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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 902248893a079e9⋯.jpg (304.71 KB, 720x848, 45:53, californiaisshit.jpg)

277ada  No.218927

I click on the California courts site map, and I see this. link https://www.courts.ca.gov/779.htm

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67cfdd  No.218928


So what?

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efbec5  No.218934


> Changing a child's gender is okay

You are part of the problem

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67cfdd  No.218938


When my son was born, a clerical error happened and they put an F on his birth certificate. Before he started school, I had to go through the legal system to - guess what - CHANGE HIS GENDER!

You're seeing a problem where there isn't one. You SJWs make me sick with your manufactured outrage.

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277ada  No.218949



I don't visit here often, but this site is now confirmed invaded by larping leftists. Calling people "SJW"s for opposing this is like calling them that for opposing any other LGBT thing. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, idiot? Also, sure this is meant for your made up story, which has probably happened a grand total of 10 times or less in the history of government records on earth.

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efbec5  No.218950


Good thing it was the gender that you needed to change, and not his name or DOB. The government apparently only has a procedure for changing birth certificate errors if that error is gender.

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65db6b  No.218957

File: f5ba409dd89141d⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 600x809, 600:809, bawwww.jpg)


>bawwwwwww California hurt my feely-feels

Fucking snowflake.

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675684  No.218972


>oy vey trannies are good

Commit suicide.


Not even remotely what anyone is talking about, subhuman.

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65db6b  No.218988


You're clearly a window licking retard. How much do they pay your handler to type for you?

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7359d0  No.219000



It's a shame your mom didn't swallow instead of having you. I bet she would have if she knew that her son would grow up to defend creepy child diddlers under the guise of (badly) trying to troll people, and failing anyway. You never grew out of the I'M TRYING TO BE EDGY AND MAKE PEOPLE MAD HEHE phase, and it really shows because you still have the same level of mental maturity. What a sad life you must have.


>inb4 I wasn't trolling you're just a snowflake xd

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65db6b  No.219005


I'm not doing anything to make anyone mad. California made you mad. All I'm doing is laughing at you for being so mad.

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98c634  No.219012

File: 451bf1005a5568d⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 720x638, 360:319, 147131215_3303690286397688….jpg)


>I'm not doing anything to make anyone mad.

>I'm just trying to call people who are upset about real world shit angry snowflakes because I'm such a master epic troll

Either way it's obvious you're a fucking loser. Noone is impressed by your teenage angst, disguised as being edgy to "make people mad". Put down the chicken tendies and do something with your life, faggot.

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65db6b  No.219017


lol omg you are so fucking triggered. Did the blue dye leach into your brain, snowflake?

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98c634  No.219021

File: 1caf08f725abd9d⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 1360x868, 340:217, 689.jpg)


>lol omg you are so fucking triggered. Did the blue dye leach into your brain, snowflake?

Lmao, so predictable. You did exactly the thing I said you would do. Is calling people mad your only dialog option, you retarded NPC?

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7da1f1  No.219030





A pretty weird series of comments. I see the supposed troll (if there's only one) is calling someone "blue-haired" for being anti-lgbt? Makes about as much sense as the "SJW" reference. Also, this is OP, the last comment I made was. >>218949

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85e1f7  No.219035


You blue haired crying SJWs are the predictable ones. You faggots get mad at the slightest little thing. It's hilarious to watch. Kinda like going to Walmart on 'tard day and watching the 'tards go shopping.

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6ab531  No.219044



Commit suicide.

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85e1f7  No.219048


>the kike ex-mod continues to cry

>the kike ex-mod stops sagefagging because he figured out we all hid sage posts

>the kike can't stop crying

Your tears are the lube I use when I fuck your mother up the ass.

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124fa5  No.219050


What the fuck are you talking about?

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98c634  No.219062


Oh, speaking of which, did your tard handler forget to supervise you or something? Are you lost?

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841560  No.219105

File: 8f7921c94b93c9e⋯.png (89.43 KB, 216x199, 216:199, Smug_Freeza.png)


>how to change a childs gender

I thought it was up to the child to decide on their own, now the parents are changing it for them? That's pretty bigoted thinking california

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