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File: c0f3670cb7acc78⋯.jpg (204.66 KB, 828x669, 276:223, _Gab_.jpg)

d4a5c8  No.218674

Gab, the right-wing honeypot, was "hacked" and user data leaked to journos and "researchers." Gab, Parler, 8chan, 4chan, kiwi farms, etc. etc.. all honeypots and all get "hacked" at some point.

In response to this type of attack I'm working on a physical system of decentralized resistance anons may choose to make use of. If you're creative then I suggest you try and do the same, or workout solutions to other problems facing decent people who simply want to exist.


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f82ad6  No.218678

File: 2e22703f0de1e4d⋯.png (6.94 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>whines about Gab hack

>links to Twitter

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d4a5c8  No.218679

File: 3dace2095bbe271⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 671x789, 671:789, _gab_.JPG)


Who whined? (((Gab))) was a honeypot from the start. Getting hacked is a good thing because it convinces anons of a lower IQ that yeah - /pol/ was right and these places are controlled oppositional limited-hangouts.

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680fa4  No.218683

Hacks happen all the time. The question should be who did it? Not whether it was done. Large social media companies also get hacked a lot, and 80% of Americans' data sits in the hands of the Chinese now.

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d4a5c8  No.218687


(((Gab))) was hacked using simple SQLi. Either Torba is a kike who setup Gab to be hacked or he's incompetent. I don't believe he's incompetent.

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2827c8  No.218689


>I don't believe he's incompetent.

>Torba is a kike


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d4a5c8  No.218691

File: 5c03401fb2c5da3⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 1000x490, 100:49, torba_surname.JPG)

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680fa4  No.218694


Is the error fixed yet?

Plus from my understanding it doesn't seem to be that significant. If there's a password and private post leak, people shouldn't be putting their real information on it nor linking passwords to other sites/applications.

I always use fake names and fake information on websites. The only thing that would be different is a professional page, which would link to encrypted messaging.

A simple injection seems quite stupid though. All they needed to do on the server end is remove special characters.

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2827c8  No.218695


All kikes are incompetent anon. That is why everything they touch, they destroy.

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178a4d  No.218696


I went to Elementary School with Andrew at St Mary's (Catholic School) Andrew is not a Jew but he did ruin a night for me when we where older.

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d4a5c8  No.218698

File: 00a5647fe0cffeb⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 320x568, 40:71, torba.jpg)



So many kikes running damage control itt

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2827c8  No.218699


How could he not be jewish? Even his online bio listed him as a jew.


You think I am running damage control for a jew?

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d4a5c8  No.218700


By claiming he's simply incompentat removes all responsiblity from him. He created and ran one of the most popular "right-wing" social networks and was featured in news articles. There is no reason to think he's incompetent by allowing a SQL Injection vulnerability to exist but rather purposely and knowingly allowing hte vuln. to exist until the right time for exploitation. SQL Injection. SQLi is prbly the most exploited vulnerability there is so why wouldn't he patch his own site?

>hurr durr im just an incompetent Jew sorry goys!

I don't think so.

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d4a5c8  No.218738

File: d02078fb8559fe4⋯.jpg (209.86 KB, 1921x994, 1921:994, Gab_dead_no_engagement.JPG)

>Gab is dead

>Time is give our user's data over to Communist trannies, journalists, and foreign governments!

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178a4d  No.218744


He went to ST Mary’s up until high school and then he had gone to Riverside Highschool. I went to a rival highschool but we shared many mutual friends.

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577a02  No.218764

File: 4bdeed4d442db8d⋯.png (729.82 KB, 1128x1388, 282:347, reclaim_2021_01_11_at_18_2….png)


you know that cuckzilla is saving everything you do in order to "cancel" you later, right?

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d4a5c8  No.218771


Why would I care what HS the Jew attended?


Everything is a saving everything

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178a4d  No.218775


Because you're chatting with someone who knew him.

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2827c8  No.218778


Well you didn't know him very well if you didn't know he was a jew.

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178a4d  No.218781


He's not a jew. My grandmother has a jewish Surname and much like Torba I was raised Catholic. We're not jews.

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d4a5c8  No.218784

File: e55e157a1800f31⋯.png (50.94 KB, 1382x321, 1382:321, cryptojews.PNG)


fuck off kike

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2827c8  No.218787


>My grandmother has a jewish Surname

Judaism is matrilineal anon. You are most defiantly a jew. Maybe that is why you can't tell that Torba, who says he is a jew, is jewish…forest for the trees and all that. It would never in a million years occur to me to deny my own heritage like this…why do you think you do this? If you have jewish DNA you are jewish…but especially someone whose matrilineal linage is jewish.

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f55d8d  No.218821



This would mean I have kike motives, I do not. I'm extremely right wing and the holocaust is exaggerated.

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f55d8d  No.218822


Right VS. Left is a false dichotomy.

Holocaust was designed by Zionists.

There are no good Jews.

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f55d8d  No.218823


Ah at last. Ill let those at the global cabal know we found a true ascendant

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f55d8d  No.218824


Make a counter-argument to

>Right VS. Left is a false dichotomy.


>Holocaust was designed by Zionists.

otherwise accept

>There are no good Jews.

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aab8b0  No.218829



Yeah , and this place which is run by mossad is “totally legit” right Jared?

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2453c9  No.218837


My OP literally calls 8chan a honeypot. This is a remake of a honeypot. Nice deflection tho.

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6772a1  No.218867

File: 9412ef59bc15ec2⋯.png (561.52 KB, 899x638, 31:22, raid.png)


A few days ago a Kiwis on half /pol/ made a post in which he said he would carry out a terrorist attack on the anniversary of Christchurch. He's just some troll jackarse, but that didn't stop the law from paying him a visit yesterday.


Now that Biden is in office, people should take additional steps to protect their anonymity.

The creepy Jews at the ADL, SPLC and HnH (and probably a bunch of other creepy Jew organisations) are going to stalk you around the internet and try to work out who you are.

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6772a1  No.218869


If you want to be anonymous, you shouldn't post at all on 4chan. The Biden administration has said that it wants to "crack down" on "white supremacists".

You can bet the farm that the feds are going to ask 4chan for information about any pro-Whites on half /pol/ and that 4chan is going to hand over the information. Anyone posting pro-White content on 4chan is going to end up on a watchlist or end up doxed. I don't mean terrorists, I mean peaceful people posting peaceful nonviolent but pro-White content.

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cebd4d  No.218870

File: 64a898874ab1db1⋯.png (744.78 KB, 899x810, 899:810, _tarrant_.PNG)

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e4406a  No.218873


The anon posting in that thread on 4chan the other day was just some kid trying to troll people. He wasn't a member of Mossad.

This is how the feds are wasting their time these days. They find some harmless punk teenagers being edgy on the internet, raid their houses and go around telling everyone that they are "domestic terrorists" and patting themselves on the back.

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cebd4d  No.218875


I can't feel sympathy for the anon. White genocide is happening and people still want to fuck around on /pol/ "for teh lulz." It's appalling. I'm bored with these people.

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