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File: 95210c1e51c09f5⋯.jpeg (671.93 KB, 1920x1357, 1920:1357, 5b473f73e4c84.jpeg)

16c989  No.219443[Last 50 Posts]

Let's just hypothetically say I have a lot of money, and want to found & build a whites only city in the United States without it being Waco'd. I've got some ideas in my head of how to go about this however criticism from you guys is really the only way to refine this. For starters I was thinking it should be located somewhere in Alaska where it could only be reached via plane, train, and boat, the city must have direct access to the ocean, and it must be self sufficient but not in a gay liberal way. Also, I was thinking that in order to make sure it stays white the only way someone can live here is if they work here as well, and the non whites would be rejected for work on the basis of "merit" to keep plausible deniability.

A few policies I had in mind are:

>2A sanctuary

>No bars, nightclubs, pornography, or secret societies allowed

>Smoking indoors ok

>Large parts of city will be pedestrian only

>Architecture will take heavy inspiration from NatSoc architecture & Italian/Greek antiquity.

>Extremely business friendly environment

>No fluoride in water

>Married couples given financial incentives to have lots of children

Other than that I'm still needing to brainstorm a bit more but some questions I had were:

>How much freedom to govern would I have?

>Can citizens local voting rights be completely revoked or severely limited? E.g. only landowning fathers over 35 years old can vote on local propositions

>When it comes to schooling can I tell the state/federal government to fuck off, and implement my own curriculum?

>What sort of policies would be needed to attract people to live here?

>Can I remove women from the work force or would that incur the wrath of the globohomo?

>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?

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490d2b  No.219448


>How much freedom to govern would I have?

You will still be subject to the laws of the country, state, and county in which you build your city.

>Can citizens local voting rights be completely revoked or severely limited?


>When it comes to schooling can I tell the state/federal government to fuck off, and implement my own curriculum?


>What sort of policies would be needed to attract people to live here?

Allow bars and nightclubs, you idiot. White people like to go out and drink with friends, too.

>Can I remove women from the work force


>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?


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482437  No.219451


>How much freedom to govern would I have?

None. Whites do not need government.

>Can citizens local voting rights be completely revoked or severely limited? E.g. only landowning fathers over 35 years old can vote on local propositions

No government. No force. No 'voting' (which is always fucking over the minority).

>When it comes to schooling can I tell the state/federal government to fuck off, and implement my own curriculum?

Parents and guilds are responsible for the education of their offspring. It doesn't make sense for a person to pay to educate other peoples offspring. Not only this but they end up paying more than they would ever pay to educate their own since they pay for education their entire lives. This also aids with class distinction and protects your nations daughters from marrying social rejects.

>What sort of policies would be needed to attract people to live here?

No government. Only cooperative coordination of citizens.

>Can I remove women from the work force or would that incur the wrath of the globohomo?

No, ideally people who want or need to enter the workforce can determine that for themselves in a free and open society.

>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?

Nope, just kill the degenerates. If you want rapists, pedos and other degenerates to be rampant in your society let them live. If you don't kill them whenever you find them. They are not any different than any other parasite (like government) on society.

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e99fcb  No.219474


>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?

no, but tragic accidents in remote parts of Alaska do happen time to time… damn bears, right?


>Allow bars and nightclubs, you idiot. White people like to go out and drink with friends, too.



>Whites do not need government.


youre only saying that cause you live in a low-trust society, in a healthy society government arises naturally, as a means to maintain this health and shared property, with maximized effectiveness.

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1b03f1  No.219509


Bars and nightclubs are pretty degenerate though.

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711e46  No.219510


They don't have to be.

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711e46  No.219511

File: ae84910c8b4c0a5⋯.jpg (198.58 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Club_Alabam_7.jpg)


Forgot the pic. See this example. Everyone's dressed well, there isn't pounding music or thots twerking everywhere. Just white folks enjoying an evening out with their spouses and friends, perhaps to see a show or a comic or a band.

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32f861  No.219513


>white folks

I think you used the wrong pic …

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1b03f1  No.219515


>white folks

Whatcha doin rabbi?

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bec3aa  No.219543

First point: don't call it a city. Don't call it a compound. Call it a "campus."

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ba6a9e  No.219545


It is a black theatre, you stupid imbecile.

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1b03f1  No.219560


Why? Campus sounds pretty gay

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f19f5a  No.219564

File: 9f060577c424c1e⋯.png (467.33 KB, 773x450, 773:450, ftp.png)

Ah another NRA piece of human filth. All they're trying to do is pin everyone right of far-left in the U.S. a pig-retarded white nationalist to literally annihilate free speech on the internet forever and you still spew this garbage everywhere. I'm not a leftist but we're going to rid north america of you ourselves, so they can't use you to destroy us, you know people who actually care about freedom.

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1ca6f0  No.219566


I aint natsoc and I'm not into that kinda architecture a lot.

Also bothe thre Hreek and many Italians atleast southern tend to be mixed a bit these days. Was this due to jews ruling the law in the Roman empire, that is an interesting subject. Regardless.

Also, bars, dancing bars, discos and the like are great ways for white people to meet other whites and they can then have white children.

The loudness in such venues for the music could be regulated not to cause ear damages and tinnitus and the like.

Other than that the niggers and spics would come running, what you gonna do? You can't in todays USA or western Europe forbid other races to live in a territory. The same with homos and the like.

This is governed by UN conventions that the USA has signed aswell as western Europe that are the basis for bussing and desegregation and the like…

Sure yoou and other pro whites may own all the land and not sell to non whites and stipulate in your wills to the next generation they can't sell land or rent apartments to non whites. Also a lot of militant pro whites in an area may scare non whites away to some degree but it does require probably force and probably deadly force in some cases which is illegal. Sure if all people in the area are WN how they gonna know who did what arrest everyone. Still you may have snitches.

As for a white university and schools, you could have people who wanna attend write essays or the like and in effect just accept whites. But it will be a lot of opposition and also probably lawsuits, same if you have rental apartments and only rent to whites.

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1ca6f0  No.219567


Dude or dudette, the people in the picture are negroes and racemixers…

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1ca6f0  No.219568

File: 92b2aa2cfb3830f⋯.png (967.36 KB, 1128x790, 564:395, d1.png)

File: f8010994b2d5244⋯.png (723.28 KB, 505x639, 505:639, d2.png)

File: 56409c1f7f5ab7f⋯.png (442.35 KB, 523x364, 523:364, d12.png)

File: 9fa6766499329f9⋯.png (447.7 KB, 809x508, 809:508, d4.png)

File: c4c9769f793aedc⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1052x837, 1052:837, d5.png)

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0691f6  No.219581


Much better

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368f32  No.219593

Why do we have to larp about this fantasy stuff. Why not work to make your own community like this.

It's demotivational to make threads about shit that will never happen. You can move to a whiter city, or make your own community more white (it's actually not hard to "encourage" specific people to leave your street)

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0acd5e  No.219595

File: 767ae8149d416ce⋯.jpeg (95.05 KB, 728x902, 364:451, 0035129B_A6CF_48D8_9167_C….jpeg)

>A few policies I had in mind are:

>2A sanctuary


>No bars, nightclubs, pornography, or secret societies allowed


>Smoking indoors ok

degenerate but freedom is still based

>Large parts of city will be pedestrian only


>Architecture will take heavy inspiration from NatSoc architecture & Italian/Greek antiquity.

Those guys all had money, manpower, and an incredibly well connected society influenced by global trade, it worked for that environment but I genuinely have no idea how you’re planning to pull it off in bfe, or if the types of architecture natsoc Greek and Italians built would even be practical for your hypothetical environment. Why not let something new emerge?

>Extremely business friendly environment

could be based, but it’s so damn vague you’d have to explain what it means. Do you mean something like a tax haven? Do you mean just a lack of regulations? Corporate tax? Anything stopping anon from coming in with his GameStop money, forming a corporation, and monopolizing every product and service in this small town by simply undercutting local competition until he’s the only game in town?

>No fluoride in water


>Married couples given financial incentives to have lots of children

nice, taking a page out of California’s welfare playbook and adding a “married” requirement.

>Other than that I'm still needing to brainstorm a bit more but some questions I had were:

>How much freedom to govern would I have?

As much as you can compel or convince others to submit to.

>Can citizens local voting rights be completely revoked or severely limited? E.g. only landowning fathers over 35 years old can vote on local propositions

Depends on where you’re trying to do this. If you’re trying to do it in America, a whole lot of Americans have fought and died over this whole voting rights thing, so I wouldn’t take that route. There’s other, more effective ways of deciding who gets to participate in decision making.

>When it comes to schooling can I tell the state/federal government to fuck off, and implement my own curriculum?

Depends on what kind of military capabilities you have. Probably not.

>What sort of policies would be needed to attract people to live here?

Homogeneity and a solid economy

>Can I remove women from the work force or would that incur the wrath of the globohomo?

No, you can’t, you shouldn’t, and you shouldn’t even want to. Your economy should be structured so that women can do the things that women are good at. In every free society both today and in history, where both men and women can freely choose their occupation, there are certain jobs that are like 90% women and 10% men and vice versa. Think nursing, or mining. This is because men and women have different natural talents, and by nature have different interests. The things women do are essential in any functioning society, and preventing women from doing women stuff or assigning the women stuff to men are two sure pathways to societal degeneration

>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?

Degenerate stuff like what? If you’re a small, self sufficient society you’ll probably need to grow hemp. How could you be sure that it’s being used for industrial and medical purposes rather than degenerate stuff. Same with alcohol. You’ll definitely need to produce distilled alcohol, for industrial and medical purposes. How do you ensure it’s not being used in a degenerate way? Are you going to spy on everyone line China? Or will people simply be kept on the straight and narrow through a pinky promise? Homosexuality is a great spiritual evil, but is it more evil than a gigantic, all-powerful, privacy-invading government that spies inside and limits what free adults do in the privacy of their own home?

And therein lies the biggest problem I see. A self sufficient, homogenous society is a great idea and something I’d be down for, but your wish list is absolutely ridiculous. The types of people who would want to move out to the middle of nowhere to establish this society won’t want to live under the crushing oppression of an all-powerful government, even one that they agree with. In particular, they won’t be willing to man this surveillance state or to pay for it. They probably won’t want to pay this “financial incentive for married couples to have children” and frankly even your natsocs aren’t going to be too hot on the whole “funding reproduction for those who cannot even support their own children.” Want more gibs? Have another kid. Ridiculous. A small, self sufficient society surviving without the labor of women? All of history disagrees with you. All of logic disagrees with you. Your city is doomed to failure before it begins.

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a06090  No.219619


>Why do we have to larp about this fantasy stuff.

Because that's what furries do. /pnd/ is a furry board.

>Why not work

You're asking white people to work? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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a11fab  No.219653

Don't do it in the US. Find a nation in the Carribean, that has a purchasable citizenship and very low population that is falling. (St. Lucia is nice this time of year). You dont even have to go there to sign up. This is key. You pay for 50-60 THOUSAND White Nationalist families to sign up for their passport and citizenship whilst not voting or acting up in any way until you have a majority. When you have a majority every single one coordinates and elects new leaders dissolves the government and makes it illegal to be black in the nation. Have a program to export the locals to the United States and turn the place into a paradise!

The 10 billion or so that you put into the program will be sitting there, right where you left it so you get it all back in the end as long as you sieze a few key positions very early on. In reality it will only take 1/100th that much money to simply buy out the various officials and jews running the place right now then change the rules incrementally. I bet the whole nation could be taken for 100 million bucks with 5000 smart people and 50 thousand read to come to the island. hmmm I wonder if there are 50,000 white south african whites who would come there for free if they could. I wonder if they would hate niggers and jews?

Something to think about.

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421621  No.219667


Step 4: Get shelled by the US Navy until you cry uncle and they execute your leaders for war crimes.

A racist white government is not going to be tolerated anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter if you establish it by following all the rules. White racism itself is against the rules.

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482437  No.219791


You are a coward. This is so important to many that it is worth giving your life over.

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154500  No.219800


>White racism itself is against the rules.

What rules?

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421621  No.219805


>What rules?

"International law," "world opinion" - the rules that ZOG uses to justify its military actions

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c648c6  No.219807


>this is so important to many

Ah, the old "they say" argument.

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1ca6f0  No.219812


The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) for starters.

See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Convention_on_the_Elimination_of_All_Forms_of_Racial_Discrimination

It forbids exclusion it must be COMBATTED. You propose exclusion don't you.

Theres another convention in the UN also on race issues and relations.

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154500  No.219814



I don't give a fuck about moral, ethical standards that are imposed by kikes who want to genocide the only empathetic race on this planet.

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421621  No.219819


Well, you should. Not because you should believe in the kikes' fucked-up "morals," but because they guide them. As a purely practical measure, knowing what drives your enemy helps you predict their actions, so that you can plan more effective strategies.

For example, this plan about peacefully taking over a Caribbean island? It's worthless, because you're not considering how your enemy would react. The fact that you conquered the island peacefully, democratically, and legally doesn't mean shit to them. They'll destroy you just the same.

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1ca6f0  No.219821


Well well allmost all countries signed it. That's what theu used with forced bussing of negroes to white schools and desegregation.

It often starts at higher level organizations like the UN. But the UN does a lot of great things also. However I do consider this specific convention the effect of negro countries pushing it aswell as arab ones. The Soviet also pushed it (stalin was maybe not so much against racism…). It seems to have been preceeded by a rise in "anti-semitism" so it is possible jews worked, lobbied and the usual thing for it but I don't know.

This would be an interesting thing if someone has more details on it.

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20d111  No.219829


This is the exact reason that Anarcho-Homicidalism needs to become the only default ideology for Whites. No one should be spared; kill everyone who tries to take away your right to self defense or to have power over you.

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20d111  No.219831

There is no argument against Anarcho-Homicidalism. Because in order to argue against it you have to be 'pro-slavery' and 'anti-freedom'.

Also, anyone who argues against it is, by default, THE ENEMY who needs killing since they are trying to have power over you and violate your rights.

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20d111  No.219832

File: 99b3363375396dc⋯.jpg (516 KB, 744x4662, 124:777, anarcho_homicidalism_reddi….jpg)

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c648c6  No.219835


>if you disagree with me, you die

Incel rage showing. Reported to FBI before you go on woman stabbing spree.

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31649c  No.219845

File: c7a978828b5c568⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 480x474, 80:79, 1539456473869.jpg)





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20d111  No.219887


Are you dead yet booboo? Awwwww, poor widdle thing never even understood English and he is gone already.

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20d111  No.219888


Read it, faggot. You will like it. If you Teutonic faggots had followed its principles you would be the world leaders right now instead of some has beens.

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1b03f1  No.219892

File: 250be30598de35c⋯.jpeg (124.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, E8E8E682_576E_4740_8767_E….jpeg)



This has got to be a bot. Thanks for the bump though.

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b6b413  No.219942

There is a pretty standard system of handling bad faith complaints

A. you don't advertise your existence

B. make a high entry cost for applicants

C. make an administrative delay

D. set up a secret vetting process

E. set up a sham acceptance

Basically someone who has already decided they don't like you struggles to find you, has to pay a tax in order to engage with you, has to maintain an interest while you secretly mount a defense, and at the end gets a fake acceptance.

Instead of dealing with tens of thousands of complainants, you are left with one- and that one person? Well you have lots of resources.

This whole system costs you very little to set up, and so is the default defense for big business and political shill groups

I have meet through several such processes, a genuine applicant knows about the group through a mutual contact, will be reimbursed the cost of joining in some way, will act as a member before it's official; sort of a trial, pass vetting and get admitted- not a huge deal.

So you might have land for sale but not advertise it, have a private planning application for building that's prohibitively expensive, create a fake backlog of applications, an unofficial council and then furnish people you don't like with a meaningless certificate

And if that isn't enough, you can lame someone at any point in the process, this is an art form in many Asian countries where nobody gives a hard "no"

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30d576  No.219994


If you actually had that much money you could afford to hire a lawyer and a couple of undergrads to do the research and get you real answers. So I know this is a circlejerk but I'm going to pretend it's real.

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30d576  No.219995


> no secret societies allowed

lol, because secret societies will see the "no secret societies" sign and not enter?

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30d576  No.219996


>no bars

Only speakeasies then? Okay.

>no porn

lol good luck with that

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f2bebd  No.220004


>And if that isn't enough, you can lame someone at any point in the process, this is an art form in many Asian countries where nobody gives a hard "no"

You got my attention… Are you saying that the Asians when they don't like you, will just keep whipping up as many barriers,bureaucracy and requirements as possible to make undesirables give up and go?

It's absolutely genius, you get polite points by never clearly selling no or rejecting applications .

You maintain plausible deniability, because you never turned anyone down directly, they (unfortunately) merely just decided to give up and leave.


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f7d2bb  No.220044








Fucking idiots. You don't know how much of a negative effect this has on society. Gendered society is much better and more pure. I don't have the time to explain right now but this is one of the ways Jews advanced our downfall. Fucking degenerates.

>inb4 "incel" got 4 kids

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f7d2bb  No.220046

One more thing: white people will never be content with just 1 little city, or even an entire region. No, we'll want a fucking country for ourselves. Stop avoiding the larger issue of getting redpilled politicians into positions of power.

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58682e  No.220054


>I don't have friends and nobody invites me to go out for the evening and I will never have a wife, so I will ban everything except forced marriage so that maybe I can get my pee-pee touched

Kill yourself.

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c247fc  No.220083


Except those people won't call me a nigger or tell me exactly what they think they'll always hold back punches.

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59a22d  No.220100

If you got money to burn just buy a massive patch of land and build a company town, trick being only people you like are allowed to enter the premises.

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f5defc  No.220106


Except that’s illegal and you’ll be arrested for doing it.



Fucking kill yourself. There is no peaceful solution, and this whole bullshit of just “running away” to make your own city won’t work, because they’ll just come after you. Waco proves you can’t run away. Stand and fight or admit that you love the ZOG and don’t actually oppose them.

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ce95e4  No.220121


(part 1)

I like your idea, OP. There are already communities like this in the US, but they don't exactly advertise that they're white micro-ethnostates, so it's entirely possible, but keep in mind that you'd have to gear your optics towards something else so that outsiders don't recognize what you're actually doing.

my critiques and suggestions are as follows:

>No bars, nightclubs, pornography, or secret societies allowed

People will create and distribute these things if there is a demand, regardless of whether or not it's approved; this game of cat-and-mouse will cause a serious strain on your resources and manpower. You can, however, use these things to your advantage in order to vet people while they're inside of the boundaries of your community. For example, those who consume pornography publicly will be recorded and monitored, and can be kicked out for literally any reason you come up with. As for bars and nightclubs; maybe set up an alternative which scratches the same itch. The majority of people will want to go out for a drink every now and then, and it's good to have places for people to come together. Someone else in this thread mentioned dance halls, and I think that's a great alternative. You could set up officers inside of these establishments who could observe and report degenerative behavior, which could then be acted upon much in the same way as I proposed in the case of pornographic consumption.

>Large parts of city will be pedestrian only

>Extremely business friendly environment

Businesses need roads and motorized transit in order to receive goods. It is possible for you to create a multi-layered transit system akin to what was originally proposed for Walt Disney's vision of Epcot. You could have both, though, and for inspiration I'd suggest doing some research on Victor Gruen, who envisioned large pedestrian spaces which were still very business-friendly.

>No fluoride in water

You'd need a large water recycling and purification center for that, as rivers and lakes can be compromised.

>Can citizens local voting rights be completely revoked or severely limited? E.g. only landowning fathers over 35 years old can vote on local propositions

Sure, create something like a company town, wherein the land is owned by a private entity, this would allow you to set up your own rules on what is now technically entirely your own private property. Structure your "company" to function as a government over this property. "Employees" of this "company" would have to sign a legally binding contract which stated that they could be "fired" if they went against the consensus of the voting public. This, however, creates a small issue regarding land ownership, but this can be mitigated by writing up a contract for people who intend to buy land, which would essentially state that they were only allowed to live on the land if they abided by the rules laid out by the "company town" and that they would only sell to admitted members of said community, this way your government could retain lawful control over landowners, and would ensure that those who bought the land would consent to being governed by your "company".

>When it comes to schooling can I tell the state/federal government to fuck off, and implement my own curriculum?

Build your land in an unincorporated part of a local township and you'll be able to provide all of the public services via your own private governance. In other words, just set up a private school. Instruct teachers to fill out federally or state sanctioned standardized tests on behalf of the students, make it look legit and auditors won't come around to check on you.

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ce95e4  No.220122


(part 2)

>Can I remove women from the work force or would that incur the wrath of the globohomo?

Have the women sign an NDA and a Non-compete contract, and allow the contract to expire immediately if they decide that they no longer want to reside within your community. Employ them under your company, pay them on commission, and don't give them any work to do. One thing I would suggest is allowing women to take up roles such as teachers, midwives, and nannies.

>Would I be legally allowed to ban homosexuality, and degenerate stuff?

I mentioned earlier that you could vet people from inside the confines of your community, and evict them for literally any arbitrary reason, so long as you stay under the radar and provide a separate excuse for evicting them (instead of whatever you're actually evicting them for), such as having an unkempt lawn or committing simple misdemeanors like j-walking; however, there is another thing you can do. Set up an office somewhere outside of town for prospective residents of your community, have them commit to an interview wherein they are asked a series of questions which will provide you with a basic understanding of the kind of person they are, then enter their name into a fake lottery which is carried out behind closed doors, chock rejected applicants up to having "bad luck". Also, charge a steep entry deposit, which would be returned to them after a six month probationary period within your community; this will quickly sift out the rabble.

>What sort of policies would be needed to attract people to live here?

I wouldn't suggest fixating on advertising your policies, and instead focusing on optics and the general spirit of what you're doing. Show people the clean streets and the gorgeous architecture first, explain the "lifestyle" of the average resident, and if it is absolutely necessary, explain how the policies which are in place are designed to cultivate a certain kind of ideal community. Only reveal your policies to people who have passed the inspection and are seriously interested in living within your community, otherwise you'll attract negative attention.

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46ab87  No.220127


>A racist white government is not going to be tolerated anywhere in the world.

Begs the question of won't be tolerated by whom?

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b1a7a9  No.220131


>Except that’s illegal and you’ll be arrested for doing it.

Not necessarily. It all depends on the local zoning laws. Rural tends to be much less restrictive, whereas urban you need endless permits for every damned thing you build (big or small). That is one reason I live rural, because I like being able to do what I desire on my own private property. Private property owners can allow others to stay on their property, that has always been allowed, as long as I personally know and trust someone they are welcome on my property anytime.

As for the OP, cities are highly over-rated and not necessary. If you really want freedom and independence you need to embrace decentralization and support local. Any high density population is going to attract the undesired. Those who corrupt themselves typically seek maximum exploitation and profits, and cities are ripe for it.

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664974  No.220134


People like yourself should look into homeschooling networks as well as Amish communities, this is pretty much what they have done and will always do (vetting their own kind and such). There are still many small tucked away communities out here in America, if you know where to look you'll find some good safe haven. I wouldn't bother living past a density of 8,000 population per per square mile, anywhere more populated would attract (((vermin))) and it would go downhill fast.

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664974  No.220137


>Basically someone who has already decided they don't like you struggles to find you

That's key right there. It's really not folklore saying highly populated areas attract degenerates and corruption, it really is a fact most people seem oblivious to. As far as high taxation, that'll just strain your own resources, not necessary for keeping away the undesirable. What is much more effective are small nitch local "home associations", typically around the outskirts of smaller towns, they often give their own family members and friends tips when property is up for sale, and they'll sell first to those they know or from a trusted recommendation presented to them from someone living nearby. That's why a lot of those communities have next to no crime rate, no foreigners et al. Those types often don't stand a chance to look before the properties sell to personal relations.

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f5defc  No.220141


IT IS ILLEGAL FOR WHITES TO HAVE THEIR OWN ORGANIZATIONS. How is this confusing? Zoning has nothing to do with it. They will come for you.

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86e209  No.220142


The downside of homeowner associations is that there typically is a monthly or yearly fee to live in those residences. A fee well worth the cost but not always affordable for many who work just to make ends meat. For those that have the fiscal flexibility it is worth it as typically those communities are more picky who they sell property to. Even a lot of rich commies tend to look for homeowner associations in the cities because that's how they keep undesirables out of their gated communities. Not all homeowner associations are rich gated communities though, it really depends where you look. The more affordable ones tend to be rural rather than urban or suburban. Consider the benefit of lower taxes and less regulation, it's a win-win.


As far as the Waco fear mongering, I do not deny the feds can be total murderous jackasses but they typically leave people like us alone as long as we are low key, keep low profile and don't flaunt firearm ownership. The Branch Davidians caught the ATF's attention by openly announcing their intention to form an armed resistance community for end times tribulation. That draws red flags! My recommendation is keeping low profile, don't flaunt your political viewpoints or plans and you should be just fine. There are many rural communities that are prepared, self-sufficient and well armed, they don't get raided because they don't make a big ordeal out of it. They're not in the business of advertising. If you are going to advertise "white community only" or "armed resistance militia" or "end times cult" then you better expect being eyeballed by feds as they get a hard-on for jailing people like that! Just lay low and they won't know.

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dabd49  No.220145


Wow serious? You think they are going to stop with their imperial global agenda if you is a ‘gut boi’? What the fuck are you people smoking?

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f099f0  No.220146


The key is not to flaunt "organization" but to make relationships with people nearby you know and can trust. You do not need to be part of some openly announced club. It's common knowledge where I live, for example, that if they come for our guns we will shoot back and even our local sheriff knows damn well about that. We don't need to flaunt it either. Just lay low, make friends with like-minded people, get together to practice shooting, hunting, fishing, etc. Be low key, nothing to it.

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dabd49  No.220149


People are not going to invest a lot of energy into a place where they can be ‘kicked out’ at the whim of a dictator. In your scenario you simply become the ‘new jew’. Is that what you were aiming for because people are not puppets for you to stick your hand up their asshole as brain controller. Why do you think the jew is loosing control at this point? It is because no one believes them anymore. If no one believes them then they will not be able to sway peoples opinion.

Sometimes I think that the best thing everyone could do is not advocate for Whites but simply sew massive confusion and disbelief everywhere. People can’t say that is ‘hate’ and it will have the same effect in undermining the jew completely. You can’t be tagged as ‘White’ or ‘hateful’ if you are just confused, but if you sew confusion everywhere their systems and control paradigms will still be destroyed. Maybe the Russians are correct in their long term agenda. IDK.

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dabd49  No.220150


No it doesn’t. Everyone knows.

We are going to have to become more innovative if we are going to destroy hierarchy and prevent it from every rearing its ugly fucking head again….because you all are ‘enjoying’ hierarchy, right?

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dabd49  No.220151


Yes, running and hiding while they import and distribute niggers and retarded spics by the plane load and then force relaocate them into your community seems like a good idea.

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c0321e  No.220165


You got a point, which is why I'd recommend looking for trusted homeowner associations. Again, the way they operate is legal and solid, they give everyone living in the residence a heads up if a property is to be sold, then everyone talks to relatives and friends, which at some point someone comes up with a trusted buyer, many times without the property even being officially published on the real estate market! I know a guy selling a 7 acre lot right now, I was among the few dozen around my rural community told about it, not even on the marketplace and it's been sold already to a trusted neighbor who knows a good friend willing to buy. He'll be building a homestead after some landscaping is done, may even ask him if he wants my help so I can make some extra money.

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a264a7  No.220169


My recommendation from experience: how I got to live in a white community with no crime at all (and how you can too)! I moved rural, on the outskirts of a small town. When searching for property I simply looked for a local residential area that had a homeowners association. I also checked demographics and population density to be safe. I hired a self-employeed private rural realtor to contact a guy selling the homestead I now live in. I met face to face with the guy, he told me all about the area, who is who, who owns what lots, etc. Made a deal with him (no housing market involved) and he sold the property to me. Before doing so he had a couple others around the area meet me at the residence. I paid an extra fee to the realtor for his time and efforts. Everything done legally, not much hassle at all.

There was no "white supremacist boogaloo conspiracy", everything was legal and legit. Sometimes the answer is not being so scared about everything. You do not need to organize some radical group to simply stay safe, sometimes it's best to simply work around the free market system. Honestly, I often think THAT is the reason commies would actually like to destroy the free market.

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