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ad527b  No.218558

In social science and politics, power is the capacity of an individual to influence the actions, beliefs, or conduct (behaviour) of others. The term authority is often used for power that is perceived as legitimate by the social structure, not to be confused with authoritarianism.

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9da835  No.218559

File: fb71877b18efe5a⋯.jpg (184.23 KB, 1200x981, 400:327, 10063724_illustration_of_c….jpg)


Great answer! Also political power is the ability to control the behavior of people through the passage, approval, and implementation of laws and regulations.

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dd9ab9  No.218562

Strange thread. Good info, but strangely random. Is there more?

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d6d606  No.218579


Real power lies in me killing anyone that I don't want to exist.

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64bbbb  No.218620

Great thread, OP.

I find that a lot of people on the so-called right wing are grug-brained and myopic when it comes to power. A lot of them think "If we just show the elites that we disagree with them and dislike them, then their power will crumble and will show that we are the ones with power." The truth is that if you have power, then you will not care what people say or believe. And if you do not have power, you need to internalize this simple fact.

Simply voicing your opinion and "scaring or bothering the elites" from time to time does not mean that their power crumbles and yours increases. Look at the recent WallStreet Bets fiasco. Although it showed whites collectivizing to accomplish a goal, which made the elites annoyed, it did not change anything.

Better yet, look at what happened to Netflix when Cuties was released. Many conservatives were outraged and millions of people supposedly canceled their Netflix subscription, which resulted in Netflix losing billions of dollars. Despite losing billions, they quickly bounced back from it like a person healing from a small bruise.

Why did these instances result in no change? Because both Netflix and Wall Street retained their ability to influence people on a massive scale. Netflix is a monopoly, and already has a well-established established streaming service, and the Jews on Wall Street have tons of money/resources at their disposal to make these small problems go away.

I suggest that people look more into sociology. Look into Antonio Gramsci and his concepts of cultural hegemony and dominant ideology.

>but he was a Marxist!

So what? He had decent insights on power, which should be appropriated by us. We should be building our own "counter-hegemonies " that seek to take power from the hegemonic complex that is ZOG/large corporations.

You should also look into Propaganda by (((Edward Bernays)))

>but he was a Jew!

So what? We can learn how to disseminate our truths in the form of propaganda, which will serve us in taking power.

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e95471  No.218622


>Better yet, look at what happened to Netflix when Cuties was released. Many conservatives were outraged and millions of people supposedly canceled their Netflix subscription, which resulted in Netflix losing billions of dollars. Despite losing billions, they quickly bounced back from it like a person healing from a small bruise.

No anon, these businesses did not 'bounce back' because they have merit. They bounced back because the kikes own the printing press and they distribute wealth to whomever they please in the form of gifts, loans that do not have to be paid back, or grants or the socializing of their debts and the privatizing of their profits. The kikes control the money system that means that whomever they desire to prop up they will…remember when they wanted to prop up that faggot Milo Yiannopoulos so they got him to write a book which didn't sell because no one gave a shit and then a 'mogul' bought all the copies of his books and then stored them in a warehouse that subsequently went up in flames for which he collected the insurance on the contents of the warehouse as well as the warehouse as well as being able to sell the property afterwards? See the scam is run 24/7 behind your backs…jews are not 'capable' or 'productive' but as long as they have the ability to control the money supply they can offload and gift money to their own people making them appear on the façade as a success. This is not actually productive and it will eventually result in their own downfall, especially if Whites, the only race on the planet who is actually productive refuse to participate (I don't have much hope that Whites will actually do this, but a few might; those who will hope to be relevant at a later date in the future).

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dd9ab9  No.218623


>promoting a marxist

>promoting a jew

I really wish (((/leftypol)))/ would fuck off to gulag.

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64bbbb  No.218624


>No anon, these businesses did not 'bounce back' because they have merit

I never claimed that they had merit.

Other than that, your post does not contradict anything that I said.

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ece2cb  No.218715


political power is being aligned with the will of the general populace to such an extent that you think the ideas are your own

having ideas that everyone agrees with

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3c4d41  No.218725


>Great thread, OP.

Samefag shill detected

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64bbbb  No.218791


There was time on 8chan/pol/ where anons would talk about Bernays' work despite him being a Jew. I don't know why you're getting all worked up. It's about learning new things and seeing if we can use this information.

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245d1b  No.218805


Making the discussion exclude jews entirely is a way to protect jews against criticism. That is what they are worked up about. The more people who understand rationally what has been done, the harder it is for them to use the same playbook. They don’t have ‘other options’ because all they ever do is destroy, so they purposefully suppress all conversation that critically examines their action so that they #1 cannot be held accountable and #2 can repeat the same actions on the unsuspecting suspects when they have completed ‘this harvest’ and have a new naive crop of humanity to plunder for resources.

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64407b  No.218819


Political power is when you can do everything in your power to destroy society, yet society continues to stand up and cheer when you enter the room. That's power you can't buy.

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