Here are the best quotes from Kiwi Farmer Analog Devolved (Аналог Деволвед) AKA Trannylog Evolved (Транилог Еволвед) AKA Vampirella:
> The democrats can't touch me. I'm immune to leftist gay ops. All of my businesses are flourishing even during quarantine. I'm not scared I know daddy Trump will win the election just like he beat Hillary. 4 more glorious years. I'm dedicating this next glass of whisky as a toast to you Pam.
> I don't get drunk. Every sip makes me more intelligent and handsome. I know I'm irresistible to women I don't need to "chase pussy" I have to beat it away with a stick.
> I don't do shit for that evil old hag killary. I don't know where you get your information but if you watched more REAL NEWS you'd know that Hillary hates me.
> America loves me and Donald Trump. You're the only person that hates me Pam and that makes me sad.
> Bryan prays to president Trump to smite @Randall Fragg.
> He attacks @NerdShamer for some reason.
> He sperged about @DisobedientLupus and @Randall Fragg to Ron Paul on /pol/ asking him to intercede with Trump to destroy us.
> He blocked @Just A Butt on twitter, called on Trump to smite me, @NerdShamer @Randall Fragg and @disobedientlupis
> Bryan is calling for your hero, the leader of the Red-Brown coalition, far-left socialist and space station occupant Analog Devolved to be doxed!
> Agent @Randall Fragg has been DOXXXXXXXXED by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it.
> @Randall Fragg @StreetGangsta @Battlecruiser3000ad @Begemot @HumanHive all doxxxxxxxxxed!
> Everyone is doxxxxxxxxed! @NerdShamer is doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed!
> You've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed.
> It was him lmao. Doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed
> Change your email you've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed by Bryan.
> Be careful comrades. Bryan knows who we are. We've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed.
> Bryan links a bunch of kiwi profiles and DOXXXXXXXXXXXX information on 4chan. Beware frens, he knows who we are.
> Too late. You're doxxxxxxxxxxed. He knows you were there and is exposing it.