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File: d394dbd6007a596⋯.jpg (166.67 KB, 490x1063, 490:1063, 1p0qu9.jpg)

59030b  No.218336

Lets break these down: National from Nation meaning: c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

and Social from Socialism: c. 1400, "devoted to or relating to home life;" 1560s as "living with others," from French social (14c.) and directly from Latin socialis "of companionship, of allies; united, living with others; of marriage, conjugal," from socius "companion, ally," probably originally "follower," from PIE *sokw-yo-, suffixed form of root *sekw- (1) "to follow." Compare Old English secg, Old Norse seggr "companion," which seem to have been formed on the same notion)

Now that we have the historical origination and evolution of these terms in time, the contrast of the terms and psyche utilized to define and continually re-erase the ability to confer intentional meaning toward another, and full capacity of copium, we can speculate further on contradiction.

Nature being "race, fam, heritage", and Social being "other non-niggered niggers that are frens". Now that we are already enmeshed both ways from Sunday, wat is the do? What if "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" was the Nation as it's definition? What if Social was fuckall other than a divide to prevent you from gaining the above for your literal heritage, blood and fam?

tldr: it's over, until it starts agin. To beat the jew you must become the jew, and then outjew the jew within. Thoughts?

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59030b  No.218344

File: 1ef585fbeb59b25⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 853x480, 853:480, lionlander.jpg)


what a fag. kys anti-atrophy anti-evo commie.

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59030b  No.218348


dubs may may me do it.

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a793c0  No.218349


>literal word salad with dictionary definitions of words

kys faggot

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59030b  No.218351

File: 0e64b0eeb6a4096⋯.webm (1.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1597009619745.webm)

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09ea20  No.218397


Do you believe that the idea of nations comprised of healthy families didn't exist before the 1930's?

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892a9c  No.218406


> To beat the jew you must become the jew, and then outjew the jew within

Typical jew "logic", a trap for any NatSoc. That is as stupid as saying, to beat the cancer, you must become the cancer, and then out-cancer the cancer within.

The parasite is already inside, the cancer has taken root. Just cut the tumour out, and cauterise any blood vessels that are feeding it. Whatever survives, survives. Without idiotic forward-thinking definitions.

kys kike

> muh dictionary

Your private twisted definitions suck dead bears.

kys jew

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743638  No.218416

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eb8f7d  No.218424


>That is as stupid as saying, to beat the cancer, you must become the cancer, and then out-cancer the cancer within.

unironically, that's what happens with big ass animals, which is why they never die of cancer.

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bbbed5  No.218433



Didn't look like thoughts to me, more like bot-tier garbage-posting.

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59030b  No.218493

File: 2280b35132bef23⋯.jpg (38.85 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 2280b35132bef23f4876f96e3a….jpg)


>Do you believe that the idea of nations comprised of healthy families didn't exist before the 1930's?



How'd the cancer take root, and what prophylactic measures are you introducing with this repetitively failed methodology? You claim to get at a root that is a symptom like ever other dumb nigger on this shithole planet. You sir, are a symptom, the symptom of that which you condemn.

>muh dictionary

It's etymology retard.


no u.


chk'd, appreciate your imput anon.

>pic always related, however indirectly or abstractly we associate with our perceived movements and their misdirection among each other the same.

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59030b  No.218497

File: 5790a0e55af1b7d⋯.webm (2.28 MB, 720x480, 3:2, jeopardyN.webm)


come at me bros, dont have all fucking knight you lazy p'sos.

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09ea20  No.218556



Why is National Socialism pushed so hard?

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59030b  No.218663

File: 9e7d8c90a2a8bc8⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 9e7d8c90a2a8bc8e7d5954dfd1….mp4)


>Why is National Socialism pushed so hard?

It's not. .000something of folk or volk know shit of their past, present or future.

We're speaking of an etymologically co-opted catch-phrase for one, as of much as language and most modern speech is employed in an intended mutual direction for two.

It's perceived as being pushed hard by anyone opposed to it, or pushing anything other than it naturally. "Hitler did nothing wrong" is something everyone clearly understands here, with the only squabble being the acceptability of effectuation of intentionality as a measure of wrong or right, (internal faggotry) which in the face of our current predicament, is precisely the combined mentality of the acceleration and hodle dispositions at their opted odds.

Why do the entities who are among us, receive the understanding and accept that they are independent among that which they depend on engage? (I honestly feel retarded for this, but people are, and even us)

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59030b  No.218665

File: 8657fbee4933008⋯.webm (962.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, dogogonow.webm)


Just feel like dancing, dont know why..

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a87da2  No.218670


That is Wheel of Fortune anon. Not Jeopardy.

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09ea20  No.218673


?It's not

You're pushing National Socialism right now. This thread is meant to push National Socialism. If healthy and traditional families existed all throughout human history then why push one moment in time and one political system? It feels very inorganic, like you're trying to associate healthy families and strong nations with NatSoc, as though there can be no strong nations or healthy families without NatSoc.

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59030b  No.218681


wheel of fortune is jeopardy nigger.

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59030b  No.218684


>You're pushing National Socialism right now

how's that exactly? didn't think I was pushing much other than the contradiction of meanings in the two terms when combined as an ideology.

>It feels very inorganic

so do u. tits or gtfo

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59030b  No.218690

File: 68d3bfc4b5e68b1⋯.webm (8.42 MB, 640x380, 32:19, becomingsSS.webm)


I'll spell it out for you young bucks who're fucked: There will be no acceleration and there will be no a glorious comeback when the time is right. You will fade away in the global current underway or you will take the helm. How many politicians are taking jew bribes to outjew the jew long term? get gud, and get in position niggers.

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59030b  No.218692

File: 8793540b045f0c2⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1122x748, 3:2, 1592634248879.png)



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59030b  No.218702

File: b0637b09b54c354⋯.webm (853.32 KB, 896x496, 56:31, expectkikes.webm)


6k+ years of words and weapons put us here, now. These tactics are compromised. Information itself is not enough, nor the memes and emotive injection from a past forgotten.

What is cro-magnon and neanderthal alex?

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09ea20  No.218704


>contradiction of meanings in the two terms when combined

They only contradict when "Socialism" is in the Marxist/Bolshevik genre.

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59030b  No.218705



this nigger gets something

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09ea20  No.218706


National Socialism as a historical system is incompatible with our current struggle, but Nationalism and Socialism as independently working modes are not incompatible. Again: I don't understand why National Socialism is pushed so hard.

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59030b  No.218708


>Again: I don't understand why National Socialism is pushed so hard.

Why this after good?

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09ea20  No.218709


National Socialism, as a system which hasn't evolved in nearly 100 years, is entirely inadequate for solving the Jewish Problem as it exists today. In fact, it's so inadequete that Jews have a long history of promoting National Socialism. Weev, Frank Cohen, Andrew Anglin, etc. etc.

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59030b  No.218710


ok, but those tits..

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09ea20  No.218711

File: 663cb10514552a1⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 958x638, 479:319, hey_rabbi_nice_tits.jpg)

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59030b  No.218717


chkn those supreme male-clad teets.

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0336e8  No.218747


the jewish problem is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago

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a87da2  No.218748


Or 6,000 years ago.

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59030b  No.218750


This. How many repetitions beyond our ability to remember our repetition must we undertake to oust the factor of procession?

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936c07  No.218753

File: 021514c42fa0d6a⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 800x517, 800:517, arbeit_macht_frei.jpg)


>To beat the jew you must become the jew

The level of retarded faggotry in this statement is almost beyond words.

Nationalism destroys the jew. Christianity destroys the jew.

Nationalism is putting your people first, keeping outsiders as 2nd class citizens (as they should be). In this case jews can't dominate and work to undermine your society. Their entire strategy falls apart. A parasite without a host dies. A healthy nation has no need for the jew and will not suffer him.

Christianity defines all hedonism as sin. It's the ultimate evil. The jew seeks to enslave you by way of sin. Many people don't understand "Arbeit Macht Frei" work, duty, responsibility are freedom. Hedonism is slavery. The man who works hard, is strong and has a family is free in a way the drug addicted, casual sex, reddit cuck can never be. He is not bound to the drug pusher, the pornographer, or the banker. He can say no. The can't be bribed, intimidated, coerced or censored. The jew fears this almost as much as he fears nationalism.

To beat the jew you need only be the anti-jew. The Nationalist. The Christian.

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59030b  No.218761


>.t my spacing

wtf can I be a jew now?

>To beat the jew you need only be the anti-jew. The Nationalist. The Christian.

I get the meta, but if you're implying that your hair brain is gonna get gud with rhetoric, u tardo bro, just like me.

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b1a166  No.218763


To beat the jew you need to kill anyone who tries to have any sort of power over you. Period.

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ca1f3c  No.218820

File: a7c796943ce27bf⋯.webm (5.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Adolf_economic.webm)


solo ops are ineffective as you know and advocate tho, eh glownog?. This is the thread you avoid and/or condemn at all costs yeah? How many tax dollers are siphoned into your sheckle account every night? What balance of shekels does one require to sleep sound and wake to a new day of both internal and external subversion thats ineffective at accomplishing it's goals?

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