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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 47b21abfea80f91⋯.png (13.18 KB, 548x152, 137:38, Screenshot_2021_03_14_2043….png)

d13a78  No.219475

two years ago right now…

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315f4d  No.219482

File: 2185bb79e0ffe20⋯.png (408.49 KB, 904x711, 904:711, 1565093184415.png)

Yeah… That day was fun to say the least.

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9703c7  No.219483

I was actually in an airport checking my phone while I waited in line at that time. What a way to spend your last day of an international trip.

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306ca3  No.219495

Was one of the best videos I've ever seen

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a49bdd  No.219548


> Was one of the best videos I've ever seen

The reason the video was banned, is that it is such as pathetic fake, full of continuity errors, which was exposed on this board. Tarrant is a Jew, Freemason, Mossad operative, same as Brevik. He trained with ISIS in Eatern Syria. Same as Brevik. He will spend his life in incarcerated luxury: big apartment; any food delivered; anything he wants to watch; etc.

His actions resulted in

- "assault weapons" gun bans for Kiwis, and

- a great False Flag success: anyone who dares to say anything about the mozzie invasion is now branded a white supremacists and domestic terrorist.

Same as when Bryant triggered the gun bans in Australia.

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29b1de  No.219555

File: bfdba7964c91de4⋯.jpg (109.87 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1614499485467.jpg)

File: 7bbfd9266bfb182⋯.png (772.18 KB, 900x600, 3:2, TarrantForMossad.png)


Totally that.

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081ccf  No.219557



jeez man… someone needs to get the JIDF shills off this board

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315f4d  No.219561

File: 284895a8100fd92⋯.png (329.33 KB, 504x378, 4:3, a0a.png)

File: 1a6d245889252f7⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, 1559945349695.jpg)

File: 038aaf833a6c3e7⋯.png (279.63 KB, 956x650, 478:325, 1556824387068.png)


Optics don't really matter on the clown world where most people will believe whatever the media says regardless of the truth. Gun bans for kiwis would have come sooner or later anyway. Whether tarrant's attack was a mossad job or not it served that purpose. Governments are ok with taking away citizens' guns and their rights of self defense to stop "domestic terrorism, white supremacy" but they won't stop the refugee crisis and mass immigration from the third world to stop islamic terrorism in the west. But at least we got some good memes from the incident.

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e63528  No.219936


"civillians" Your nose is showing kike

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83eeff  No.219937

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)

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a4b6e3  No.219938

Cowards and salty feds have been shilling against Tarrant for two years now. Reminder that he did more for the White race in one day than (You) will ever accomplish in your entire life.

The fact of the matter is that you're afraid of direct action because you don't want to give up your comforts. Shame, because the antiwhite system will make sure that you have no other choice but to fight or flee or become a traitor. By that time, it might be too late for you.


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315f4d  No.219948

File: 3cbe64630774f8a⋯.jpg (47 KB, 600x717, 200:239, 4uBETFINrAQ.jpg)




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af07c8  No.219952


Dude looks inbred and like he likes house music and would really like to go to ibiza…. Just sayin…

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234569  No.219973

File: 682fedec75528f0⋯.webm (3.06 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Mars_16_2019.webm)

Good times!

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d15415  No.220203

File: 8c398001a094e6f⋯.jpg (254.48 KB, 957x1600, 957:1600, 8c398001a094e6f7e51ee5f9d1….jpg)

It was cathartic watching him operate on those muzzies after years of muzrats whacking Europeans during the ISIS chimpouts.

Was it wise, i'm mixed on it… It did not stop islamization whatsoever. If anything it vilified whites and nationalism even further. A common theme across the west and that benefits the jews because they need the west mongrelized.

Personally i'd say it would be more useful to form nationalist social and economic movement and depose zog government.

I'ts the main mission we ought to strive for.

Being overly concerned with, and fighting against (sand)niggers, lefties , faggots serves as a distraction, it would be more prudent to form jagged alliances and get them focussed against zog as well as they themselves stand to lose everything too when globalists assume powewr and usher in their regime upon the entire globe.

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2b25f5  No.220214


I don’t care if it was fake or not. The idea of it was based and I wish it happened more, in Minecraft. I choose to believe it was real and I do hope 50 Muslims are in deep graves.

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2b25f5  No.220215


>If anything it vilified whites and nationalism even further.

It did accelerate things, but nothing we do can slow down the demonization of whites. It’s happening and will happen regardless of what we do. I agree that creating a real movement and ejecting the kikes from power would be the most productive thing, but demonization is going to happen no matter what we do. They demonize any movement that might even slightly threaten them.

However, I think they truly fear Tarrant and men like him. Could you imagine if a million white men grew the balls to do what he did and if their targets were a bit more focused?

I think any action at this rate is a good thing—even if that sounds edgy. They’re already demonizing us. They’re already coming for our guns. They’re already replacing us. We’re already in a cold civil war—in the US at least. I think a more realistic option is to embrace the status as a vicious minority, until a real movement emerges. Muslims, niggers, and lefties get what they want through random acts of violence, why can’t we?

>inb4 glowie

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ebbc2c  No.220223


wasted digits confim:





I enjoy the ratio of mouth to the external remaining pixels.

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d99c80  No.220679

Oh yes, the false flag by Brenton "the kike" Tarrantino…

How could we forget that obviously staged shitshow?

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