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a8f0b6  No.218398

Israel expanding its nuclear site.

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3f108d  No.218413


Do you guys ever wish that one reactor in there suffers a huge power increase and it leads to the reactor core exploding then causing nuclear radiation within 19 miles and it starts mutating all the jews into hooknosed, demonlike creatures in the vicinity? I think about it. A lot.

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3e9c44  No.218463

File: 76fb9a9fdf1c221⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 368x432, 23:27, kike_o_demon.jpg)

>hook nosed demons , you say?

*Ctrl+Alt+~ spawn monster_flying_kike-o-demon_*

<(Pic related) appears times 9000

>from the a distance i here a faint hava nagila echo through the valley

>*peak over the crest of hill* sees a swarm of kike-o-demons approach.

>*cracks knuckles, proceeds to load a belt of 5.56 into saw m249*

<*racks cocking handle back* "it's time to take out the trash!"

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394e5b  No.218794


Every day.

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97c470  No.218804


19 miles seems pretty small…at least give us a Chernobyl sized explosion…wait that means the mutated jews will be creeping all over the planet looking for a place to shelter. Is this a good or bad idea?

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3f108d  No.218807

File: 059f6cce4dac032⋯.png (704.9 KB, 1550x938, 775:469, 84561.png)


A man can dream.

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97c470  No.218812


I wonder how many people nuke Israel on that website. I bet it happens a lot. I wonder what places are the highest targets?

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3f108d  No.218816

File: 5c5e6b6556f41a5⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3994x5207, 3994:5207, 12458264784.jpg)


This site is made by a (((wellerstein))). Wonder how that jew feels seeing the usage logs of their Promised Land getting nuked.

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