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File: 9b5dd0547e08595⋯.jpg (563.04 KB, 900x900, 1:1, globe.jpg)

a67a59  No.218758

I am not sure how much longer I want to stay in a country that doesn't value me simply because I'm a male over the age of 18 and doesn't work some evil job that victimizes others to make obscene amounts of money that can only lead me into temptation and shit. This social culture I'm stuck in is sick and based on toxic masculinity and I hate it. I just want to be a good person and help people, but in America I'm just supposed to drug all my problems away, be helpless and subservient, and not care about how abusive and evil the government is.

How do I get out of this place? Where can I go? I need laws that are actually possible to follow, an economic system where I can have some kind of a way to live, some kind of fulfilling life, and not be forced to play 9-dimensional social chess all the time.

Where can I go where there are some English speaking communities, where I can get quick citizenship and burn my US citizenship quick, where I wouldn't get extradited, where they don't throw fake charges on people for any type of accusation regardless of if it's got any validity or not? God damn it, I just want a peaceful life already…

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9d626f  No.218759

You have to have money to leave anon. On average it is around 200K to leave for a civilized nation. That is what it costs in social services for anyone to take you in as a foreigner.


The other option would be Pedophile Island where they are looking for young people. They will give you free land and everything. Most people who are not raised on that small of an island can't handle it because it is so tiny and boring.


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a67a59  No.218760


Well, I can probably put together the money if needed. But that second link you posted, that just brings up a blank page. What kind of weird joke is that?

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9d626f  No.218762


Oh weird. It looks fine on my end. Type in Pitcairn Island immigration and that will get you there. It would be OK for you because you don't have kids and they are looking for young people. Everyone pulls their onw weight on the island meaning that you are responsible for the upkeep of roads and services. But they give you free land and a close knit community too. I just call it Pedophile Island because you don't want to bring children there (so if you were a young family it should be ruled out) since they have such a problem (due to their mixed race blood) with pedophiles.

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1fdd98  No.218770

File: d5038f8baa9c870⋯.jpg (2.77 KB, 114x125, 114:125, 1612704041330s.jpg)

You should move to Zimbabwe.

Always nice weather, no evil jobs, plenty of cheap cough syrup so no coofrona. Plenty of people to help.

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3b2dd9  No.218774


>I'm a male over the age of 18

a bloo bloo bloo men are so oppressed and downtrodden

>How do I get out of this place?

You buy a plane ticket.

>Where do I go?

Wherever the fuck you want, but keep in mind that whiny Americans aren't welcomed pretty much anywhere.

>where they don't throw fake charges on people for any type of accusation

Oh NOW I see why you want to get out. Anon … did you touch that neighbor girl's boob and now you want to flee justice?

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aa26e1  No.218800


>English speaking communities

English is the language of Multiculturalism. You should get prepared to learn a language other than English.

>where I can get quick citizenship

Expect this to take ten years. Most places in Europe it will be five years before you can get a permanent visa, and another five years after that to get citizenship. If the country is based you will need to pass a language and civics test too.


> On average it is around 200K to leave for a civilized nation.

You don't need that much cash if you have an employable skill. You know like being good at programming or digital marketing. Or you have experience as a cop or nurse.


>You buy a plane ticket.



>Americans aren't welcomed pretty much anywhere

Yeah this is true. Americans are fucking LOUD. Literally, I was in the supermarket once and there was this american woman yelling to her husband who was like three meters away "WHERE ARE THE CORNFLAKES?!?" it couldn't have been more stereotypical and awful. Shut the fuck up, mind your own business. You know, even Americans' body language is too loud.

How to Migrate to Europe

1. Get an employable skill

2. Visit several places that you might want to live. Spend time outside of the tourist areas.

3. Approach the professional society for your profession in your prefered cities. Say you are going to migrate and are looking for a job.

4. Wait for the job offeres to come flooding in, because you are such a valuable human being with real skills that people need.

5. Interview for, and be offered a job.

6. Buy tickets and go


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a2c083  No.218817


>all that much takes for a white American to migrate to Europe

Then how come they let millions of niggers who don't speak English, have no education to come to Europe? Moreover, they send migrant boats to bring these future doctors, scientists, astronauts who come and leech off welfare and rape women.

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