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ec2c2c  No.218895

After the success of translating Sportsvorschrift Fur Das Heer, the Wehrmacht physical fitness book, there was an attempt to make the next project for the Rightwing Translation Squad: the acquisition, scanning, and translation of the Nazi 8th Edition of the Meyers Lexikon, Germany's equivalent of the Encyclopedia Britannica.


Out of 12 planned volumes, only 8 or 9 regular volumes and the 12th volume, which was just an atlas, were published. The publishing house was destroyed by Allied bombing, and the Allies later banned and burned as many copies of the encyclopedia as they could. There was also a three-volume "little lexicon" edition, published from 1933-1936, that was completed.

Since the original thread on half /pol/, I've heard nothing about this project. Are we still on?

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d26bbc  No.219031

There was some impact, but what was translated was too niche for a general audience and not engaging enough.

Image-boards live on images, it would be far better to make an infographic in plain English and link it to the original document.

I am currently working on digitizing some of the old Breker works which might be of interest to you- these images will travel a long way on the web and are much much harder to censor.

Normies will use them as stock images unknowingly and they will get circulated on the non-English web and start turning up in all kinds of strange places.

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686530  No.219391



>for a fucking encyclopedia in another language that hasn't been digitally scanned and most people will never be able to find a physical copy

Are you actually retarded?

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