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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 48df2cfc06b0515⋯.jpg (287.13 KB, 1280x726, 640:363, dailystormer_redpill_3.jpg)

d7d600  No.219058

Entrapment shill arrested after forgetting to use private proxy on 4/pol/.

>Police said the man made the threat on 4chan, a website frequently used by extremists and white supremacists.

>A 27-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was last week arrested and charged with threatening to kill after the police were alerted to threats made online.


This is probably the thread:


FEDposters are kike shills. They bait anons into saying something stupid and then report anon to mods for violating U.S. law who in turn report anon to Feds. This is how chan honeypots works.

>inb4 no one will ever do anything!

This is reverse psychology designed to instigate an emotional response. "Yeah I'm gonna do something!" - is what the shill wants you to say. Then you're reported to mods and next to Feds. If you want to do something productive then combat the Enemy's propaganda. Destroy the Left VS. Right, Zionism VS. Bolshevism, false dichotomies. Learn how to acquire and present information.

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8d6b60  No.219107

File: ad005565bce1d63⋯.png (158.16 KB, 384x304, 24:19, stephan_balliet.png)

I don't think you're going to orchestrate a change in demographic unless you concoct a clever plan in a decently clandestine matter. counter-propaganda was a lost cause long time ago. ever since Charlottesville, ever since Christchurch, normies have been patternized to behave in a certain stimuli which elusively adheres to them react to redpills, regardless of how truthful they are.

he might be a fed, but GypsyCrusader is an ostracized example, and how he managed to broach the nigger-kike question. something that attracts a majority in a way that is enjoyful and entertaining. humans are driven by emotion, they are diverted through emotion and powerful speech. endless statistics and bant will get you nowhere. how do you think Adolf consolidated victory? through powerful speeches, the germans required a powerful voice, and coincidentally he provided hope to the population.

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28fb4e  No.219111

File: 148d94604f247f1⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2244x1334, 1122:667, _gypsy_.png)

>OY VEY don't combat the enemy's information war!

>muh gypsy crusader!!!!!!11

acting like a white boogeyman IS the enemy's propaganda, which is why neo-nazi ecelebs are always jews

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8d6b60  No.219112

File: ef40b9be8a1cc68⋯.png (283.96 KB, 400x602, 200:301, 1522821399716.png)


proceed to ignore all my other points, and point out how I mentioned gypsycrusader, despite clearly stating that he was a fed.

either you're some special kind of retard or it's 2 AM in your sandnigger third world country and you haven't gotten any good sleep.

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85439a  No.219115

File: ba98d319b766b19⋯.jpg (200.13 KB, 1363x1007, 1363:1007, dailystormer_nasim.JPG)

>muh based jewish tranny youtuber shooter!

>dont you wanna shoot up a synagogue, goy?

>forget about defeating the enemy's propaganda…

>just be violent!

t. (((dailystormer)))

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c68f9e  No.219147


Who would think that brown mystery meat is 'White'? Only someone who was brown would think that camel fucker was White.

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