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eb6b2e  No.218395

>Britain. France. Germany. Holland. Canada. All are sending warships to the South China Sea in growing “pushback” against Beijing.

>Britain’s defence ministry says a multinational task force centred on its new 65,000-ton aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will arrive in South East Asia between April and June.

>France sent one of its nuclear-powered attack submarines which passed through the South China Sea earlier this month. Now it’s sending the 21,000-ton amphibious assault ship FS Tonnere and a frigate through the disputed waters in coming weeks.

>And last month, the Royal Canadian Navy frigate Winnipeg passed through the contested Taiwan Strait to emphasise a “free and open Indo-Pacific”.

Expecting the Xipingu to take Taiwan as soon as Biden can't afford to pay for his military assets upkeep (while warring for jews in Syria). Pretty sure Canada (Fidel Trudeau) is on China's side though.


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3aa0be  No.218411


Don't care.

They are not white.

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c6fc60  No.218446

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c42631  No.218666

ACCELERATE!!!!! WW3 c'mon. Who else wants to see modern weapon technology unleashed?

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41e762  No.218668

You think anything is going to come from this.

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c6fc60  No.218669


Easy there satan. I'd love to see modern weapon technology too but it will be used in whites killing each other. If it's to be used on exterminating jews, niggers, chinks, pajeets then it's fine.

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f4cd0a  No.218731


everything that leads closer to war is important

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45ef0e  No.218766


it's gonna be a hard battle considering the near monopoly the chinx have over manufacturing electronic stuff

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