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9edf62  No.218625

Can someone do some digging?

This groups seems suspicious. Also alot of talk about p*zz*'s


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778595  No.218626


>Using Zuck platforms.


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5813a3  No.218627


Nigga, you is dumb.

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dca510  No.218652

Op I looked at it and doesn't seem like anything special at all. Perhaps you been taking Qanon to seriously lately.

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2a6c68  No.218767


it looks innocent until you take a look at their website

>about us

>Sweety High is the cultural destination for teen and tween girls. We’ve built a positive interactive community around everything girls love. Our culture highlights girl power through entertainment, dance, fashion, music, sports, entrepreneurship and technology. Our dynamic platform provides interactive content that encourages our community to have fun, dream and share their stories. We reach girls through their hearts—everywhere they live: web, mobile, social, and live events.

there's something sus here… and don't let the Qtardness spoil the fight against pedo scum

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d14a19  No.218777


>don't let the Qtardness spoil the fight against pedo scum

This might have been the only reason that 'Q' was engineered; to make good people look bad and so that the really bad people could mock the good people later.

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6945d5  No.218832

(((Hey guys jared i mean fellow anon here))!

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