of politics,media,finance/industry and education is a terrible idea .

>most likely candidate to form white nation(s)

Eastern European(balkan) countries are much more likely to leave EU and form white Ethnostate. Why? because they have had a bad history with both muslims and communism. Any white consolidation and formation of an ethnostate is most likely to sprout there.

It's one of the reasons i'm considering to liquidate my assets and visit some of those nations to test the water and gather info on history,political climate, law and job perspectives.

And maybe emigrate, integrate and settle down permanently.

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c5d86e  No.220023


Maybe you are underestimating the strength of WHITES. Maybe the USA will be freed.

They have lotsa guns! Their democracy was deleted…

We'll see it will be interesting.

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