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File: 643a9b1c83b4d7f⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 640x335, 128:67, biden.jpg)

eb06e3  No.218268

What do you think? What are the chances of an actual hot war? If it happens, will it be limited nuclear warfare or total war? Who will "win" and what do you think can really escalate the situation? Or is this just another round of impotent sabre rattling like what happened with the SU and both sides will prefer infiltration and causing chaos instead, creating an internal divide or widening them?

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4d6b11  No.218271

Bread and circus

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6744a4  No.218301

The fear of a war with china was only somewhat justified under trump since he wasn't playing ball with them. Government officials in china have talked about finally having someone in the white house they can control again now that biden is in office, now the war you can be somewhat justified in fearing is one with russia. Thats why the U.S has restarted their proxy war with them in syria again by resuming the bombings.

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ba004c  No.218306


>What are the chances of an actual hot war?


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ba004c  No.218308


>fearing war with Russia

My grandmother, who is dead, could kick the shit out of those mincing little faggots.

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6744a4  No.218318


This isn't like your old war stories grandpa, if world superpowers like the U.S and russia go to war with each other in all likelihood there will be no world left by the end of it.

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1eda1c  No.218319


And why that's a good thing

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c53539  No.218329

File: fba57a5fa27c528⋯.jpg (50.94 KB, 706x960, 353:480, 1612156877579.jpg)

Depending on who you ask the war is already ongoing , it began with the trade war Under Trump.

Most of the warfare would be towards economic trolling, hacking and shitflinging. it's gonna be impotent chest puffing from both. A war as cold as eskimo tits.

I doubt the USA is in any state to do hot war vs china .

shooting insurgent muzzies / dronestriking towelheads isn't facing off with an actual army.

leftist won't fight their commie comrades.

rightwingers won't fight either… in fact under Biden i doubt they even get enlisted at all.

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db2426  No.218332


They are already murdering our people in droves, bankrupting our nation, breaking all our laws, poisoning us and committing bioterrorism against us, robbing us and raping kids and being totally perverse. Believe me, we all know that the war is ongoing against us already. They are literally destroying our nation from the inside out, there is going to be nothing but a husk left of imported raping cannibal niggers (which they are importing as fast as they can)…the war has been ongoing in the USA for over 100 years. 108 to be exact.

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db2426  No.218333

At this point we are all complicit in the ongoing murder of our own people. There really isn't a way to debate this. We have all the guns in the world, we are the largest army in the world and they are fucking us up one side and down the other. They are not murdering our people, WE ARE MURDERING OUR OWN PEOPLE BECAUSE WE PERMIT THEM TO DO THIS TO US.

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ba004c  No.218346


Russia is literally inept. They're all sizzle and no steak. Putting on grandiose shows mean nothing when it turns out the tanks and missiles are plywood cutouts. I've seen better floats at county fair parades.

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d235c3  No.218401

"America" isn't going to survive long enough to win any war with China. The Turner Diaries are coming, and they can not be stopped.

That walking corpse called "America" died in 1865, crushed under the weight of its own contradictions. What has existed ever since is nothing more than a zombie, feeding on the brains of the children of the White Nation. The institutions of the ZOG are all illegitimate, it is nothing but a terrorist regime controlled by Kikes, Christfags, and capitalists.

Nothing is going to prevent the rise of the White Nation. Nothing can stop the coming of the Turner Diaries, the White National Congress, the National Socialist White Worker's Party, or White Man Hezbollah. Whatever it takes to bring down the Globohomo Color Revolution regime now in control, after they stole the election from a liberal celebrity Kike cocksucker from Queens New York.

The whole planet will cheer when we put this regime ruling over the White Nation down. No one is going to cry for what we're going to do to the Kikes and their collaborators. The generals of the White Nation Liberation Army will be household names around the world.

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d8df08  No.218402

File: 48df2cfc06b0515⋯.jpg (287.13 KB, 1280x726, 640:363, dailystormer_redpill_3.jpg)


fuck off crypto-bolshevik faggot kike

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d235c3  No.218403

File: e98baf40387119f⋯.png (399.06 KB, 1157x922, 1157:922, Kill_ZOGfags.png)


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

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82804b  No.218466


The next person should probably use an unconventional attack like fire. Difficult to lobby for gun control if they are never used in any killings (kek, I mean outside of the murders that jews arrange and perpetrate against the American people). David Hogg comes to mind as a jewish serial murderer all arranged by the jewish terrorism capital of the USA, (((Broward County))) jews.

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eb06e3  No.218494


> Turner Diaries

i didnt read it all yet, since reading ebooks is kinds shitty, but it is scary how well it predicts present events and it was written in 1999

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51ad47  No.218499


>i didnt read it all yet, since reading ebooks is kinds shitty,

I have a dead tree edition. It's actually a pretty good binding, not like a lot of non-mainstream books. Wasn't a waste of money.

Also I live in eastern europe where no-one cares what books you buy so I'm not worried about getting onto any watchlists.

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d235c3  No.218506

File: f6a2d1191cee6ef⋯.png (123.98 KB, 1126x404, 563:202, pierce_prediction.png)


>it was written in 1999

First publication was 1978, with the first parts being serialized in 1975.

Pierce, having spent the majority of his life on the "American" far-'Right', was able to clearly see the problems that would face our movement. He predicted a lot of the behavior of ZOG-fags here, particularly the belief that all resistance to the ZOG is fake.

Just compare this >>218402 ZOG-fag's rantings with what Pierce actually predicted in the picture.

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