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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e3bbfbe85f6f092⋯.png (1.04 MB, 895x580, 179:116, Jew.png)

6d42b6  No.218872

People on the left wing of politics believe in the Tabula Rasa. They believe that when somebody is born, their mind is like a blank piece of paper and that their experiences write themselves down on that paper and that the collective sum of our experiences determine who they are as individuals. This is not true and has been thoroughly debunked by Prof. Pinker in "The Blank Slate".

The truth is that there are major psychological differences between different groups of people that are hard wired into their brain. Examples:

>It is obvious to most people that men and women think differently. Men and women possess different minds, pursue different interests and think differently to each other. Differences in the reasoning processes of men and women is a primary cause of problems in relationships.

>The different races of men think differently. Negroes, Orientals, Europeans and Jews all think and reason differently to each other. Anyone who has spoken at length to a member of another race (of the same biological sex) knows that this is true.

In this thread we discuss the mind of the Jew and how the mind of the Jew differs from the minds of Europeans, Negroes and Orientals.

Here is an example of one of the ways in which the Jew thinks differently to us and members of the other races: In Holohoax threads there is always at least one Jew who claims that the Holohoax MUST have occurred because Hitler, (like pretty much everyone else in Europe in the 1930s,) thought that the Jews were a disgusting and evil people. In the mind of the Jew, these two things are one and the same.

In the mind of a Jew, not liking someone is the same as possessing a desire to literally kill them. There are no gradations, in his mind, between these two extremes. Corollary: If a Jew does not like you, you can be sure that he literally wants you dead.

What are some other examples that you fellows have noticed?

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5f6152  No.218884

File: 81c228b882c33da⋯.png (344.48 KB, 1058x800, 529:400, SatanIsGoddotorg.png)

Revilo P. Oliver discussed how even "good Jews" who supposedly tell the truth, like Benjamin Freedman, will mix lies with truth, like a limited hangout type of thing. Even the ones who seem to be "self-hating" have a fundamental Jewish character.

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