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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 423e78b4fa9a067⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 660x594, 10:9, 1242623753566755647820.jpg)

3ba73f  No.218997

I realize that president Biden is actually a long term good president. He's like a reverse Lyndon B Johnson. Biden is just creating shitshows within the socially liberal. Jog Bugden knows he's already going to die, so he wants to kill off the suffering and slowly rotting America by causing hatred and distrust within the political left.

With coronershit being slowed down, I'm hoping to god this is the Cuban Missile Crisis of the silent war. Where every side was just hyper paranoid. With the schizoboomer post about leafs having big shitups around this time being wrong, I hope this is nothing but a big misunderstanding, and we can now breathe a sigh of relief and focus on solving the problems of social discohesion with a civil uprising hopefully behind us. But still; keep that damn Ruger on the wall.

Immigrants are usually conservative in nature, and hopefully as time goes on, socially liberal whites as a concept will die off. Mormons and Amishmen - who are very conservative - have very high fertility rates. As far as I can see; the movement can just outlive the socially liberal.

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ad6329  No.218998


There is no information in this thread, only unsupported opinion. This is not your personal blog. If you're hoping to convince anons of the Left VS. Right false dichotomy you're about 10 years too late. Back to 4/pol/ with (((you))).

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3ba73f  No.218999


lmao stay mad fren

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4c7d17  No.219002


>implying the current state of this site is superior to 4chan by any metric

OP is the quintessence of what /pol/ used to be, kid. Rabid seriousfags like you are the cancer that killed it.


czech'd 'n rekt

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fa7248  No.219014

File: 7f773d5fb490d94⋯.png (449.96 KB, 625x469, 625:469, ClipboardImage.png)


>OP is the quintessence of what /pol/ used to be, kid.

thanks man. i'm a zoomiezoomzoomshit who started browsing in '17 though.

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1cc960  No.219015

File: 2e22703f0de1e4d⋯.png (6.94 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>OP on a different IP cries

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a3bffe  No.219032

File: 352e618dce9916b⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 624x336, 13:7, Dr_Lexus.mp4)

File: ca656f33a159f83⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 95.52 KB, 324x232, 81:58, ChingChing.jpg)

Unfortunately (((OP))), this isn't the Cuban Missile Crisis of the Silent War this is only the beginning. Just as a primary explosive is used to detonate the radically more powerful stages in a thermonuclear weapon, culminating the fusion of protons and a hyper-flux of quanta; so is the CXIX (Sars-CoV-2) Event. The Soviets didn't do anything like this; if they had, rest assured the Yankees would've figured out a way to lobotomize Ivan through his asshole. The fact that "Greater China" isn't a coolly glowing amalgam of urban rubble and radioactive Silicone is something that that upsets me, and to be quite perfectly frank, it always will. And if it upsets me, it likely is also hateful in the eyes of God; it was never up to me in the first place.

No, Sars-CoV-2 is not a modern analogy to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

When taken into consideration the entire gestalt of Global-Sino relations, the picture is a mere grim and odious calculation in the context of Sars-CoV-2. Communist China beat the world creating the next superweapon(s) by trying to (and sort of succeeding) fuse them into some hideous piratical abortion, that when all its forces are combined; it bare minimum "blinds" or "binds" the opponent(s). Again, as it's been stated for a year or so, the issue is when the nature of this stratagem is made nakedly visible not some unseen mesoscopic daemons… social "thermal noise" that's moving the "floor" in the jargon of physics and such, it becomes very clear how the multitudinous tentaculum molesting and fracturing the West truly function. The Communist Party of China is engaging in totally destructive narcissistic machiavelianism in a vain attempt to cover its vile pock marked ass: but the facts are We've caught the anesthesiologist raping the the patient red-handed and on camera. Now during the interview process the perp just wants to go on and on about how that's "[like totally not what it looks like, man]" and I mean… if that's how you wanna play that, that's your call but it never works out. This is the point of view of the entire world, regardless of whatever political theater is bubbling about for you retards. Germany is waffling because that's just like, idk, fuck the Germ lmao; y'all get on that Marching and Hatin' shit, it's like… Bitch, just shut up and fix my fucking car, Lord knows I pay you enough; Hans. Even then, with really just a few major players dragging their feet, the die has been cast; it's a wrap. They've said for 20+ years that the way they wish to take out the West at large is Bioweapons. The proof is in the pudding.

No OP. This is a race to a thermonuclear null sum game. We may be able to stretch delta-t but… pffffffffffft there goes that fag talk again. Just to be clear, the time scale may get pretty far out… but the technological chaos of whats been unleashed by these commie retards will echo throughout known civilization for ages to come.


Gas yourself immediately. chink

You too OP

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028cb5  No.219067

File: 27f60fd4dfa030f⋯.jpg (157.05 KB, 395x214, 395:214, 1242623753566755647822.jpg)


>the technological chaos of whats been unleashed by these commie retards will echo throughout known civilization for ages to come.

it already has retard. now it's about either damage control, or in the case that there genuinely is no going back, it's MOTHERFUCKING MONKEY TIME.

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cd48ec  No.219072

File: 536bfcd2f87979e⋯.jpg (124.04 KB, 710x382, 355:191, TheChildrenOfMen.jpg)


You quite literally lack the fore-brain to properly comprehend what's about to happen.

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