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File: 3c9437ace5c4e82⋯.png (148 KB, 485x550, 97:110, mixed_race_baby.png)

151a9f  No.219008

Thread for discussing differences between the different races of men.

Bone marrow can only be transplanted within and not across racial lines. The same is true for organ transplants.

>"Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant." Washington Post, Aug. 5, 2013.


>"Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue." Time, June 3, 2010.


>"Mixed-race patients struggle to find marrow donors." Seattle Times, May 27, 2009.


People of mixed race suffer from more health problems then people of a single race.

>"Students of mixed races report suffering more health problems." UNC News Services, Oct. 30, 2003.


>"UK: Children of mixed race are at greater risk of suffering from mental health problems than same-race children." The Observer, Feb. 22, 2014.


You can identify what race someone is from their earwax, oral bacteria, and fingerprints.

> "Study Says Your Race Determines Your Earwax Scent." NPR, March 20, 2014.


>"Different Races Have Different Oral Bacteria." MexicalXpress, Oct. 23, 2013.


>“Fingerprints reveal one’s race.” Daily Mail, Sept. 29, 2015.


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151a9f  No.219009


Racial differences in immunity to various diseases

>"Scientists discover racial differences in immune response to TB bacterium." University of London, July 4, 2013


> "Risk for gestational diabetes varies by race." National Geographic, May 1, 2013.


>"Vitamin D may increase IVF success – depending on race." New Scientist, Aug. 31, 2012.


>"Ten Percent of Europeans May Be Immune to HIV." Pravda, March 15, 2005.


>"A Few Extra Pounds May Harm Lung Function in Black, Hispanic Kids." Health, Feb. 22, 2013.


>"Link between low vitamin D blood levels and heart disease varies by race." MedicalXpress, July 11, 1013.


Exercise is more beneficial to Europeans than to Negroes within the united states.

>"Exercise benefits black girls less than whites, study shows." Los Angeles Times, June 5, 2012.


>"Exercise’s Anti-Cancer Benefits Vary by Race." NewsMax, Feb. 12, 2013.


Genetic differences between Europeans and Orientals

>"Europe and China have different Neandertal genes." JH Weblog, March 22, 2011.


>"East Asian Physical Traits Linked to 35,000-Year-Old Mutation." New York Times, Feb. 14, 2013.


Europeans are more closely related to Neanderthals than Africans and are all closely related to each other.

>"How the Europeans are one big family." Daily Mail, May 7, 2013.


> “Europeans More Closely Related to Neanderthals Than Africans.” Daily Mail, April 29, 2014.


>“23&Me: Less than 5% of European Americans have more than 2% either African or Native American ancestry.” Dienekes’ Anthropology Blog, Sept. 18, 2014.



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151a9f  No.219010


Story behind OP image

>But when I turn to the mirror in my bedroom to admire us together, I am shocked. She seems so alien. With her long, dark eyelashes and shiny, dark brown hair, she doesn't look anything like me.


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8b7e9f  No.219028


But the big nosed people in media said mixed babies are cuter and healthier: race mixing will make the world a better place and more diverse. Did they lie? How is it possible for them to lie? I thought they were god's chosen people.

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c603dc  No.219064

2,000 years of inbreeding has turned the Jews into a genetic mess. They're almost as genetically messed up as the middle easteners, who have spent the last 1,500+ years marrying and procreating with their own siblings. Europeans, Negroes and Orientals do not have these sorts of genetic problems.

Partial list of Jewish Genetic Diseases:

>Canavan Disease

>Fanconi Anemia Type C

>Gaucher Disease, Type 1

>Mucolipidosis (ML IV)

>Niemann-Pick Disease

>Tay-Sachs Disease.

>Breast Cancer (Higher rates due to a genetic disposition)

>Sephardi Genetic Diseases


>Familial Mediterranean Fever

>Glucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PD)

>Glycogen Storage Disease, Type III (Cori’s Disease or Forbes Disease)


They are also more prone to certain diseases of the mind such as Schizophrenia than members of the other races


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0a9889  No.219065

File: e11837d3286513a⋯.png (132.85 KB, 1406x724, 703:362, jew_diseases.png)

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0a9889  No.219066

Documentary about cousin fucking Pakistanis in the UK


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